@br0kenrabbit: bold statement. If Trump gets put into prison before Hilary Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Clinton (just to name a few), the world is in serious trouble.
@br0kenrabbit: bold statement. If Trump gets put into prison before Hilary Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Clinton (just to name a few), the world is in serious trouble.
@br0kenrabbit: bold statement. If Trump gets put into prison before Hilary Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Clinton (just to name a few), the world is in serious trouble.
Trump has certainly raised the bar. I knew it was going to be Orwellian on day one after that 'biggest inauguration crowd ever' BS. It's been all downhill from there.
@br0kenrabbit: bold statement. If Trump gets put into prison before Hilary Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Clinton (just to name a few), the world is in serious trouble.
Trump has certainly raised the bar. I knew it was going to be Orwellian on day one after that 'biggest inauguration crowd ever' BS. It's been all downhill from there.
Sorry but if you think its Orwellian since Trump came in, you sure have a long way of opening your eyes. Its been Orwellian before you and I have been conceived.
Please tell me more about why the government should be trusted.
Please tell me more about the Hilary, who lied about being under sniper fire while landing in Bosnia during the Yugoslav wars (which btw, destabilized the Balkans and the US/NATO were instigators), a proven war criminal whos led to the death of thousands of people during her time as secretary of state, is a better option.
Sorry, you are seriously misinformed if you think Hilary is better than Trump. You are seriously misinformed if Trumps Tyranny is shown through him banning individuals of a media, vs implementing ACTUAL policies that are anti-constitutional (red flag laws)
I believe in free speech so you are entitled to your opinion, but as my favorite saying goes;
You are entitled to your own opinion, even if it is wrong.
All the best to you
@br0kenrabbit: bold statement. If Trump gets put into prison before Hilary Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Clinton (just to name a few), the world is in serious trouble.
Trump has certainly raised the bar. I knew it was going to be Orwellian on day one after that 'biggest inauguration crowd ever' BS. It's been all downhill from there.
Sorry but if you think its Orwellian since Trump came in, you sure have a long way of opening your eyes. Its been Orwellian before you and I have been conceived.
Please tell me more about why the government should be trusted.
Please tell me more about the Hilary, who lied about being under sniper fire while landing in Bosnia during the Yugoslav wars (which btw, destabilized the Balkans and the US/NATO were instigators), a proven war criminal whos led to the death of thousands of people during her time as secretary of state, is a better option.
Sorry, you are seriously misinformed if you think Hilary is better than Trump. You are seriously misinformed if Trumps Tyranny is shown through him banning individuals of a media, vs implementing ACTUAL policies that are anti-constitutional (red flag laws)
I believe in free speech so you are entitled to your opinion, but as my favorite saying goes;
You are entitled to your own opinion, even if it is wrong.
All the best to you
The CIA during the cold war did some crazy shit, but that isn't Orwellian. Straight-up doublethink/doublespeak is. You know, 2+2=5.
And I never said Clinton hasn't lied. Again, lying isn't Orwellian. Being able to see something with your own eyes and then being told it isn't so, however, is.
Are you even familiar with Newspeak?
@nattydaddy604: Norwood wasn’t Orwellian. It’s basic economics and incentives.
Put military decisions in the hands of people who profiteer off of military conflict, and you get more military conflict AT ALL COSTS.
Same reason the “cash for kids” scandal was a thing in my home state of PA. For profit prisons bribing a judge to put kids in jail. Sure, why not...? Makes complete sense from their perspective, especially when you value money over lives you’re destroying, which we basically all do.
For example, if I were to disagree with anyone's bandwagon opinion, I'm labeled a Trump supporter.
I'm called racist for stating things that have nothing to do with race.
I'm called sexist for not bringing gender into my conversations.
I ask for an intelligent counter argument, and all I get are insults on my character.
That happens to every "side" at the moment. For example, If I cite the fact that climate change and AGW are real I am called a SJW/Liberal/Cuck. If I state the fact Hong Kong actors are put into movies due to Capitalism and not Liberalism, I am called a SJW. If I state facts about the current consensus on race by biologists, I am called a SJW. If I state facts by the US Census Office about Red States, Dreamers, and Immigrants, I am called a SJW. If I state the fact that Russia meddled, I am called a SJW. If I state the facts of Trumps average Approval/Disapproval I am called a Demon Rat (lol).
Facts no longer matter. And it doesn't help that the President of the United States has told 6,000 lies while in office. I guess this emboldens alternative facts.
It's due to an extremely divided country, and extreme tribalism the likes we have likely never seen before. This has been brewing for decades, and has hit a boiling point. And to make matter worse, Russia did try to exploit this and increase it.
But that's enough of my ranting. Let's all go back to watching our 50,000 different news stations that were all written by the same people, and continue to be forcefed the same 7 Trump jokes every night on every Late Night TV show. We get it - his skin is orange. I'm ready for some actual comedy now.
You will keep hearing those same Trump jokes and they keep ragging on Trump because they drive ratings. The demographics who watch these shows aren't exactly fond of Trump (he's extremely divisive in the polling). Trump has among the worst approval/disapproval in history. This is simple marketing 101.
If his numbers weren't so low, and if he didn't explicitly only cater to his base, they likely wouldn't do this as it simply wouldn't be as profitable. And he's quite the character, lets not act like he's a boring person.
TLDR: Capitalism.
I post article links I use as reference, they're immediately discredited
This entirely depends on which sources you are using. If you are citing Breitbart, Infowars, TheGatewayPundit, or DailyCaller - these people have the right to ask you for a real news source. Not copy paste conspiracy blogs.
But your character should not be demeaned that is silly of them to do. Unless you said something like "cuck" or whatever.
I know what you mean.
Worst of all its both sides, and the Demo/Left are just as batshit crazy.
