@Sevenizz: Nothing you said is true. Not shocking, you can’t even get who founded it right.
I don't tend to go to protests, for my own safety and that of others. I'm supportive of any effort to make the world a more fair place. All lives matter. (Consequently, black lives matter just as much.)
Not a fan of movements that support one particular section of humanity in their name like BLM. I think it inevitably exacerbates the problem in the long term. Just like how feminism is not wholly undeservedly known for being anti-male.
Consider this: A movement is there to protect a group of people who have it bad. So they present one example after another example showing how that group specifically is treated unfairly. Of course that's fine. Of course, the group of people who have it bad are never the only people who have it bad. It should be fine, it's not a race to bottom I always say. However, naturally after some time, the movement is seen as one that doesn't look at things fairly by an increasing amount of people who know that there is more to the story. It doesn't add up because a lot is left out. The movement is an easy target because all they do is look at things from one perspective.
When that gets into people's minds the movement will start to attract people who think that the movement is about placing the group above others. Or worse, people who think that it's about revenge instead of creating a more fair world. Revenge and creating a more fair world don't go together very well. The narrow focus of the name becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because when the people join who are the reverse of what you were fighting against, you're going to end up being the bad guys. That's how you get, for example, feminists who are against male shelters because they think men shouldn't be helped. That goes against everything a feminist is supposed to be, but here we are. And then you'll see people who have doubts about such a movement, like me, who then point out the hypocrisy because it's hurting the very thing the movement was supposed to be. Now it's a controversial movement. It has become another monster to fight if we want to have a more fair world.
It's much stronger when a group is clearly from the start created in name and purpose to protect anyone from a type of unfair treatment, such as racism. A movement that would look at things from all perspectives and that doesn't need to worry so much about a race to the bottom between different groups. Is racism against this group or that group worse? Their answer would be all racism is bad. That is much easier for the general population to support. It also wouldn't attract the wrong people so easily. This is why I said before, that I think the MRA and feminism should be one movement. It would get rid of a lot of the crazies, and I think it would be a cause that almost anyone could support. It shouldn't be difficult because they both share the same goal on paper. How hard it is demonstrates how far they combined have strayed from their path.
Black Lives Matter exists to stop the systematic racism that African Americans have been experiencing. This entire wall of text is embarrassing. This is hundreds of years of struggle- and it's more apparent now than ever just because it's all caught on video- but none of this stuff is new. Please moderate yourself and delete your message. "All Lives Matter" just insults the cause- get out of here with that
Guys like that are why they are protesting. What justification could you have for that?
@Shmiity: what systematic law attacks african americans?
I hope you're trolling and not seriously dismissing this problem...…...then again you are a trump fan boy.
@LJS9502_basic: Answer the question.
You know well we're talking about systematic racism...….
@LJS9502_basic: There are a few racists posting in here. Best to ignore them, we both known systematic racism isn’t always enforced by standing laws. Like banks refusing to loan to black people.
@LJS9502_basic: There are a few racists posting in here. Best to ignore them, we both known systematic racism isn’t always enforced by standing laws. Like banks refusing to loan to black people.
I swear you're like Anakin Skywalker "you're either with me, or you're my enemy". Posting things on the contrary and stating things in opposition doesn't make one racist.
You remind of a repackaged version of a church lady, and I happen to attend a church service with an AC/DC shirt on OMG YOU MUST BE SATANIST....no...I just enjoy a some good rock and roll.
@thegreatchomp: it’s racist to ask for the laws that would make it systematic?do you know what systematic is?
You don’t know what the word racist means. You’re just plain ignorant.
Why do you keep whining about laws?
@n64dd: Personally attack when called out, nice. And denying systematic racism exists is racist. You know what it means, it doesn’t always have to be based on laws so just stop.
I've been out there too, granted I'm being paid time and a half to be out there.
How much is time and a half in the US?
1.5x your hourly rate.
Institutional racism (also known as systemic racism) is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions. It is reflected in disparities regarding wealth, income, criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power and education, among other factors.
