@JimB: Don't ya miss the good ole' days when being a higher up meant you could harass all you wanted to without fear of losing your job?
@JimB: Don't ya miss the good ole' days when being a higher up meant you could harass all you wanted to without fear of losing your job?
O'Reilly, will be missed. He was better than anyone on the other networks. He lost his job because of allegations, nothing proven. Companies would rather pay off people that make allegations than go to court and defend themselves. The lawyers always make out. That is probably why I detest lawyers.
If he is innocent, why take the buyout when you can sue for wrongful termination and clear your name?
Is money more important than the truth for O'Reilly?
Just allegations.
So you think he didn't do those things he was sued for (and settled)?
Fox really needs to do something about all these attractive women ruining the careers of their most prominent men. First Ailes, now O'reilly, is anyone safe? They must be stopped.
@mrbojangles25: Glen Beck survived his exile, well it wasn't for sexual harassment. O'Riley is going to burn all that money. I can't imagine the industry taking him seriously.
LOL wait what?
Glen Beck was a knob and no he did not survive anything, since he is doing those gold commercials now and is one of those old clowns at the Blaze they keep around to keep the young girls entertained.
O'Reilly, will be missed. He was better than anyone on the other networks. He lost his job because of allegations, nothing proven. Companies would rather pay off people that make allegations than go to court and defend themselves. The lawyers always make out. That is probably why I detest lawyers.
You are such a gem.
He isn't wrong.
Which part?
You may dislike O'reilly but at least he was a person who could debate.
And not to forget even Stewart respected him and was on his show a few times , which brought out a good discussion.
@Jacanuk: Glen Beck didnt get better but survives on social media instead of TV definitely a step down. Megan Kelly should do alright she doesn't need Fox News.
The sexist remark that is being touted on CNN is so much crap it is unbelievable. He said to Powers when he got her name wrong that there were so many blonds around he could not keep the names strait. She is claiming it was very sexist. Bull crap. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen. This same person stated in 2014 the he was not a sexist.
O'Reilly apologist really?
The sexist remark that is being touted on CNN is so much crap it is unbelievable. He said to Powers when he got her name wrong that there were so many blonds around he could not keep the names strait. She is claiming it was very sexist. Bull crap. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen. This same person stated in 2014 the he was not a sexist.
O'Reilly apologist really?
One of the people accusing him of shit is on the View. *rolls eyes*.
@n64dd: Why? If he weren't guilty his lawyer wouldn't have told him to settle... multiple times. Were it just one occassion, okay, but no this was over a period of more than a decade.
I don't understand why you are defending a serial workplace sexual deviant. O'Reilly also lost a custody battle because of domestic abuse allegations from his own daughter. Are these the so-called Republican "family values" I see touted by the right?
@n64dd: Why? If he weren't guilty his lawyer wouldn't have told him to settle... multiple times. Were it just one occassion, okay, but no this was over a period of more than a decade.
I don't understand why you are defending a serial workplace sexual deviant. O'Reilly also lost a custody battle because of domestic abuse allegations from his own daughter. Are these the so-called Republican "family values" I see touted by the right?
You really do not know how things work in the states do you? People of high status and corporations settle so they're not dragged through the media.
@n64dd: No, they settle because the evidence against them is high and they have little or no chance of winning + to minimize losses.
If O'Reilly is as innocent as you seem to think he would have fought this and won easily, right?
I almost want to scream when I see O'Reilly. How can you have your own political TV spot and not create controversy by showing the true genocide which should not even be controversial but horrific to the people. In my view this demon of a man is no different than Trump, a silver tongue deceiver guilty of the sin of sloth and negligence, a puppet for the devil, or worse a perpetrator in the greatest mass murder in human kind.
No Fox News host has my respect until they show the ongoing legal murder of babies to their viewers.
@n64dd: Why? If he weren't guilty his lawyer wouldn't have told him to settle... multiple times. Were it just one occassion, okay, but no this was over a period of more than a decade.
I don't understand why you are defending a serial workplace sexual deviant. O'Reilly also lost a custody battle because of domestic abuse allegations from his own daughter. Are these the so-called Republican "family values" I see touted by the right?
You really do not know how things work in the states do you? People of high status and corporations settle so they're not dragged through the media.
Because settling stopped him from getting drug through the media, right? I'm sure that all made sense in your head
@perfect_blue: lol you're completely clueless.
Stop being an O'Reilly apologist. Do you and JimB attend the same school?
@perfect_blue: lol you're completely clueless.
You still didn't answer my question. Why do you think Bill O'Reilly is innocent? You and Trump were quick to accuse Bill Clinton of the same things.
@perfect_blue: lol you're completely clueless.