There's a video of Obama in an interview saying its ok for Illegal Immigrants to vote and that "Its Private, we don't monitor this" .... because he knew they would vote for him. Why do laws not matter?
Oh right, because Obama said it. Nuts. If you are illegally allowed in a country, then I should be illegally be allowed to trespass anywhere. what's the point in any proximity laws? If you won't enforce them?
There's a video of Obama in an interview saying its ok for Illegal Immigrants to vote and that "Its Private, we don't monitor this" .... because he knew they would vote for him. Why do laws not matter?
There's a video of Obama in an interview saying its ok for Illegal Immigrants to vote and that "Its Private, we don't monitor this" .... because he knew they would vote for him. Why do laws not matter?
I bow down to you sir, fair enough.
Don't know what to trust half the time.
I bow down to you sir, fair enough.
Don't know what to trust half the time.
Who, what, when, where, why and how. Anything else is biased bullshit. If you read a news article that only answers 3 or 4 of the six, you're know you're reading bullshit.
@br0kenrabbit: Despite the fact that he now knows what he just said is a flat out lie, others will continue to say it both on this forum and others across the internet.
It’s a losing battle. I just let people believe what they want to believe.
@br0kenrabbit: Despite the fact that he knows what he just said is a flat out lie, he will continue to say it both on this forum and others across the internet.
Intellectual honesty and truth do not matter to these people. Not one bit.
Careful, your high horse is crooked.
It’s a losing battle. I just let people believe what they want to believe.
I will not be broken. Wait...****.
I will continue my assault against ignorance because I want a Star Trek future, not Mad Max.
I like you, Mr Bojangles. You're my buddy on steam who I sadly neglect and never talk to because I never have enough energy. XD
So, I'm pointing this out in the friendliest way possible. You responded to a comment stating the left immediately discredits their opposing opinion, by immediately discrediting his opinion.
I'm actually afraid to read the rest of the thread now. I'm late coming back here, and I have a feeling it's been devolving down here.
On terms of victimization, I want to point out it's not just the right that does it. Democrats and leftists campaign on victimization. That's why we have such an outspoken LGBT and third wave feminist community. Everyone does it, and it takes a little bit of rational thought to tell who is really a victim, and who is merely whining.
@nattydaddy604: Norwood wasn’t Orwellian. It’s basic economics and incentives.
Put military decisions in the hands of people who profiteer off of military conflict, and you get more military conflict AT ALL COSTS.
Same reason the “cash for kids” scandal was a thing in my home state of PA. For profit prisons bribing a judge to put kids in jail. Sure, why not...? Makes complete sense from their perspective, especially when you value money over lives you’re destroying, which we basically all do.
Yeah sure, if its basic economics and incentives, I'm completely for it. While we only care about that only, lets go back to slavery. Its cheaper to have people work for free and profit off their labor. I mean, its basic economics and incentives right? I hope you can sense the sarcasm.
You can believe all humans are selfish greedy creatures who only care for the quickest dollars, I'll stick with a more positive outlook and believe not all of them are like that
@br0kenrabbit: bold statement. If Trump gets put into prison before Hilary Clinton, George Bush, and Bill Clinton (just to name a few), the world is in serious trouble.
Trump has certainly raised the bar. I knew it was going to be Orwellian on day one after that 'biggest inauguration crowd ever' BS. It's been all downhill from there.
Sorry but if you think its Orwellian since Trump came in, you sure have a long way of opening your eyes. Its been Orwellian before you and I have been conceived.
Please tell me more about why the government should be trusted.
Please tell me more about the Hilary, who lied about being under sniper fire while landing in Bosnia during the Yugoslav wars (which btw, destabilized the Balkans and the US/NATO were instigators), a proven war criminal whos led to the death of thousands of people during her time as secretary of state, is a better option.
Sorry, you are seriously misinformed if you think Hilary is better than Trump. You are seriously misinformed if Trumps Tyranny is shown through him banning individuals of a media, vs implementing ACTUAL policies that are anti-constitutional (red flag laws)
I believe in free speech so you are entitled to your opinion, but as my favorite saying goes;
You are entitled to your own opinion, even if it is wrong.
All the best to you
The CIA during the cold war did some crazy shit, but that isn't Orwellian. Straight-up doublethink/doublespeak is. You know, 2+2=5.
And I never said Clinton hasn't lied. Again, lying isn't Orwellian. Being able to see something with your own eyes and then being told it isn't so, however, is.
Are you even familiar with Newspeak?
Very familiar with Newspeak. Lying is a component of doublespeak, pretty easy to tell. The other part is selling the lie. Please tell me the US government hasn't done this prior to Trump coming in
I'm not familiar with you and what you post, but if:
" I post article links I use as reference, they're immediately discredited and my character is demeaned."
you post sources that are easily discredited and you take offence to that, perhaps the core issue isn't with others.
Or they don't get easily discredited and the other just spits out garbage to make it seem so, then attacks the character.
@Zuon: you are right that every person no matter the race can be bigoted. But in the us. And west it still are white that have the majority of the wealth. Though now it's a much of that that wealth is in a vastly small percentage then before.
Asians are more wealth on the international market and even then it's small percentage.
Laws in concept are race blind....but in practice. Their issue of people who up hold those laws not being so racial blind. But more so the rich get away with more then the poor.
But one look at the Charlottesville March last year and you can see racism is still here....but it's more fuel by desperate poor whites being tools of the rich.
And that is the issue. Instead of focuaing on racism focus on wealth inequality.
No on have ever suggested racism is not there. But as far as white racism.. its just not mainstream. However the left has become openly racist towards white people in the last 10 years. And hostile towards the rich even though the middle class and poor have moved up, not down... as far as richness goes. People.. even the poor... are better are now then they were 30 years ago. Even with wage stagnation spending power has still increased thanks to supply side economics.. Inequality is a massive red herring, social engineering inequality always results in people being equally poor, not equally rich.
