@JustPlainLucas: Holy cow, man. Long time, no see. How have you been?
There's got to be a time where we start returning to normal, and I think we might be at that cusp.
There's one thing that must be reiterated though: Get yourself vaccinated.
Some people do not have the luxury of vaccinations due to real side effects. There's also the issue of possible mutations if we let COVID run loose in certain segments of our population (country and world), which means we'll need another vaccine down the line. It's abhorrently selfish to abstain from it.
Denver lifted all restrictions as of yesterday. No masks, no social distancing, no max capacity. Businesses still have the right to limit, though. Anyway, I've been as patient as I can. I'm vaccinated, so if those who chose not to get sick and die, we gave them enough time. We can't force them to, so all that's left is for the virus to weed them out. I know it sounds cold, but I don't care anymore.
That's justplainstupid.
I sort of agree, though. Again it sounds cold and I'd never actively wish for people to get sick and die, but if you don't get the vaccine because doing so is "too woke" or "part of the leftist agenda" or "you don't want the government to be able to track you with nanobots" or any such nonsense...you're sort of the kind of person the world doesn't really need.
I don't really want people to die, but much like my friend who died because he drove drunk and another friend that died because he stopped taking his seizure medication, you're sort of asking for it.
I find all this darkly comical because we are all "freedom freedom freedom" when it comes to vaccination but the second we start talking about compassionate/assisted suicide, people are like "LIFE IS SACRED!".
Denver lifted all restrictions as of yesterday. No masks, no social distancing, no max capacity. Businesses still have the right to limit, though. Anyway, I've been as patient as I can. I'm vaccinated, so if those who chose not to get sick and die, we gave them enough time. We can't force them to, so all that's left is for the virus to weed them out. I know it sounds cold, but I don't care anymore.
That's justplainstupid.
I sort of agree, though. Again it sounds cold and I'd never actively wish for people to get sick and die, but if you don't get the vaccine because doing so is "too woke" or "part of the leftist agenda" or "you don't want the government to be able to track you with nanobots" or any such nonsense...you're sort of the kind of person the world doesn't really need.
I don't really want people to die, but much like my friend who died because he drove drunk and another friend that died because he stopped taking his seizure medication, you're sort of asking for it.
I find all this darkly comical because we are all "freedom freedom freedom" when it comes to vaccination but the second we start talking about compassionate/assisted suicide, people are like "LIFE IS SACRED!".
What is comical are the people that think that if you get COVID you automatically die. If you are under the age of 50 you have an extremely high change of survival. I love how the people on the left love to fear monger though. It is really cute!
I sort of agree, though. Again it sounds cold and I'd never actively wish for people to get sick and die, but if you don't get the vaccine because doing so is "too woke" or "part of the leftist agenda" or "you don't want the government to be able to track you with nanobots" or any such nonsense...you're sort of the kind of person the world doesn't really need.
I don't really want people to die, but much like my friend who died because he drove drunk and another friend that died because he stopped taking his seizure medication, you're sort of asking for it.
I find all this darkly comical because we are all "freedom freedom freedom" when it comes to vaccination but the second we start talking about compassionate/assisted suicide, people are like "LIFE IS SACRED!".
What is comical are the people that think that if you get COVID you automatically die. If you are under the age of 50 you have an extremely high change of survival. I love how the people on the left love to fear monger though. It is really cute!
Many people are left with lifelong health issues and/or don't survive but keep it ignoring health warnings. It is really cute!
@sheep99: Might be worse as people will be even less likely to wear masks. At this point we should just give up.
Denver lifted all restrictions as of yesterday. No masks, no social distancing, no max capacity. Businesses still have the right to limit, though. Anyway, I've been as patient as I can. I'm vaccinated, so if those who chose not to get sick and die, we gave them enough time. We can't force them to, so all that's left is for the virus to weed them out. I know it sounds cold, but I don't care anymore.
That's justplainstupid.
I sort of agree, though. Again it sounds cold and I'd never actively wish for people to get sick and die, but if you don't get the vaccine because doing so is "too woke" or "part of the leftist agenda" or "you don't want the government to be able to track you with nanobots" or any such nonsense...you're sort of the kind of person the world doesn't really need.
I don't really want people to die, but much like my friend who died because he drove drunk and another friend that died because he stopped taking his seizure medication, you're sort of asking for it.
I find all this darkly comical because we are all "freedom freedom freedom" when it comes to vaccination but the second we start talking about compassionate/assisted suicide, people are like "LIFE IS SACRED!".
