Some of mine are repeats of others, but well-deserved ones:
- Beating Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time
- MGS 3 : Shagohod Escape, Sorrow's River, Nightmare mini-game, The Boss fight, and the ending 'debriefing.'
- Shadow of the Colossus (The whole game was rather epic)
- MGS 4 (Loved it all)
- GTA IV: Four-Leaf Clover Mission
- Finishing Oblivion's main story after over 100 hours
- Goldeneye for the N64
- Ending cinematic for Heavenly Sword
- MGS 2: Sneaking around the Tanker area with all the Marines, watching Raiden slip and fall on bird crap, Raiden versus Solidus in a sword duel.
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