You still didn't answer my question. Why do you think Bill O'Reilly is innocent? You and Trump were quick to accuse Bill Clinton of the same things.
Bill Clinton admitted what he did.
@JimB: Don't ya miss the good ole' days when being a higher up meant you could harass all you wanted to without fear of losing your job?
Wasn't that why everyone voted Trump? Shouldn't this be allowed again? Bill should go grab all of these fake allegers by the pussy and actually give them something real to talk about. /s
People are actually defending O'Reilly?
Low standards and grasping at straws. Stay classy folks.
We're in the Trump era, what's to be expected? Common decency and respect have somehow become the currency of the snobbish elite. If you're not rude and disrespectful or don't find it acceptable behavior, you're a cucked SJW pussy.
People are actually defending O'Reilly?
Low standards and grasping at straws. Stay classy folks.
We're in the Trump era, what's to be expected? Common decency and respect have somehow become the currency of the snobbish elite. If you're not rude and disrespectful or don't find it acceptable behavior, you're a cucked SJW pussy.
I hate people labeling people fighting for decency as SJW almost as much as I hate women killing babies in the name of "pro choice".
I support ousting him. He is decadent and loud mouthed. On top of that, he is BORING. His conservative views are cringe-worthy and their expiry date has long since passed. Now is the time for proper anti-communist action, not for ridiculous ideas about abstract "rights" that have no intrinsic value.
People are actually defending O'Reilly?
Low standards and grasping at straws. Stay classy folks.
Has he been convicted in a court? is there iron clad evidence of his guilt?
Or do you expect most normal sane people to judge him based on no evidence and nothing else but a few women who may be in it for the money and fame nothing else.
So until i hear him actually admit it or see ironclad evidence , i presume anyone innocent until proven guilty. (Except if it´s a snowflake(SmhbU))
And the only reason he got fired was because of the fleeing advertisers
@JimB: Don't ya miss the good ole' days when being a higher up meant you could harass all you wanted to without fear of losing your job?
Wasn't that why everyone voted Trump? Shouldn't this be allowed again? Bill should go grab all of these fake allegers by the pussy and actually give them something real to talk about. /s
This another example of the PC crowd.
@JimB: Don't ya miss the good ole' days when being a higher up meant you could harass all you wanted to without fear of losing your job?
Wasn't that why everyone voted Trump? Shouldn't this be allowed again? Bill should go grab all of these fake allegers by the pussy and actually give them something real to talk about. /s
This another example of the PC crowd.
Yes that was very politically correct of me.
@JimB: Don't ya miss the good ole' days when being a higher up meant you could harass all you wanted to without fear of losing your job?
Wasn't that why everyone voted Trump? Shouldn't this be allowed again? Bill should go grab all of these fake allegers by the pussy and actually give them something real to talk about. /s
This another example of the PC crowd.
Yes that was very politically correct of me.
I wasn't aware that advocating against sexual harassment, both verbal and physical, put you in the 'PC crowd'.
You still didn't answer my question. Why do you think Bill O'Reilly is innocent? You and Trump were quick to accuse Bill Clinton of the same things.
Bill Clinton admitted what he did.
Right, Bill Clinton is definitely a scumbag. I'll ask again in any case: why do you think Bill O'Reilly is innocent?
@n64dd: Why? If he weren't guilty his lawyer wouldn't have told him to settle... multiple times. Were it just one occassion, okay, but no this was over a period of more than a decade.
I don't understand why you are defending a serial workplace sexual deviant. O'Reilly also lost a custody battle because of domestic abuse allegations from his own daughter. Are these the so-called Republican "family values" I see touted by the right?
If this is true, seems like he would have learned his lesson from the first accuser.
@perfect_blue: lol you're completely clueless.
You still didn't answer my question. Why do you think Bill O'Reilly is innocent? You and Trump were quick to accuse Bill Clinton of the same things.
Bill Clinton admitted what he did.
Not true.
His dumbass for lust got him caught before he admitted. He is even lucky to get a second chance if ever.
You still didn't answer my question. Why do you think Bill O'Reilly is innocent? You and Trump were quick to accuse Bill Clinton of the same things.
Bill Clinton admitted what he did.
Right, Bill Clinton is definitely a scumbag. I'll ask again in any case: why do you think Bill O'Reilly is innocent?
The people accusing him. One of them is from the View. So I take it with a grain of salt.
I wonder how many people commited suicide when trump claimed bankruptcy all those times yet he is still our president.
all i know is ludacris says **** bill oriely!
as far as sexism goes women are dramatic as **** but we as men love them and appreciate them so we will take care of our wives/gfs no matter what. (at least I do)
People are actually defending O'Reilly?
Low standards and grasping at straws. Stay classy folks.