What is comical are the people that think that if you get COVID you automatically die. If you are under the age of 50 you have an extremely high change of survival. I love how the people on the left love to fear monger though. It is really cute!
The extreme focus on the rate of people dying from it hides all those who get life long complication and those who needs months to recover from it. There are still people who got it February last year that are still unable to live a normal life. But hey **** them right?
I mean the way right wingers handle it, they wouldn't care if a virus or bacteria made 90% of the ones who get it crippled. Because hey they didn't die.
That's justplainstupid.
I sort of agree, though. Again it sounds cold and I'd never actively wish for people to get sick and die, but if you don't get the vaccine because doing so is "too woke" or "part of the leftist agenda" or "you don't want the government to be able to track you with nanobots" or any such nonsense...you're sort of the kind of person the world doesn't really need.
I don't really want people to die, but much like my friend who died because he drove drunk and another friend that died because he stopped taking his seizure medication, you're sort of asking for it.
I find all this darkly comical because we are all "freedom freedom freedom" when it comes to vaccination but the second we start talking about compassionate/assisted suicide, people are like "LIFE IS SACRED!".
What is comical are the people that think that if you get COVID you automatically die. If you are under the age of 50 you have an extremely high change of survival. I love how the people on the left love to fear monger though. It is really cute!
The extreme focus on the rate of people dying from it hides all those who get life long complication and those who needs months to recover from it. There are still people who got it February last year that are still unable to live a normal life. But hey **** them right?
I mean the way right wingers handle it, they wouldn't care if a virus or bacteria made 90% of the ones who get it crippled. Because hey they didn't die.
What is the percentage of those people that are what they call long haulers? I also believe that percentage is also extremely low. So again you argument is pretty mute. Everyone I know that has gotten COVID has gotten over it without any issues or long term effects so far. Most people that I know that have gotten COVID refuse to even get the vaccine.
Sorry I will NO LONGER LIVE IN FEAR from something that I have more of a chance to die from heart disease or cancer. Time to move on. If you want the so called vaccine get the damn thing. Easy enough.
My body my choice as you all like to say.
Denver lifted all restrictions as of yesterday. No masks, no social distancing, no max capacity. Businesses still have the right to limit, though. Anyway, I've been as patient as I can. I'm vaccinated, so if those who chose not to get sick and die, we gave them enough time. We can't force them to, so all that's left is for the virus to weed them out. I know it sounds cold, but I don't care anymore.
That's justplainstupid.
I sort of agree, though. Again it sounds cold and I'd never actively wish for people to get sick and die, but if you don't get the vaccine because doing so is "too woke" or "part of the leftist agenda" or "you don't want the government to be able to track you with nanobots" or any such nonsense...you're sort of the kind of person the world doesn't really need.
I don't really want people to die, but much like my friend who died because he drove drunk and another friend that died because he stopped taking his seizure medication, you're sort of asking for it.
I find all this darkly comical because we are all "freedom freedom freedom" when it comes to vaccination but the second we start talking about compassionate/assisted suicide, people are like "LIFE IS SACRED!".
What is comical are the people that think that if you get COVID you automatically die. If you are under the age of 50 you have an extremely high change of survival. I love how the people on the left love to fear monger though. It is really cute!
Holy strawman, has anyone ever said this?
My body my choice as you all like to say.
Normally I'd agree with this sentiment, but in the case of transmissible disease there are consequences for other people when you make your choice.
You need to think of the greater good.
@mattbbpl: No. he is lying to support his flawed logic. The my body my choice line doesn’t apply when your choice can harm others. Vaccines should be mandatory not optional like all other vaccines before kids can go to school.
What is the percentage of those people that are what they call long haulers? I also believe that percentage is also extremely low. So again you argument is pretty mute. Everyone I know that has gotten COVID has gotten over it without any issues or long term effects so far. Most people that I know that have gotten COVID refuse to even get the vaccine.
Sorry I will NO LONGER LIVE IN FEAR from something that I have more of a chance to die from heart disease or cancer. Time to move on. If you want the so called vaccine get the damn thing. Easy enough.
My body my choice as you all like to say.
The rate is unknown atm, however I have read estimates at around 10% of those suffering from Covid-19 gets complications that lasts more than 4 weeks. if that is 10% of all patients or 10% of those who got sick enough to need a hospital stay I don't know either.
It is incredible that you still didn't realise why so many wanted to slow down the spread of Covid. While itself isn't super deadly, it would easily max out our healthcare capabilities meaning lots of other diseases suddenly gets rather deadly because there is no one there to treat it.
