You are correct the United States is a balance of regulatory statism and capitalism however what you dont acknowledge is that the greatest innovations in US history have been produced during eras that had deregulation and tax cuts.
So historically, the US has gained its prominence of off free market capitalism, lets take a look shall we.
- 1880s: A period of unregulated Capitalism produced: The first electric fan, first investor owned electronic utility, the first automobile plans, the first camera films, Coca Cola, earmuffs, Nintendo, Kodak box Camera etc etc. The list goes on and on
1920s: A period dominated by Coolidges free market capitalist and isolationist ideology. Hmm lets see: First US radio, TV, sunglasses, electric razor, jukebox, frozen food etc. Etc.
1980s: Reaganonomics and free market capitalism brought a 46% corporate tax rate down to 40%. This brought rise to companies such as Apple and Microsoft (The OS youre typing on basically). This was also the greatest economic expansion in US History, in which the black unemployment rate went down and many were provided jobs and oppurtunities.
1990s: Bill Clinton, another great president promoted innovation and entrepeneurship constantly in his term. The repeal of the glass steagall act, deregulation of telecoms and the welfare reform bill are proof of this. While he did raise the income tax by 3 percent he promoted business freedom across the board and was more than willing to work with Republicans to do so.
Historically, the more freedom you give people to produce what they want, the more evolved and prosperous a society becomes.
When you give people freedom instead of regulating them, the best tends comes out in themselves. Their self interest drives the society forward.
You're literally typing on something produced by free market capitalism, your argument was toast the second you decided to open your laptop.
If you hate Capitalism so much move to Cuba. No one is forcing you to stay.
Im actually shocked people still run with this nonsense. As if they've never bothered questioning it before. As if they've never said "Hey, even if i take these examples to demonstrate what i say they are saying, lets see if world history demonstrates this as well". And of course, they'll find that no, not only are none of these examples a product of deregulation or unfettered capitalism, but innovation is not dependent on capitalism at all. Back to the "even if we are to say X is true" notion, you'd still be missing the point that the innovations you want to accredit capitalism for, were mostly created through necessity, science and advancements in technology that did not happen to due to capitalism. Not to mention all the conflations going on here. The mixing of concepts like freedom of choice in a consumer market, with deregulation of how companies to business. These things are not the same thing.
One could make the argument that its needed to start a nation, it would be a very holey argument and youd really want to argue that its one of the better ways to start a nation, but even then you'd have to limit your citations and ignore counters in order to promote that idea.
But the whole argument is just another great example of how "free market" people, fake libertarians, fake conservatives, etc. dont grasp economics or history. They are always so picky and choosey with their examples. They will highlight things like.... well, above, but then ignore how America is no longer the leader in sciences, those horrific socialist or super regulated countries that by your standard should not be innovating, are. Just a basic overview of this topic and various nations destroys these idiotic ideas. Of course, even worse is how many of these people cant seem to understand that capitalism is simply a function of a society and not the entirety. It goes hand in hand with how they tend to view government, as if its s third entity that came down to earth with all this money and the poor humans are begging for it.
one of the greatest posts in gamespot history....you demolished him in so many ways in one post, I actually felt sorry for him. And no surprise, its from an academic/scholar. Like you said, alot of these innovations had their fundamentals built by scientists who could give 2 shts less about what is happening in the world, how much they are getting paid or if they get famous or not. Alot of these simple minded right wing posters think Einstein brought the world the theory of relativity because of capitalism...LOL! Einstein was a passionate man who had unlimited amounts of curiosity on how the world works...he was passionate and driven. Money wasn't the motivating force for him, not even close. Charles Darwin came from a wealthy background, yet spent years travelling around the world recording his observations, ultimately bringing the world the theory of Evolution through natural selection. Alan Turing was obsessed with cracking the German code during WW2, and he invented the first computer to do it. Again, had nothing to do with capitalism. These kinds of people aren't shackled to the government, to corporation or anything else...they simply follow their own dreams and passions, thats all there is to it.
Ha, completely agree. You have no idea how many right wingers I've argued with who think everything is driven by money, and passion is myth. Just shows you where there minds are LOL.
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