Systemic Racism includes the policies and practices entrenched in established institutions, which result in the exclusion or promotion of designated groups. It differs from overt discrimination in that no individual intent is necessary.
Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you. No laws or even racist intent is needed.
@thegreatchomp: it’s racist to ask for the laws that would make it systematic?do you know what systematic is?
You don’t know what the word racist means. You’re just plain ignorant.
I'm sure you get to tell what is racist and what isn't, right? Instead of being an ignorant imbecile, try educating yourself, starting from here and looking up all the relevant linked sources in section 2. It's not our job to spoonfeed you knowledge when you're completely clueless about racial matters.
LOL i was just messing with y'all I didn't protest. Why tf would I do that dumb shit nah mean?
I like this guy, at least he eventually admits he was trolling.
If more people here did that it would make things easier and I wouldn't have to find peer reviewed studies to eat them alive, as they respond with "nu uh, stahp linking!".
I take it you haven’t heard about South African white farmers who are regularly subjected to racism/murder and their government promotes it. None of mainstream media even covers it because it doesn’t fit their bias agenda. Google Lauren Southern. She did an excellent documentary on the topic.
You do know the reason for the hate in South Africa was Apartheid...……..right?
Totally justified all racism against black people in US though. :P
@thegreatchomp: ‘BLM is a racist group because it addresses the problems of a group of people that isn’t you.‘
Huh? Where’d I say that? I call them that because they’re an extreme left group aligned with a terrorist group (antifa) who’ve called for murdering cops, whites, and promoting violence either by physical altercations or vandalism. Those are just facts.
Speaking of Antifa. I don't really expect you to agree with the sentiment, but I hope you can understand the message I'll try to get across.
Aren't we all either with Antifa or against them? If you are against fascism, you are technically in the Antifa umbrella.
But you're not really against fascism, are you?
@thegreatchomp: ‘BLM is a racist group because it addresses the problems of a group of people that isn’t you.‘
Huh? Where’d I say that? I call them that because they’re an extreme left group aligned with a terrorist group (antifa) who’ve called for murdering cops, whites, and promoting violence either by physical altercations or vandalism. Those are just facts.
Speaking of Antifa. I don't really expect you to agree with the sentiment, but I hope you can understand the message I'll try to get across.
Aren't we all either with Antifa or against them? If you are against fascism, you are technically in the Antifa umbrella.
But you're not really against fascism, are you?
I wonder if he'll be getting rid of his Xbox
Stop the bullshit. Equal justice under law.
— Gears of War (@GearsofWar) June 6, 2020
Today, Microsoft pledged $1.5M in total ($250K each) to @Blklivesmatter@eji_org@innocence@civilrightsorg@MNFreedomFund and @NAACP_LDF to challenge racial injustice. Employee donations are matched 100%. https://t.co/3WYAtJ7VbNpic.twitter.com/2phEXK7dez
— Halo (@Halo) June 6, 2020
Join us in support of the Black community. Learn more about Black Lives Matter at https://t.co/34gCALVbca, Equal Justice Initiative at https://t.co/ntLEGfBoIk, and the NAACP LDF at https://t.co/KUeHZawSC4pic.twitter.com/iq29SX0LB7
— Minecraft (@Minecraft) June 5, 2020
@horgen: Antifa is extreme. No one here is for fascism and that was a ridiculous comment.
Anti fascism isn't an extreme position.
He didn't say anti fascism, he said Antifa...y'know, the group? And yeah, they are extreme. If you align with them that doesn't change that fact.
@horgen: Antifa is extreme. No one here is for fascism and that was a ridiculous comment.
Anti fascism isn't an extreme position.
He didn't say anti fascism, he said Antifa...y'know, the group? And yeah, they are extreme. If you align with them that doesn't change that fact.
I did intentionally put it extreme. Antifa are extreme.
Personally I don't support the violence they bring. So they don't get my support.