Charlottesville wasn't a white nazi rally. There were bigoted racist people on the protestesters side as well as the counter protesters side. The fact is the protesters showed up with shields while BLM showed up wielding clubs. The white people showed prepared to primarily to defend since they by that point there has been active hostility against trump/right rallies across america.
People who tend to “hate politics” from my personal experience are often ignorant to much of the discussion and how these laws affect them personally. Then, in some topic of conversation they will casually voice an opinion which may not be well informed and people tend to jump on them for it.
This is just my opinion, but I think the core issue is that people somehow think their opinions no matter how misinformed or ignorant of the actual topic, should be respected as much as anyone else who bothered to read or research a topic.
And further they should for some reason be completely beyond criticism for having it, simple because it’s their opinion.
@waahahah: dude man. The left not calling out that carp is not a pro to side ageinst them. That just make everything more antagonistic.
And people are richer now? Ha. You have your head in the dirt in that one. 1% of people in the us hold the majority of the wealth. The middle class is shrinking and you only excuse is "well you were not as poor as people 2 generations were."
And do not excuse what happen in Charlottesville. Everyone marching with the alt right knew what was going on. Sorry but you side with people who are with people who say "Jews will not replace use" you are 100% on the wrong side no matter what.
@waahahah: dude man. The left not calling out that carp is not a pro to side ageinst them. That just make everything more antagonistic.
no, white racism isn't a popular opinion. Yet there are gem's like this on the NYT, Open racism against white people
And people are richer now? Ha. You have your head in the dirt in that one. 1% of people in the us hold the majority of the wealth. The middle class is shrinking and you only excuse is "well you were not as poor as people 2 generations were."
Rich Are Getting Richer, Poor Are Getting Richer
1. Poor Americans have more living space in their homes than the average non-poor Swede, Frenchman, or German.
2. Some 96 percent of poor parents report their children were never hungry at any time in the prior year.
3.Sound anti-poverty policy must be based on accurate information and address the causes of poverty, not merely the symptoms.
Inequality isn't a problem. Its jelous resentment that is being used to weaponize a base against the rich.. whom own pretty much all the jobs in america.
And do not excuse what happen in Charlottesville. Everyone marching with the alt right knew what was going on. Sorry but you side with people who are with people who say "Jews will not replace use" you are 100% on the wrong side no matter what.
The quote you used wasn't even at the unite the right rally. It was a previous rally the day before. Also I'm not excusing what happened. But apparently you don't seem to understand what happened. The counter protest assaulted and instigated a fight with the unite the right rally. There were in fact more than white nationalist there. And in fact it wasn't just a peaceful counter protest.
Not to mention vilifying pro white groups for their pro whiteness and tossing a wide net to label them all nazis is disgusting. Especially when the "democratic coalition" allows other ethnic groups to advocate for their issues... but no not whites. Not to mention the actual racists at the rally like Richard Spencer aren't even aligned politically with the right. Not to mention out right agrees he's for progressive policy
Richard Spencer aren't even aligned politically with the right. Not to mention out right agrees he's for progressive policy
Hahahaha the guy who coined the term 'Alt-Right', and identifies as such, isn't with the right!
Richard Spencer aren't even aligned politically with the right. Not to mention out right agrees he's for progressive policy
Hahahaha the guy who coined the term 'Alt-Right', and identifies as such, isn't with the right!
Someone should tell the people's republic of china its a a real republic because it identifies as one.
He's "alt right" which is modeling after the European "right" not conservatism.
Richard Spencer aren't even aligned politically with the right. Not to mention out right agrees he's for progressive policy
Hahahaha the guy who coined the term 'Alt-Right', and identifies as such, isn't with the right!
Someone should tell the people's republic of china its a a real republic because it identifies as one.
He's "alt right" which is modeling after the European "right" not conservatism.
Great tactic, simply create a 'No True Scotsman' so you can distance yourself from a Nazi sympathizer. Oh and lol at the Dailywire.
Richard Spencer aren't even aligned politically with the right. Not to mention out right agrees he's for progressive policy
Hahahaha the guy who coined the term 'Alt-Right', and identifies as such, isn't with the right!
Someone should tell the people's republic of china its a a real republic because it identifies as one.
He's "alt right" which is modeling after the European "right" not conservatism.
Great tactic, simply create a 'No True Scotsman' so you can distance yourself from a Nazi sympathizer. Oh and lol at the Dailywire.
I posted multiple links. He doesn't believe in republican nor conservative values. Literally from the person who calls himself "alt-right" calls himself a progressive. In case you missed that.
He's been cast out of both parties... which is why he's "alt" right.
Someone should tell the people's republic of china its a a real republic because it identifies as one.
He's "alt right" which is modeling after the European "right" not conservatism.
Great tactic, simply create a 'No True Scotsman' so you can distance yourself from a Nazi sympathizer. Oh and lol at the Dailywire.
I posted multiple links. He doesn't believe in republican nor conservative values. Literally from the person who calls himself "alt-right" calls himself a progressive. In case you missed that.
He's been cast out of both parties... which is why he's "alt" right.
'Right' isn't a party, it's a segment of a spectrum. Simply because the GOP and many main stream people who identify on the right end of the spectrum disagree with him, does not mean he isn't further to the right. The same ideas apply to the left. Just because a person doesn't fit the mold of every platform issue doesn't mean they might not be more closely affiliated with that group over others.
Ever wonder why Spencer and his Nazi friends aren't supporting democrats?
@HoolaHoopMan: 1. as I said before
"dude man. The left not calling out that carp is not a pro to side ageinst them. That just make everything more antagonistic."
