Kinda like me....last Madden I bought had Mcnabb on the cover!!! lol
Coincidently, that was the last time the Eagles were worth talking about, all the way to their downfall last year, and this is coming from a lifetime Eagles fan. I think I still have a copy of that game as well, it's kind of neat to have a collection of Madden games all lined up next to each other, especially when you go from N64 to ps2 to ps3, it really is amazing how long it's been around and how well it still sells.
Oh that's RIGHT... I seem to recall something like that... Now that you mention it...
Sorry Blue, but this Packers fan hadda say something... good luck this season!
Nah, it's cool. Trust me, I saw the Packers beating the Eagles. There was no way Rodgers was going to be defeated by the Eagles pathetic defense, and our horrible offensive line. Plus, they beat the Steelers, so I was right there rooting for them the whole way. I find it hard to support my Eagles right now with their QB. I just don't see where he's that good. After a few games everyone figured him out, he got hit a few times, and then went back to his old ways of just running around with a big play here and there but not enough consistency to do anything worthwhile (lol, losing to Joe Webb and the Vikings). I watched his game against the Eagles in the NFC championship game and wow, he was horirble then too, and guess what, he still looks the same despite what broadcasters say. I'm not saying Kolb was the answer, but if they were going to rely on an old QB then they should've kept McNabb and played him without putting Vick in every other play throwing off the consistency. I didn't see the do that when Vick was QB, where were all the Kolb substitution plays?
Ok, sorry abuot that little rant, I just don't really see the Eagles doing much this year, but who knows.
Idk if we play the Packers again, I know the Bears are coming to Philly this season.
Regardless, I see the Packers getting pretty far and as long as Rodgers doesn't get another concussion it should be a pretty good season for them.
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