Again you are furthering my point. Europe is incredibly diverse, among Europeans. They have waged war for all of recorded histories as the reasons you have mentioned. To preserve culture. Europeans are similar in culture vs. Europeans/Asians or Europeans?Africans. Since this is the case, why do we STILL wage war? It is BECAUSE of CULTURAL/ETHNIC differences. If everyone could just get along, there would not be so much diversity in one continent.
Among all the peoples living across the continent yes. Also, I feel like you're simplifying things when you say that the wars waged throughout European history have all been driven by a need to preserve culture, this isn't the case. Europeans differ from American/Asian/African nations (which are themselves incredibly diverse) culturally sure, but then European countries are not always similar in culture themselves. Even when you look at an individual European nation there's often a mixture of cultures present. Which specific European cultures do you wish to preserve?
Who's still waging wars in Europe though? There aren't any major conflicts happening as far as I know, save for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That wasn't caused by cultural or ethnic differences however, but rather Putin's desire to grab strategic Ukrainian territory. Europeans do get along pretty well these days for the most part, if we weren't capable of doing so then the EU wouldn't even be a thing. Furthermore, wars were more common in the past compared to nowadays when there were LESS nations due to empires. Diversity does not inevitably lead to conflict.
International migration during colonial era is not equivalent to migration of today. Britain was not importing Africans/Asians (unless they were slaves) to their colonies, it was Brits.
Globalisation was not at the scale back then that it is in the present day, of course it's more prevalent in the 21st century than the 19th or 20th. There was still a major migration period after WW2 from various European colonies to offset the devastation caused by the war. Migration helped many nations get back on their feet.
I am being serious. EU is as communist as the Soviet Union was. It is not mutually beneficial. EU decides what nations import/export, and what they produce. It controls production of a nation. I have traveled through many European nations that are apart of it, and the negative impact is there. Jobs are exported, cost of living goes up. Purchasing Power goes down. Poverty rates increase. What voice are you referring to? The EU openly states it is against nationalistic views and wants to focus on a global scale... Which clearly is not working. **** the EU.
No, that's a false equivalence. Besides the fact that it's not a centralised communist state, if it was in anyway comparable to the Soviet Union then member states wouldn't be free to leave whenever they wish, except they are. The reason why they stay within the EU is because it IS mutually beneficial. Germany, Poland, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania etc have far better means to compete against major economic powers such as the USA, China or Japan collectively as a group than they ever would by going it alone.
Moreover, the EU doesn't decide what is imported or exported by anyone, and it certainly doesn't control the production... that's left up to the individual nations to decide. They do share common import tariffs, regulations and economic policy however. In the event of a trade war, import tariffs and economic strategy are commonly agreed upon by all member states.
Well you seem strongly opposed to the EU yourself, however the majority of people living here view it favourably so don't expect it to disappear anytime soon. Are there issues within the organisation which need to be addressed and ironed out? Of course, I never said that the EU was perfect.
On the other hand, thanks to the EU at least there are economic, environmental and health standards and regulations which must be met by external countries when exporting to Europe, member states can challenge powerful companies such as Amazon, Google or Facebook if they breach that country's laws, and trade deals are only signed if they are mutually beneficial to all members of the bloc. That's what I mean by smaller countries having a larger voice.
The EU is an economic and political union, of course it wants to focus on the global scale. If any EU nation decides they prefer take a more nationalistic approach and go solo then they are welcome to do so, and good luck to them.
All good, its just words.
Okay, cool.
I have seen this argument so many times, it is absolutely nonsensical. To enjoy food from another culture, you need to import the entire culture. Go look up a recipe or something. There's a reason they are scared of them.
The food was simply an example, I enjoy many aspects of different cultures. Variety is the spice of life after all. I'm happy that people decide they'd like to come and try to make a life for themselves in my country, in spite of the shitty weather. Yeah there is a reason you're right, it's called ignorance and living a sheltered life.
You don't. You are downplaying how much of an impact religion has on an individual/societal level. Its unfortunate Atheism/non-religion is growing, as their is a massive explosion of moral decay, but that is another topic. It does not matter what Europeans believe, but the people they are letting in. They believe in a different religion, and have a completely different culture. As their population grows, so will their influence on society. Pretty simple concept to grasp. Does not keep me up at night what religion they follow either. I respect their right to practice it, just not in my country. Go home and build your own nation.
No U. Again, religion has a minimal impact within a secular society. Doesn't matter what religion we are talking about, laws aren't influenced by holy men in Europe anymore. The whole separation of church and state thing you know. Unfortunate in your opinion, but the decline of religion means little to me as I previously mentioned. As long as people's beliefs are still respected and they are free to practice them then cool. Massive explosion of moral decay due to atheism? Lol c'mon now, you don't need religion to lead a moral life.
Where has that happened exactly? First generation migrants do frequently have a difficult time adjusting to life within a new country, that's true. The second and certainly third generations typically have no issues with assimilation on the other hand, also a pretty simple concept. Kinda funny how you live in one of the most diverse countries in the world, with a history of positive migration and yet you hold such views. Guess you're swimming against the tide over there in Canada.
I'm cool, its a discussion with words, no one gets hurt. You don't have loyalty to your people or your nation. You have stated yourself you are willing to important other cultures just for sake of different food. That is a selfish act, and demonstrates no loyalty.
With all due respect dude, you and I have very different ideas when it comes to nationality and migration. First of all, I don't import anything. People aren't imported, they choose to move here. If somebody is born in this country then in my eyes they're British, just as anyone born in Canada is Canadian. Loyalty is not determined by hating migrants or different cultures.
I had a tikka masala earlier, so selfish but so delicious.
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