What is not to get.
2. Seriously that is b's. You clearly do not get it.
We programs helping with that....and most of that was cut last year under republicans tax cut. We have town in the mid west dissapering due to lack of income to those town and massive ammount of lay offs going on now with many industries and you want to counter that with a dated study not refecting what is going on now?
Seriously , your head is in the dirt.
3.dude. The fact they are pro white is what makes them Nazi's in the first place. Do not start with this peaceful protest b's. The very second they started marching with torches and chanting those line their is no way to recover from it.
If you really we for a peaceful protest then go through hot coal to do it like many civil rights protesters did.
Seriously, you can defend this. We have example to point to.
Blk protester are not better but you guy are so dumb about this that you use it as the same excuse to act out as well.
Seriously the civil rights movement went through worse and did not even try to punch back. Yet you pro white protester coming in gunning for a fight and later March in with torches. And then one of you runs a car into a crowd.
Seriously, you guys don't have the tact , will or intelligence to do a peaceful protest.
It's called martyrdom....do that.
Not talk crap and cry later when comfonted about it.
'Right' isn't a party, it's a segment of a spectrum. Simply because the GOP and many main stream people who identify on the right end of the spectrum disagree with him, does not mean he isn't further to the right. The same ideas apply to the left. Just because a person doesn't fit the mold of every platform issue doesn't mean they might not be more closely affiliated with that group over others.
Sure its a spectrum, but he doesn't represent the american "right" spectrum. And Europe is entirely left on the american scale. He represents the "right" on European scale, and left of the american scale.
Ever wonder why Spencer and his Nazi friends aren't supporting democrats?
He's an Obama supporter. He mostly disagrees with trump on policy... He's for nationalizing healthcare. He actively protests wall street and capitalism. He believes rights are given by the state. He's functionally a democrat, and supported democrats. He only positioned himself with trump last minute to capitalize on the inflammatory politics and gained his fame.
He's not even a nazi or neo nazi..
I haven't checked this thread in a couple days, but jeez Louise people, you're behaving like children! This was exactly what I was talking about in my original post.
But hey, you have safe rooms in colleges. If any of you grown adults need to sit in a room and cry because someone has a differing opinion than you, just go there to take care of your hurt feelings. Stop being buttheads.
I tried to remain civil in this thread, but it doesn't seem anyone's paying attention anymore.
I don't vote because I don't see the country changing for the better. Even with Trump in office, there is no wall, foreigners are still here and taking jobs and welfare.
This type of stuff is exactly why I don't vote.
I ain't gonna vote for a country going downhill, there would be no reason to. Trump said it all. I've only voted for one president in my life and that's Trump. I won't vote for someone if they aren't like Trump.
who is this ex-president you speak of?
Trump. Who else?
The entire George W. Bush administration should be in prison. Were it not been for the spectacular awfulness of the war-mongering economy-devastating Bush administration, I might be livid about what Trump has done to the office. The apparent amnesia among the media, the public, and the political class with regard to Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld is baffling to me. It's like the outrage just evaporated. It's an absolute disgrace that they haven't been brought to justice.
My take on it is that Obama wanted to be the president to reconcile the country and reduce the toxic polarization, while halting the financial collapse he inherited. To bring the country together, build it back up. Republicans left him holding his outstretched hand like a fool, then spat in his face. They demonized and obstructed him as he struggled to clean up their mess and attend to their legacy of destruction. Now we have Trump, who's like some unaccountable id monster summoned from the dark subconscious of the Republican base. Fucked up times.
who is this ex-president you speak of?
Trump. Who else?
The entire George W. Bush administration should be in prison. Were it not been for the spectacular awfulness of the war-mongering economy-devastating Bush administration, I might be livid about what Trump has done to the office. The apparent amnesia among the media, the public, and the political class with regard to Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld is baffling to me. It's like the outrage just evaporated. It's an absolute disgrace that they haven't been brought to justice.
My take on it is that Obama wanted to be the president to reconcile the country and reduce the toxic polarization, while halting the financial collapse he inherited. To bring the country together, build it back up. Republicans left him holding his outstretched hand like a fool, then spat in his face. They demonized and obstructed him as he struggled to clean up their mess and attend to their legacy of destruction. Now we have Trump, who's like some unaccountable id monster summoned from the dark subconscious of the Republican base. Fucked up times.
You seem to be making this a party issue. You mention republicans in a negative light. I absolutely agree the Bush administration should be in prison. But so should Obama. His administration had MANY scandals that could send his ass to jail.
I have said this multiple times. The democrats and republicans are both two sides of the same coin. If you genuinely think that one party is better than the other, one is delusional. They are serving the agenda of keeping the American people divided, but both parties serve the globalist and imperialist establishment.
This is an important article IMO when it comes to political correctness:
TLDR: Orwellian; restricting thought by restricting the vocabulary and its definitions. I do think that is a concern, on top of the regular attacking of people and not their arguments, combined with the mob mentality on the internet, and the ostracizing of the critical thinkers and the freethinkers on many websites, places of (faux) "discussion", "education" or "inclusion".
who is this ex-president you speak of?
Trump. Who else?
The entire George W. Bush administration should be in prison. Were it not been for the spectacular awfulness of the war-mongering economy-devastating Bush administration, I might be livid about what Trump has done to the office. The apparent amnesia among the media, the public, and the political class with regard to Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld is baffling to me. It's like the outrage just evaporated. It's an absolute disgrace that they haven't been brought to justice.
My take on it is that Obama wanted to be the president to reconcile the country and reduce the toxic polarization, while halting the financial collapse he inherited. To bring the country together, build it back up. Republicans left him holding his outstretched hand like a fool, then spat in his face. They demonized and obstructed him as he struggled to clean up their mess and attend to their legacy of destruction. Now we have Trump, who's like some unaccountable id monster summoned from the dark subconscious of the Republican base. Fucked up times.