If your cancer gets another 6 months to develop before it is discovered, it might very well mean the end for you. If you're unable to get treatment for an infection considered harmless by modern medicine might leave you crippled for life due to lack of or late treatment.
But I guess having a healthy and productive population is worthless.
@mattbbpl: No. he is lying to support his flawed logic. The my body my choice line doesn’t apply when your choice can harm others. Vaccines should be mandatory not optional like all other vaccines before kids can go to school.
So abortion doesn't hurt anyone? I wonder if the baby thinks otherwise.
Again my body my choice, get over it!
@Xabiss: Since the baby is usually just chemicals and has no heart or brain...Yes, abortion hurts nobody if done early. Your logic still doesn’t work.
I sort of agree, though. Again it sounds cold and I'd never actively wish for people to get sick and die, but if you don't get the vaccine because doing so is "too woke" or "part of the leftist agenda" or "you don't want the government to be able to track you with nanobots" or any such nonsense...you're sort of the kind of person the world doesn't really need.
I don't really want people to die, but much like my friend who died because he drove drunk and another friend that died because he stopped taking his seizure medication, you're sort of asking for it.
I find all this darkly comical because we are all "freedom freedom freedom" when it comes to vaccination but the second we start talking about compassionate/assisted suicide, people are like "LIFE IS SACRED!".
What is comical are the people that think that if you get COVID you automatically die. If you are under the age of 50 you have an extremely high change of survival. I love how the people on the left love to fear monger though. It is really cute!
Many people are left with lifelong health issues and/or don't survive but keep it ignoring health warnings. It is really cute!
i just read ED is one of the possible long-term side affects.
maybe darwin at work?
@JustPlainLucas: Holy cow, man. Long time, no see. How have you been?
I've been alright. Surviving. Still with the library, and fortunately we didn't we get furloughed from COVID so I consider myself extremely lucky.
@Xabiss: Since the baby is usually just chemicals and has no heart or brain...Yes, abortion hurts nobody if done early. Your logic still doesn’t work.
They just don't do it early anymore so stop with that narrative. Again my body my choice. Abortions have killed more people then COVID will ever get close to killing.
@Xabiss: I respect your dedication to the bit, but you need a new one. This one isn’t working.
And don’t try to straw man abortion, won’t work.
That is what I thought. You can't defend the killing of babies and I get it. ROFLMAO!
My body my choice baby!
@Xabiss: Ugh.
Back on topic, as abortion has zero to do with this. The CDC has made a huge mistake, let’s hope it doesn’t cause another surge.
Wow, no idea my comment would be followed by such a heated argument. Anyway, all I'm going to say is that at some point, we have to get back to normal. The whole "but it's too soon" sentiment is problematic because at what point is it not? Yes, we still have people getting sick and dying, but we still have millions unemployed and homeless, and business continue to shutter. How much more economical damage and psychological trauma can we continue to inflict on the rest of society to protect a very small fraction of the population especially when the survivability rate is high?
The entire point of the lockdowns and the social distancing and the mask mandates was to buy us enough time until the vaccine was out, and now that millions of us are vaccinated and the vaccine can now be administered freely pretty much everywhere, it's time to get things back on track. You don't have to listen to the CDC's new guidelines. You can still wear your mask, stay at home, stay away from people, all that jazz, if you think it will continue to help, but also consider doing that for the rest of your lives. The virus will always be out there, so live with the constant worry that you're going to get someone sick or get sick by someone. But for the rest of us (and please be the vaccinated rest of us), it's time. This isn't a left or right statement. Just how I feel.
@JustPlainLucas: The Spanish flu pandemic lasted longer. We can open businesses just as long as people wear masks and stay apart, then the companies clean effectively. We can open up and be safe, it doesn’t have to be one or the other.
@JustPlainLucas: The Spanish flu pandemic lasted longer. We can open businesses just as long as people wear masks and stay apart, then the companies clean effectively. We can open up and be safe, it doesn’t have to be one or the other.
Is it accurate to compare this pandemic to a pandemic over 100 years ago, though, as people back then didn't have the same medical technology and cleaning chemicals and equipment and such? Regardless, those who are vaccinated shouldn't have to adhere to masks anymore, because that's why we got vaccinated. And again, are we supposed to wear masks and stay apart for the rest of our lives because there's always going to be one person getting sick. What percentage of vulnerable people will you be happy with? Because if you adopt a percentage, then I wonder why you won't just stick to 0.
What is comical are the people that think that if you get COVID you automatically die. If you are under the age of 50 you have an extremely high change of survival. I love how the people on the left love to fear monger though. It is really cute!
