@ad1x2 said:
@MirkoS77 said:
We’re never going to hear the end of it from Trump if he’s vindicated. Ever. Anything he’s ever questioned on he can simply cite the investigation. What’s worrisome is that his “FAKE NEWS!” claims will hold far more weight and he’ll be able to weave and sell his own delusional narrative much easier and with much more credibility if no proof of his guilt is established.
He is a known and proven liar. To have his credibility acknowledged and vindicated by the height of our best institutions is far more damaging than I think collusion with Russia could ever be.
If the report vindicates him, it shouldn’t surprise you if he brags that it does since for the past two years people from all over the country were bragging that Mueller would be their savior that would undo the 2016 election (even though removing Trump would just mean Pence would move up, not Hillary Clinton). I’m sure most politicians not named Donald Trump or with an (R) behind their name would do the same thing if they were investigated for over two years for being a foreign agent.
Don’t act so dissapointed. Politically speaking, he could still lose in 2020 and a loss at the polls isn’t nearly as damaging to the country as a sitting president being impeached (regardless of removal or not) would be. Not to mention people like Rep. Schiff said they aren’t going to give up just because Mueller is done.
No, I don't think most politicians would do the same thing, at least not in manner. They would probably make a cordial statement about being glad the investigation was seen through to its end and discovered the truth, but at least we wouldn't be hearing "Sad! Those EVIL Democrats with their FAKE NEWS constantly being proven wrong. I won the biggest electoral history in history, won the presidency on my first attempt without even trying, and now the investigation is a complete and total win for me, as I've been saying all along! Thanks losers! #MAGA!!!" You know as well as I do we'll be getting childish attacks, further divisive rhetoric, and immature insults and proclamations of vindication in the worst possible way, and this will last for 6 more years. Trump will use the results of this investigation not to unite us, but to drive a stake further to create a partisan divide. He enjoys nothing more than to try to tear people apart and have them at each other's throats.
As a grown up, I generally don't enjoy enduring the antics of a tantruming child, and I don't care if they've been proven right. With Trump, I have no choice but to tolerate them. You can't put him in a corner for a time out. You can't smack him to shut up. You can't laugh him away. I can't get away from it, and it's going to be like having a spoiled 12 year old constantly in my face for the next six years, and now, all the worse, it's an ego that's going to be furthered by "nyah, nyah nyah nyah nyah!!!" with everything that comes up against him in the future backed by this.
He's vindicated, then he's vindicated. It's simply that fact combined with his degree of ego-centrism, narcissism, and constant need to be worshiped that will be intolerable to endure. As an aside, he's going to sweep 2020 if absolved, rest assured.
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