You seem to be making this a party issue. You mention republicans in a negative light. I absolutely agree the Bush administration should be in prison. But so should Obama. His administration had MANY scandals that could send his ass to jail.
I have said this multiple times. The democrats and republicans are both two sides of the same coin. If you genuinely think that one party is better than the other, one is delusional. They are serving the agenda of keeping the American people divided, but both parties serve the globalist and imperialist establishment.
Obama scandals are pathetic little fantasies and conspiracy theories for rednecks to jerk off to so they never have to face up to their own complicity in the giant colossal clusterfuck that immediately preceded him. Manufactured nothings. Deflections, distractions, anything to prevent a long overdue facing up to what we had become. Obama was as honorable a person as one could expect a broken system to deliver, and if he is at fault it is that he got sucked along with the momentum of the machinery and was not adequately equipped to block all of its sociopathic consequences. In some respects he may have been naive.
To dredge up Obama 'scandals' as if they're even remotely on the same level is total false equivalency.
Look at all that was wrought by the Bush administration. Put that in context. They actively drove that machinery, poured fuel on the fire.
I wish I could say Obama had turned the country around, laid solid foundations for a peaceful and prosperous future. There's little use denying the very obvious lack of progress. Although without 8 years of Obama at the helm, we would be in a significantly worse situation today. That much is glaringly apparent. Sometimes just holding things together is a monumental task. Sometimes delivering a less bad outcome is the best that can be hoped for. He is the greatest president in my lifetime. Naturally I wish the bar were higher, but there can be absolutely no doubt.
who is this ex-president you speak of?
Trump. Who else?
The entire George W. Bush administration should be in prison. Were it not been for the spectacular awfulness of the war-mongering economy-devastating Bush administration, I might be livid about what Trump has done to the office. The apparent amnesia among the media, the public, and the political class with regard to Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld is baffling to me. It's like the outrage just evaporated. It's an absolute disgrace that they haven't been brought to justice.
My take on it is that Obama wanted to be the president to reconcile the country and reduce the toxic polarization, while halting the financial collapse he inherited. To bring the country together, build it back up. Republicans left him holding his outstretched hand like a fool, then spat in his face. They demonized and obstructed him as he struggled to clean up their mess and attend to their legacy of destruction. Now we have Trump, who's like some unaccountable id monster summoned from the dark subconscious of the Republican base. Fucked up times.
You seem to be making this a party issue. You mention republicans in a negative light. I absolutely agree the Bush administration should be in prison. But so should Obama. His administration had MANY scandals that could send his ass to jail.
I have said this multiple times. The democrats and republicans are both two sides of the same coin. If you genuinely think that one party is better than the other, one is delusional. They are serving the agenda of keeping the American people divided, but both parties serve the globalist and imperialist establishment.
Obama scandals are pathetic little fantasies and conspiracy theories for rednecks to jerk off to so they never have to face up to their own complicity in the giant colossal clusterfuck that immediately preceded him. Manufactured nothings. Deflections, distractions, anything to prevent a long overdue facing up to what we had become. Obama was as honorable a person as one could expect a broken system to deliver, and if he is at fault it is that he got sucked along with the momentum of the machinery and was not adequately equipped to block all of its sociopathic consequences. In some respects he may have been naive.
To dredge up Obama 'scandals' as if they're even remotely on the same level is total false equivalency.
Look at all that was wrought by the Bush administration. Put that in context. They actively drove that machinery, poured fuel on the fire.
I wish I could say Obama had turned the country around, laid solid foundations for a peaceful and prosperous future. There's little use denying the very obvious lack of progress. Although without 8 years of Obama at the helm, we would be in a significantly worse situation today. That much is glaringly apparent. Sometimes just holding things together is a monumental task. Sometimes delivering a less bad outcome is the best that can be hoped for. He is the greatest president in my lifetime. Naturally I wish the bar were higher, but there can be absolutely no doubt.
I never said the Bush admin shouldn't be in jail. They should. He was a war criminal for everything he did with Iraq, and many other scandals. But you seem to have amnesia for the democrats as well.
Remember Bill Clinton? The man who bombed Yugoslavia (my country) to shit? Illegally? Who because of American intervention has led to thousands of lives lost, without international support and majority of countries opposing it? Yeah, he was a democrat. Lets not forget about that. The republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin. They create little nuance issues (that really should not even be discussed by the informed human being) just to create division among Americans, while covertly creating chaos internationally for power. If you are going to denounce the republicans, you should denounce the democrats as well, because they are no better.
Obama admin was terrible. His scandals were bad. Were his scandals as bad the Bush admin? Probably not. But thats not the point. A war criminal is a war criminal, who is a war criminal. Its not about comparison. Its about jailing those who deserve to be in jail, period.
Russian collusion? Check. Uranium deal with Russia and Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton.
Bombing? Check. Obama has dropped over 26,000 bombs in 2016 alone.
Terrorism? Check. Obama Administration negligence (intentionally?) led to ISIS capturing billions of dollars worth of weaponry.
My personal favorite; Obama's personal wealth has increased over 1000% during his 8 year tenure, whereas Trumps, has decreased.
The point I am trying to make is both parties are the same. If you want to make a difference stop voting based on parties, and start voting based on your own values. Problem is everyone votes solely based on party.
3.dude. The fact they are pro white is what makes them Nazi's in the first place. Do not start with this peaceful protest b's. The very second they started marching with torches and chanting those line their is no way to recover from it.
If you really we for a peaceful protest then go through hot coal to do it like many civil rights protesters did.
Seriously, you can defend this. We have example to point to.