Many people are left with lifelong health issues and/or don't survive but keep it ignoring health warnings. It is really cute!
i just read ED is one of the possible long-term side affects.
maybe darwin at work?
Saw that myself and it seems a classic case of Darwin.
Abortion as an argument against using a face mask? The far right has no limits, Jebus!
The argument is over my body my choice. That is what your argument is over abortion and now you don''t like it. HYPOCRITES!
Man I'm not an advocate for abortion but your equivalency is stupid. You can give covid to others. Someone's abortion is not going to physically afflict you.
@JustPlainLucas: The same policies were used to beat that one, can be done here. Once vaccines are pushed out for the majority and we get effective treatments it will be just another flu. Until then, we have to deal with it. People got sick of it and started complaining and protesting in a few months. Really? People can’t be inconvenienced for even a few weeks? Are we that soft?
@LJS9502_basic: He has been going with that in 3 threads now. Wonder how long he keeps it up.
Abortion as an argument against using a face mask? The far right has no limits, Jebus!
The argument is over my body my choice. That is what your argument is over abortion and now you don''t like it. HYPOCRITES!
Man I'm not an advocate for abortion but your equivalency is stupid. You can give covid to others. Someone's abortion is not going to physically afflict you.
It's at this point that you should recognize shit posting for what it is and take the L.
I get my 2nd shot June 5th. I'll keep wearing my mask because I'm not a whiny pussy and can handle a very minor inconvenience.
So stunning and brave!
I wouldn't call it brave. I would call it, not being a douche bag and putting my petty wants above the health of others.
@JustPlainLucas: The same policies were used to beat that one, can be done here. Once vaccines are pushed out for the majority and we get effective treatments it will be just another flu. Until then, we have to deal with it. People got sick of it and started complaining and protesting in a few months. Really? People can’t be inconvenienced for even a few weeks? Are we that soft?
@LJS9502_basic: He has been going with that in 3 threads now. Wonder how long he keeps it up.
Yes, but that was in 2020 when they didn't have the vaccine out. Now it's here, and the majority of people living in Colorado counties are vaccinated so why continue to keep things restricted for those won't get it? They made their choice. They can get sick and learn the hard way. The sooner we stop keeping people at odds with one another, the better. And when you say wait a few weeks, they've been saying that since the virus first appeared. "15 days to stop the spread. A month of lockdown. Mask mandate for 30 days," and every time they've prolonged it. That kind of attitude, we'll never return to normal, because you'll want to wait a few weeks from now, even though the numbers are improving, you're going to tell people to wait another few weeks. After that, another few. Again, what percentage of vulnerable people are you happy with until everything can open back up again? If it's 0.05 percent, then I guess that 0.05 percent of the population doesn't matter to you. Do you see what I'm saying?
As for your @ to LJS, it'll stop until people start ignoring him.
@JustPlainLucas: The same policies were used to beat that one, can be done here. Once vaccines are pushed out for the majority and we get effective treatments it will be just another flu. Until then, we have to deal with it. People got sick of it and started complaining and protesting in a few months. Really? People can’t be inconvenienced for even a few weeks? Are we that soft?
@LJS9502_basic: He has been going with that in 3 threads now. Wonder how long he keeps it up.
Yes, but that was in 2020 when they didn't have the vaccine out. Now it's here, and the majority of people living in Colorado counties are vaccinated so why continue to keep things restricted for those won't get it? They made their choice. They can get sick and learn the hard way. The sooner we stop keeping people at odds with one another, the better. And when you say wait a few weeks, they've been saying that since the virus first appeared. "15 days to stop the spread. A month of lockdown. Mask mandate for 30 days," and every time they've prolonged it. That kind of attitude, we'll never return to normal, because you'll want to wait a few weeks from now, even though the numbers are improving, you're going to tell people to wait another few weeks. After that, another few. Again, what percentage of vulnerable people are you happy with until everything can open back up again? If it's 0.05 percent, then I guess that 0.05 percent of the population doesn't matter to you. Do you see what I'm saying?
As for your @ to LJS, it'll stop until people start ignoring him.
I meant the people, people on the right complained almost immediately and refused to do even the basics. This is a new virus and they didn't know how to deal with it or how it was spread. When it first started I couldn't get tested because i never been to washington. Learn as you go. The numbers have improved, but they did last year only to get way worse. 70% vaccinated should be good locally.
0.05%? Coming close to a strawman there, I never said that. 70 to 75% vaccinated locally should be good. But keep the unvaccinated away, it's not fair to others that they should get sick because one douche is selfish.