Has he been convicted in a court? is there iron clad evidence of his guilt?
Or do you expect most normal sane people to judge him based on no evidence and nothing else but a few women who may be in it for the money and fame nothing else.
So until i hear him actually admit it or see ironclad evidence , i presume anyone innocent until proven guilty. (Except if it´s a snowflake(SmhbU))
And the only reason he got fired was because of the fleeing advertisers
That woman he called while jerking it is clearly in this for the money and fame lmao
I wonder how many people commited suicide when trump claimed bankruptcy all those times yet he is still our president.
all i know is ludacris says **** bill oriely!
as far as sexism goes women are dramatic as **** but we as men love them and appreciate them so we will take care of our wives/gfs no matter what. (at least I do)
Right? Women are dramatic as hell. You should be able to call up your female coworkers while jerking it with no repercussions. /s
Get a grip man. This guy along with ailes are shitbirds and represent the worst of men.
@doomdizzle: hahahaha omg spit out my coffee.
and ive got a grip on my GPEN :)
Ok, real talk. Whats a GPEN? That a vape or something?
Just throwing this out there, but this is not really political. Belongs in OT.
The rules should go both ways.
I'd argue this is more entertainment/pop culture/current affairs.
People are actually defending O'Reilly?
Low standards and grasping at straws. Stay classy folks.
Has he been convicted in a court? is there iron clad evidence of his guilt?
Or do you expect most normal sane people to judge him based on no evidence and nothing else but a few women who may be in it for the money and fame nothing else.
So until i hear him actually admit it or see ironclad evidence , i presume anyone innocent until proven guilty. (Except if it´s a snowflake(SmhbU))
And the only reason he got fired was because of the fleeing advertisers
That woman he called while jerking it is clearly in this for the money and fame lmao
Has he admitted it? is there iron clad proof?
No, then what makes you believe this women? Is it because she is a female that she is somehow magically unable to lie and be a golddigger?
@Jacanuk: the proof was good enough to make him and his lawyers settle. The mere mention that she recorded this was enough to make him shell out millions.
What makes you beleive this guy? He has a history of this, fox news is notorious for sexual harassment. Hell even Sarah Palin refuses to say she wasnt harassed when she worked there
As far as I'm aware, of few of his accusers are not seeking compensation.
But you'd have to be seriously naive to give O'Reilly the benefit of the doubt here. He held great influence at Fox, to believe a horny old man wouldn't attempt to leverage that power for sexual favor is reaching. Clinton did it, I have no doubt Trump's past is filled with improprieties considering his sleazy, contemptuous, and disrespectful character, and O'Reilly's no angel either. But right, all's innocent until ironclad proof is provided. Always the last bastion of deluded idealism. It's amusing how much partisanship blinds people to connecting the very obvious dots.
Eh, who cares? He's walking away with a mint with the Right's blessing, and the Left seems content. All's well in the world.
Im shocked at the number of people who are supporting Bill and suggesting his innocence. I get wanting to be neutral on the subject, but if one is involving themselves in a conversation in a way that is saying something more than "we simply don't know", then these people have to realize that the women not seeking compensation says quite a bit and the number of times he has faced these lawsuits and settled says more.
Yes, we all know a settlement does not inherently suggest either because there is a valid argument to make on the value of time and cost of lawyers. But the number of these lawsuits should be a red flag for anyone. There is a reason why people we've seen convicted or that we have enough details of to reasonable conclude guilt, tend to have numerous lawsuits in their history and numerous accusations. While the people who are found innocent or we see enough evidence to reasonable conclude innocence, we tend to see no history and very few (if more than the one) accusations.
Another example of a red flag everyone should be seeing is the amounts these are for. These are not small amounts and another thing we generally see here is the settlement amount seems to be dramatically increased whenever we find out that some real evidence has been given to police, recordings, written statements, testimony, etc.
There gets to be a point with these situations where you wonder how anyone can be honest and defend him with anything other than neutrality.
Just throwing this out there, but this is not really political. Belongs in OT.
The rules should go both ways.
I'd argue this is more entertainment/pop culture/current affairs.
He was a biggest political personality on tv. How is this not political?
Just throwing this out there, but this is not really political. Belongs in OT.
The rules should go both ways.
I'd argue this is more entertainment/pop culture/current affairs.
He was a biggest political personality on tv. How is this not political?
Because it's "TV" and "Personality"
it's entertainment. The guy is not a politician. We are talking about a (or many) sex scandal for a talking head, not a politician.
Maybe this is the problem with America? We put these unqualified assholes that like to tell us what to think on the same pedestal we put politicians on. The politicians are bad enough, we don't need some entertainer doing it, too, and being confused for a politician.
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