Blk protester are not better but you guy are so dumb about this that you use it as the same excuse to act out as well.
Seriously the civil rights movement went through worse and did not even try to punch back. Yet you pro white protester coming in gunning for a fight and later March in with torches. And then one of you runs a car into a crowd.
Seriously, you guys don't have the tact , will or intelligence to do a peaceful protest.
Absolute bull****. You need to be called out on your lies and deceit. Being pro white DOES NOT make you a Nazi NOR anti-other races. I am pro-white. Japan has no policies for mass immigration. Neither do other Asian countries, or African countries. Why is Africa allowed to say no, Why is the middle east allowed to say no, why is Asia allowed to say no, but European nations are "racists" and "white supremacists" if we say no? Its absolute Hypocrisy and its ruining our culture, our people, and our way of life.
In America, I have every RIGHT to protest the destruction of my people, my culture, my lifestyle. Black people voiced themselves during the civil rights to protect their people(rightfully so), and that is what many white people are trying today. I can voice my opinion, as long as its not a call to violence. I have seen the rally's in Charlottesville, from both points of view. The initial rally never called for violence against other people, it was them protesting the take down of a confederate statue that is apart of American history. Did they have bats and shield and quite possibly other weapons? Yes, there is NOTHING illegal with that. And to be blunt, I don't blame them for having it either. Anytime a person spouts pro-white ideologies, they are instantly deemed a racist or a neo nazi, Yet black people do it, hispanics do it, asians do it, and nobody says a word. Its hypocrisy and its absolutely disgusting. Your way of thinking is exactly what the issue with America is. Saying "their is no way to recover from it". Bullshit. Counter protestors were the violent ones FIRST. They attacked the white nationalists first, and they even attacked the police separating the two groups. I do condemn violence on both sides. The counter protestors who started the initial violence should be held accountable, but I also am happy to hear the white nationalist who ran over people with the car was charged. Murder is murder, violence is violence, and needs to be condemned.
Anybody pro-white is automatically labelled a racist and is drown out with acts of violence against them.
Hey guys, trim your quote trees. I haven't been involved in this conversation in over a month and I keep getting notifications of reply.
I don't think as a species our brains have adapted yet to living in a hyperconnected world where we can discuss issues with people from VASTLY different backgrounds from our own in an instant. It's impossible to understand the experiences of random strangers on twitter, fb or other forums so we generalize to try to put a frame of reference in our heads about the people we're speaking to.
Unfortunately, those frames of references are based on what we perceive about "those types of people" fed (mostly) by the media ( including social media ), which has a profit motive to supply to us sensationalized depictions of "those types of people" or to focus on the outliers.
The result is we immediately toss a person into a generalized bucket, usually a grotesquely characterized one, based on one or two data points we have about them.
They own a gun? Oh, well, they must be MAGA hat wearing racist troglodytes!
They believe humans are having a significant impact on the earth's climate? Oh, well, they must also hate the constitution, want to murder babies at birth and support the dissolution of the southern border.
Simple ( not easy ) solution: stop it with the generalizations of people you do not really know
3.dude. The fact they are pro white is what makes them Nazi's in the first place. Do not start with this peaceful protest b's. The very second they started marching with torches and chanting those line their is no way to recover from it.
If you really we for a peaceful protest then go through hot coal to do it like many civil rights protesters did.
Seriously, you can defend this. We have example to point to.
Blk protester are not better but you guy are so dumb about this that you use it as the same excuse to act out as well.
Seriously the civil rights movement went through worse and did not even try to punch back. Yet you pro white protester coming in gunning for a fight and later March in with torches. And then one of you runs a car into a crowd.
Seriously, you guys don't have the tact , will or intelligence to do a peaceful protest.
Absolute bull****. You need to be called out on your lies and deceit. Being pro white DOES NOT make you a Nazi NOR anti-other races. I am pro-white. Japan has no policies for mass immigration. Neither do other Asian countries, or African countries. Why is Africa allowed to say no, Why is the middle east allowed to say no, why is Asia allowed to say no, but European nations are "racists" and "white supremacists" if we say no? Its absolute Hypocrisy and its ruining our culture, our people, and our way of life.
In America, I have every RIGHT to protest the destruction of my people, my culture, my lifestyle. Black people voiced themselves during the civil rights to protect their people(rightfully so), and that is what many white people are trying today. I can voice my opinion, as long as its not a call to violence. I have seen the rally's in Charlottesville, from both points of view. The initial rally never called for violence against other people, it was them protesting the take down of a confederate statue that is apart of American history. Did they have bats and shield and quite possibly other weapons? Yes, there is NOTHING illegal with that. And to be blunt, I don't blame them for having it either. Anytime a person spouts pro-white ideologies, they are instantly deemed a racist or a neo nazi, Yet black people do it, hispanics do it, asians do it, and nobody says a word. Its hypocrisy and its absolutely disgusting. Your way of thinking is exactly what the issue with America is. Saying "their is no way to recover from it". Bullshit. Counter protestors were the violent ones FIRST. They attacked the white nationalists first, and they even attacked the police separating the two groups. I do condemn violence on both sides. The counter protestors who started the initial violence should be held accountable, but I also am happy to hear the white nationalist who ran over people with the car was charged. Murder is murder, violence is violence, and needs to be condemned.
Anybody pro-white is automatically labelled a racist and is drown out with acts of violence against them.
The Confederacy fought for slavery, monuments are viewed as advocating for such. It's not difficult to understand why some may find that very offensive. Hitler and Himmler were also part of Germany's history, would you be alright with monuments of them around Germany?