I meant the people, people on the right complained almost immediately and refused to do even the basics. This is a new virus and they didn't know how to deal with it or how it was spread. When it first started I couldn't get tested because i never been to washington. Learn as you go. The numbers have improved, but they did last year only to get way worse. 70% vaccinated should be good locally.
0.05%? Coming close to a strawman there, I never said that. 70 to 75% vaccinated locally should be good. But keep the unvaccinated away, it's not fair to others that they should get sick because one douche is selfish.
I never said you said that. I just threw out a number because whatever number you'd go with, it could be argued that the number should be lower, or in the case of vaccinated people, higher. There are people out there that will never feel comfortable with states fully reopening. I understand why, but it's irrational. Again, we did our part. We did the work. Let the majority of us who are vaccinated go out and get back to normal, the hesitant ones continue to stay at home and mask up, and the blissfully ignorant thin themselves out.
I meant the people, people on the right complained almost immediately and refused to do even the basics. This is a new virus and they didn't know how to deal with it or how it was spread. When it first started I couldn't get tested because i never been to washington. Learn as you go. The numbers have improved, but they did last year only to get way worse. 70% vaccinated should be good locally.
0.05%? Coming close to a strawman there, I never said that. 70 to 75% vaccinated locally should be good. But keep the unvaccinated away, it's not fair to others that they should get sick because one douche is selfish.
I never said you said that. I just threw out a number because whatever number you'd go with, it could be argued that the number should be lower, or in the case of vaccinated people, higher. There are people out there that will never feel comfortable with states fully reopening. I understand why, but it's irrational. Again, we did our part. We did the work. Let the majority of us who are vaccinated go out and get back to normal, the hesitant ones continue to stay at home and mask up, and the blissfully ignorant thin themselves out.
I said it was close, thats all. No number is ever going to be zero, thats impossible after a virus has been introduced. The H1N1 virus that killed millions over 100 years ago is still here. I just want to see around 70% vaccinated to minimize the risks those of us who did our part wont get sick again.
Abortion as an argument against using a face mask? The far right has no limits, Jebus!
The argument is over my body my choice. That is what your argument is over abortion and now you don''t like it. HYPOCRITES!
Man I'm not an advocate for abortion but your equivalency is stupid. You can give covid to others. Someone's abortion is not going to physically afflict you.
And it shouldn't effect you if you have the vaccine, correct? So what does it matter? So my body my choice! Also you are ending a life with an abortion that is automatic. So it doesn't matter because that child's life isn't you own. ROFLMAO! Can't make this stuff up folks.
And it shouldn't effect you if you have the vaccine, correct? So what does it matter? So my body my choice! Also you are ending a life with an abortion that is automatic. So it doesn't matter because that child's life isn't you own. ROFLMAO! Can't make this stuff up folks.
It's mutating meaning another vaccine becomes necessary. Follow science. Also no vaccine is 100% not going to make you feel a bit ill. And some people cannot take the vaccine.
Yeah you can't make up how absolutely illogical your stance is. And you keep repeating it like you think you're scoring points.
And it shouldn't effect you if you have the vaccine, correct? So what does it matter? So my body my choice! Also you are ending a life with an abortion that is automatic. So it doesn't matter because that child's life isn't you own. ROFLMAO! Can't make this stuff up folks.
It's mutating meaning another vaccine becomes necessary. Follow science. Also no vaccine is 100% not going to make you feel a bit ill. And some people cannot take the vaccine.
Yeah you can't make up how absolutely illogical your stance is. And you keep repeating it like you think you're scoring points.
Hell the score is 100-0 in my favor. Hell just go look at the abortion thread. Liberals on there saying my body my choice and the government needs to stay out of my business.
I agree 100% stay the F%^K out of my business government! I will get this so called vaccine whenever I think I need it.
I get my 2nd shot June 5th. I'll keep wearing my mask because I'm not a whiny pussy and can handle a very minor inconvenience.
So stunning and brave!
I wouldn't call it brave. I would call it, not being a douche bag and putting my petty wants above the health of others.
Such tough talk, how stunning and brave!
We can't all be brave enough to act like spoiled little girls over wearing a 3 inch strip of cloth over our pie holes. We're just lucky you are here to show us the way.
@LJS9502_basic: How many threads are you guys going to let him derail anyway? If you really think his comments are that stupid, ignoring him is really easy.
Or you can just continue replying to him and getting annoyed. Your time not mine.
I never get annoyed here. I don't take it seriously. I do laugh at some people here though.
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