Wow, having read some of the threads on here regarding Far Cry 2, a small(ish) group of people seem to be making some very harsh comments and, more or less, saying that this game is trash. I'm not entirely sure why a few people have reacted so badly, but for those that have not yet played this amazing game, let me set this straight.
I won't bother talking about the graphics but, rest assure, they are up their with the best on the PS3 (maybe the best when all things are considered). The game runs smoothly 99.9% of the time and the screen tearing people keep going on about is very minor and no worse than that found in Uncharted - put simply, you won't really notice it.
Let me address a few criticisms:
Firstly, people have misunderstood what Far Cry 2 is about. This aint no on rails shooter with lots of scripted events triggered by reaching certain checkpoints (think COD4, HALO etc), this is a game that requires thought, planning and patience. If you go running in guns blazing - you will die. If you are looking for a casual shooter, Far Cry 2 is not for you.
The enemies are too strong:
What?? Most weapons, apart from the bog standard pistol, will finish of any enemy in a few well placed shots. The shotgun at close range is pretty much instant death.
Aiming is too hard:
Aiming is not hard, it just takes practice. Guns have, like in real life, a recoil. If you control and counter the recoil, you can shoot very accurately. Unfortunately, people have grown accustomed to games where guns hardly recoil and, when they do, it is very minor.
The AI is stupid:
Very occasionally, the enemy will do something mad. However, what these people are forgetting to mention that, for the other 99% of the time, the AI is amazing. They will chase you on foot, chase you in cars, force you off the road, scout an area, call for backup. Again, people are hyper focussing on one point.
The AI is too smart:
Yup, people also claim the AI is too good at times, seeing you from miles away. The reality is that, unlike in the world of MGS, people can see more than 10ft in real life, so if you don't want to be seen, stay out of direct sight, stay in the bushes and stay low. Hell, maybe go at night... it really aint that hard.
Missions are boring:
The missions are way better than the missions found in GTA4 - and everyone praised that game despite being 100 times more buggy and graphically inferior. The early missions are a little slow, but later on things really hot up.
Guns getting jammed:
Things like this, and the need to take malaria medication, highlight the need for careful planning. The game discourages going in guns blazing because, lets face it, in real life it would never work. No, you need to plan your weapons, plan your route, check your supplies... some people seem to hate this.. but I love it. People also moan that they die and have to start again from miles away - USE THE SAFE HOUSES! There is always once nearby, even if it requires you to kill a few guards. You can normally take half of them out before they have worked out where the gun shots are coming from.
The game is buggy as hell?
Are we even playing the same game? There are some minor glitches that you encounter once in a blue moon and, when you do, it really does not impact on you much. Again, GTA4 was more buggy by far, as was oblivion.
AT the end of the say, every one has their own tastes... but some people are putting others off buying this game, simply because they have failed to understand the point of Far Cry 2.
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