While I agree with you that it is hypocritical, the reason whites are viewed as racist in standing for their rights (at least from what the Left have told me), are due to historical context and power dynamics. I doubt BET and black history month would be tolerated if the situation were flipped and whites had been the ones persecuted. Heaven forbid there's any acknowledgement towards whites today, whether it be towards their history or rights, without it being viewed in a light of those who've subjugated others. I sympathize with you on this being hypocritical, but it's unfortunately just the way it is; somehow whites collectively shoulder all the blame of their ancestors even if their direct ancestors had nothing to do with any injustice of which they're being accused. I was a user at Reset ERA and stood up against any comment that targeted whites, which pretty much amounted to any perceived injustice on planet earth. Political disagreements? The white man. Income inequality? The white man. Abortion? The white man. Racism? "Oh you can't be racist against whites!". The white man, I get so sick of it. The straight white male's to blame for all, apparently the bane of all existence. Needless to say, I didn't last long in such a place......**** that cesspit.
But enough ranting. Aside, do you have any proof that they counter protesters started conflict? In such a gathering with vehement passions on both sides, it's impossible to know for certain where and who initiated hostilities. Unless you can provide a video at the precise second, you can't do it, and even then, who's to know what happened off camera someplace else? Considering that those who were marching on the side of pro-whites were carrying weapons, it's safe to assume equal responsibility.
3.dude. The fact they are pro white is what makes them Nazi's in the first place. Do not start with this peaceful protest b's. The very second they started marching with torches and chanting those line their is no way to recover from it.
If you really we for a peaceful protest then go through hot coal to do it like many civil rights protesters did.
Seriously, you can defend this. We have example to point to.
Blk protester are not better but you guy are so dumb about this that you use it as the same excuse to act out as well.
Seriously the civil rights movement went through worse and did not even try to punch back. Yet you pro white protester coming in gunning for a fight and later March in with torches. And then one of you runs a car into a crowd.
Seriously, you guys don't have the tact , will or intelligence to do a peaceful protest.
Absolute bull****. You need to be called out on your lies and deceit. Being pro white DOES NOT make you a Nazi NOR anti-other races. I am pro-white. Japan has no policies for mass immigration. Neither do other Asian countries, or African countries. Why is Africa allowed to say no, Why is the middle east allowed to say no, why is Asia allowed to say no, but European nations are "racists" and "white supremacists" if we say no? Its absolute Hypocrisy and its ruining our culture, our people, and our way of life.
In America, I have every RIGHT to protest the destruction of my people, my culture, my lifestyle. Black people voiced themselves during the civil rights to protect their people(rightfully so), and that is what many white people are trying today. I can voice my opinion, as long as its not a call to violence. I have seen the rally's in Charlottesville, from both points of view. The initial rally never called for violence against other people, it was them protesting the take down of a confederate statue that is apart of American history. Did they have bats and shield and quite possibly other weapons? Yes, there is NOTHING illegal with that. And to be blunt, I don't blame them for having it either. Anytime a person spouts pro-white ideologies, they are instantly deemed a racist or a neo nazi, Yet black people do it, hispanics do it, asians do it, and nobody says a word. Its hypocrisy and its absolutely disgusting. Your way of thinking is exactly what the issue with America is. Saying "their is no way to recover from it". Bullshit. Counter protestors were the violent ones FIRST. They attacked the white nationalists first, and they even attacked the police separating the two groups. I do condemn violence on both sides. The counter protestors who started the initial violence should be held accountable, but I also am happy to hear the white nationalist who ran over people with the car was charged. Murder is murder, violence is violence, and needs to be condemned.
Anybody pro-white is automatically labelled a racist and is drown out with acts of violence against them.
The Confederacy fought for slavery, monuments are viewed as advocating for such. It's not difficult to understand why some may find that very offensive. Hitler and Himmler were also part of Germany's history, would you be alright with monuments of them around Germany?
While I agree with you that it is hypocritical, the reason whites are viewed as racist in standing for their rights (at least from what the Left have told me), are due to historical context and power dynamics. I doubt BET and black history month would be tolerated if the situation were flipped and whites had been the ones persecuted. Heaven forbid there's any acknowledgement towards whites today, whether it be towards their history or rights, without it being viewed in a light of those who've subjugated others. I sympathize with you on this being hypocritical, but it's unfortunately just the way it is; somehow whites collectively shoulder all the blame of their ancestors even if their direct ancestors had nothing to do with any injustice of which they're being accused. I was a user at Reset ERA and stood up against any comment that targeted whites, which pretty much amounted to any perceived injustice on planet earth. Political disagreements? The white man. Income inequality? The white man. Abortion? The white man. Racism? "Oh you can't be racist against whites!". The white man, I get so sick of it. The straight white male's to blame for all, apparently the bane of all existence. Needless to say, I didn't last long in such a place......**** that cesspit.
But enough ranting. Aside, do you have any proof that they counter protesters started conflict? In such a gathering with vehement passions on both sides, it's impossible to know for certain where and who initiated hostilities. Unless you can provide a video at the precise second, you can't do it, and even then, who's to know what happened off camera someplace else? Considering that those who were marching on the side of pro-whites were carrying weapons, it's safe to assume equal responsibility.
To be frank, I don't think it would be a terrible idea if statues of Hitler and Himmler were in Germany. Is it uncomfortable? Absolutely. But it demonstrates the history of a nation. Russia has Vladimir Lenin's body on display in Moscow. His revolution has led to the death of millions of people, along with bringing Stalin to power. The USSR has killed over 30 to 70 million Russians (depending on the historian) during this period of time. Quite possibly the greatest genocide in the history of mankind. Yet there are statues of Vladimir Lenin and Stalin (recently removed which I believe should not have) erected in the US and across the world. These statues are a demonstration of the history of a nation. As silly as it may sound, the statue won't hurt anybody lol. People need to address the uncomfortable truth in order to make amends with the past and fix it. I truly believe in the saying "History repeats itself". But that is because we as human beings are afraid of addressing the past and making changes.