@horgen: @SOedipus: Antifa means anti-fascist. Antifa as a group does not exist. Who is their leader? What extremist views do they hold? I am not contorting what you are saying, I am saying anti fascism is not an extreme opinion. It's like...the default opinion of both the right and left of the US.
@horgen: @SOedipus: Antifa means anti-fascist. Antifa as a group does not exist. Who is their leader? What extremist views do they hold? I am not contorting what you are saying, I am saying anti fascism is not an extreme opinion. It's like...the default opinion of both the right and left of the US.
Doesn't seem like the default opinion for US right wingers atm...
If you are going by the meaning of the name, we are either agreeing with Antifa, or ok with fascism. But as demonstrated, people reject it when you put it like that.
@horgen: @SOedipus: Antifa means anti-fascist. Antifa as a group does not exist. Who is their leader? What extremist views do they hold? I am not contorting what you are saying, I am saying anti fascism is not an extreme opinion. It's like...the default opinion of both the right and left of the US.
Antifa does exist as a group, or multiple. I'm not aware of a leader but there are members, and they congregate. The extreme view is they're willing to commit violence against anyone they deem to be fascist. It's pretty safe to say that everyone here is anti-fascist. @Chutebox claimed that Antifa are extreme, then you replied with "Anti fascism isn't an extreme position." You made it sound like @Chutebox wasn't anti-fascist. You contorted his view just like he said you did.
@SOedipus: ANTIFA is a movement, not a group. It has no leaders, no structure and no core tenets.
Yeah. When the White House chose to pin the protests on Antifa and call them a terrorist group, it seemed really weird and out of left field (no pun intended).
It's like calling vegans a terrorist group.
Actually, vegans are more organized than Antifa is, but that's a different topic altogether.
I plan on attending the next protest in the city near me. Can't let these dirty cops get away with their murder anymore. Hold them accountable.
@Willy105: Exactly. ANTIFA is like a bunch of kids calling themselves something because they think it sounds cool in GTA or Fortnite. Anonymous is the same, just some name random hackers picked to hide their identity.
I don't know why anyone would choose to associate themselves with Antifa at this point, and to hell with those saying, "If you're not Anitfa, than you're a fascist". I've marched alongside them, I've spoken to them, I've seen them in action, and I refuse to associate myself with people like that in their manner of opposition, even if I align with them at a fundamental level ideologically.
It would be preferable if they did distinguish them in a group so as to delineate the most extremist and toxic of their ideological manifestations from those who wish to stand against fascism but don't wish to be lumped in with their extremist tactics that are just as fascist as those of whom they condemn. They do nothing but harm the cause of which they purport to help in their approach, which is why they piss me off more than those who have no moral high ground to stand upon.
Their antics affects MY cause, and if I didn't care about combating fascism so much I'd be much less prone to oppose those who embrace the label of doing so, and then do nothing so well as to deteriorate the moral foundation it predicates itself upon. Many view Antifa as the problem, and they are not bigots because they do so......they simply understand that these individuals are self-defeating imbeciles in how they operate.
@horgen: Because fascism is the logical conclusion of conservatism.
Don't think many conservative knows that.
In London the police claimed protesters dragged a police officer of his horse, while a video shows the officer running into a traffic light.
@horgen: Because fascism is the logical conclusion of conservatism.
Don't think many conservative knows that.
In London the police claimed protesters dragged a police officer of his horse, while a video shows the officer running into a traffic light.
Socialisms leads to dictators like in North Korea, and Venezuela and many other third world countries and a complete loss of freedom. Antifa has become the very thing they are supposed to be against.
Nope. I think these protests are insane, and these protestors have lost their minds. I'm all for supporting BLM, and have been supporting the movement for almost a decade now. But not like this. Not if it means sacrificing many thousands of lives (mostly black lives) in the process. The black lives killed by COVID (which has killed blacks at a much higher ratio than other communities) matter just as much as the black lives killed by racist police brutality. Yet these BLM protestors are dismissing the hundreds of thousands of COVID deaths (including at least tens of thousands of black COVID deaths) as just a statistic. No matter how noble the cause is, it's not worth killing tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people over it.
What's also annoying about these protests is that they're essentially acts of self-sabotage against the BLM movement itself. It just makes BLM look bad, like they just don't give a shit about all the COVID victims (nearly approaching 400,000 deaths worldwide now). And it could lead to new potential outbreaks, especially in black communities, which could suffer many thousands of deaths as a result. Now it's given BLM-haters all the fuel they need to attack BLM with. These protests could end up setting the BLM movement back by many years. Just because thousands of impatient idiots couldn't at least wait a few more months for COVID to die down before launching mass public demonstrations.
@horgen: They know it and support it. But what does that second thing have to do with anything?
The police in Europe has their "bad apples" as well.
Socialisms leads to dictators like in North Korea, and Venezuela and many other third world countries and a complete loss of freedom. Antifa has become the very thing they are supposed to be against.
Socialism isn't those countries problems.
@JimB: None of those countries are socialist and never have been.
@jag85: But the white people protesting the lockdown was ok? You do know it’s people of all colors and political leanings out there, right? BLM is trying to keep this peaceful, it’s the police, local and federal government with bad actors making that impossible. Wake up.
Socialisms leads to dictators like in North Korea, and Venezuela and many other third world countries and a complete loss of freedom. Antifa has become the very thing they are supposed to be against.
It's true that some dictatorships began from socialist countries, but some also came from democratic countries, and communist countries, and theocratic countries, and republics, etc. It's irrelevant what the country used to be before dictators came about. If someone told you that socialism lead to dictators, then they didn't know what they were talking about.
Also, North Korea and Venezuela's problems are not even caused by socialism. They are caused by fascist dictators (NK) and extreme corruption and wealth gap (Venezuela), two things that are already taking hold here in the US without the help of any socialist. Heck, the few democratic socialists in the US campaign against those two things!
@JimB: None of those countries are socialist and never have been.
@jag85: But the white people protesting the lockdown was ok? You do know it’s people of all colors and political leanings out there, right? BLM is trying to keep this peaceful, it’s the police, local and federal government with bad actors making that impossible. Wake up.
Black lives matter is an oxymoron.
Socialisms leads to dictators like in North Korea, and Venezuela and many other third world countries and a complete loss of freedom. Antifa has become the very thing they are supposed to be against.
It's true that some dictatorships began from socialist countries, but some also came from democratic countries, and communist countries, and theocratic countries, and republics, etc. It's irrelevant what the country used to be before dictators came about. If someone told you that socialism lead to dictators, then they didn't know what they were talking about.
Also, North Korea and Venezuela's problems are not even caused by socialism. They are caused by fascist dictators (NK) and extreme corruption and wealth gap (Venezuela), two things that are already taking hold here in the US without the help of any socialist. Heck, the few democratic socialists in the US campaign against those two things!
Keep thinking that. The socialist in this country want total control and loss of all freedom for you. Why do you think they want to get rid of the second amendment. They go out of their way to sow division in the country. They make everyone a victim that only they can save.
Keep thinking that. The socialist in this country want total control and loss of all freedom for you. Why do you think they want to get rid of the second amendment. They go out of their way to sow division in the country. They make everyone a victim that only they can save.
Ah yes the hypocritical right that whine about their second amendment rights while trying to destroy first amendment rights.
Also, North Korea and Venezuela's problems are not even caused by socialism. They are caused by fascist dictators (NK) and extreme corruption and wealth gap (Venezuela), two things that are already taking hold here in the US without the help of any socialist. Heck, the few democratic socialists in the US campaign against those two things!
Keep thinking that. The socialist in this country want total control and loss of all freedom for you. Why do you think they want to get rid of the second amendment. They go out of their way to sow division in the country. They make everyone a victim that only they can save.
You seem to confuse socialism with fascism ("total control and loss of all freedom" and "make everyone a victim that only they can save." are attributes of fascism, not equality). I won't criticize you for being antifa, you be you man. Fight the power.
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