Now, on to the historical context. This is where I genuinely believe the left is either ignorant of real history, or manipulating it to fit their agenda. Every nation of every race, has dominated/subjugated other people. Some examples being the British empire, the Japanese empire, the soviet union, the Bantu tribe of Africa. Egypt is notorious for slaves, and there are paintings that depict the slaves being white people. Different European nations were subjugated by the moors for over 400 years. My own people (Serbians) were run over by the ottoman empire and enslaved for over 400 years too. I'm not trying to get empathy here, but the point I'm trying to get across is that its common throughout history. Why would ALL Europeans be at blame for a few nations who's governments were thirsty for power? Its like blaming all Africans for Ethiopian crimes or blaming all Asians for Japanese crimes. It's ludicrous, and prejudice behavior too. You(not you personally) choose to blame any person who has the same skin color, even though there is distinct differences in Europeans for well over hundreds and even a thousand years. This is why I have an issue with the left in this regards. They manipulate their arguments. Their is no desire for freedom, because if there was, they'd understand that EVERYONE has participated in domination/subjugation/enslavement at one point in history, and they couldn't blame the white man for their own current problems. They actively seek to guilt trip Europeans and subjugate them instead. You can see the fault in their motives. They desire "freedom" and "equality" for all, regardless of skin color. So why are their so many affirmative action programs for all races but white people? They want freedom from the white man, but continue to request stuff from them...
Well the proof I have is on youtube, when the first rally occurred. I watched MULTIPLE viewpoints, from both the protestors and counter-protestors. I saw multiple instances of the protestors POV filming from when the initial counter protestors arrived, whereas I say many counter protestors POV when the violence has already occurred. From the videos of the protestors POV, you can see a lot of initial harassment coming from the counter protestors. You're absolutely right though, I do not know exactly what the protestors were saying. If they were calling to action against people, then they have no protection under the 1st amendment. But I can only make a judgement based on what I have seen and heard, and after doing a well amount of research, I believe the counter protestors initiated the harassment and violence.
To be frank, I don't think it would be a terrible idea if statues of Hitler and Himmler were in Germany. Is it uncomfortable? Absolutely. But it demonstrates the history of a nation. Russia has Vladimir Lenin's body on display in Moscow. His revolution has led to the death of millions of people, along with bringing Stalin to power. The USSR has killed over 30 to 70 million Russians (depending on the historian) during this period of time. Quite possibly the greatest genocide in the history of mankind. Yet there are statues of Vladimir Lenin and Stalin (recently removed which I believe should not have) erected in the US and across the world. These statues are a demonstration of the history of a nation. As silly as it may sound, the statue won't hurt anybody lol. People need to address the uncomfortable truth in order to make amends with the past and fix it. I truly believe in the saying "History repeats itself". But that is because we as human beings are afraid of addressing the past and making changes.
Now, on to the historical context. This is where I genuinely believe the left is either ignorant of real history, or manipulating it to fit their agenda. Every nation of every race, has dominated/subjugated other people. Some examples being the British empire, the Japanese empire, the soviet union, the Bantu tribe of Africa. Egypt is notorious for slaves, and there are paintings that depict the slaves being white people. Different European nations were subjugated by the moors for over 400 years. My own people (Serbians) were run over by the ottoman empire and enslaved for over 400 years too. I'm not trying to get empathy here, but the point I'm trying to get across is that its common throughout history. Why would ALL Europeans be at blame for a few nations who's governments were thirsty for power? Its like blaming all Africans for Ethiopian crimes or blaming all Asians for Japanese crimes. It's ludicrous, and prejudice behavior too. You(not you personally) choose to blame any person who has the same skin color, even though there is distinct differences in Europeans for well over hundreds and even a thousand years. This is why I have an issue with the left in this regards. They manipulate their arguments. Their is no desire for freedom, because if there was, they'd understand that EVERYONE has participated in domination/subjugation/enslavement at one point in history, and they couldn't blame the white man for their own current problems. They actively seek to guilt trip Europeans and subjugate them instead. You can see the fault in their motives. They desire "freedom" and "equality" for all, regardless of skin color. So why are their so many affirmative action programs for all races but white people? They want freedom from the white man, but continue to request stuff from them...
Well the proof I have is on youtube, when the first rally occurred. I watched MULTIPLE viewpoints, from both the protestors and counter-protestors. I saw multiple instances of the protestors POV filming from when the initial counter protestors arrived, whereas I say many counter protestors POV when the violence has already occurred. From the videos of the protestors POV, you can see a lot of initial harassment coming from the counter protestors. You're absolutely right though, I do not know exactly what the protestors were saying. If they were calling to action against people, then they have no protection under the 1st amendment. But I can only make a judgement based on what I have seen and heard, and after doing a well amount of research, I believe the counter protestors initiated the harassment and violence.
Sure, but there's a difference between remembrance and idolatry. Statues and monuments (literally and symbolically) are meant to be looked up to. Museums are perfectly acceptable venues to remember what shouldn't be forgotten, but which also shouldn't be upheld and admired, and leave the rest to the history books. It's not so much the remembrance but the manner in which it's achieved. Those who stood on the wrong side of history and righteousness that many shed blood to defeat shouldn't be idolized in such memory.....they should be relegated the absolute minimum accordance of acknowledgement and respect only in the retention of that memory.
I agree with you about historical context. The way the Left frame it you'd think whites were the only ones committing injustice in the world. I believe they're not ignorant and realize that subjugation has happened all over the world, it just hasn't happened to THEM, so it's irrelevant. I'm a descendant of the Hawaiian Monarchy that was overthrown (though you'd never guess it from my appearance), and having lived in Hawaii for many years, believe me when I say there's still incredible animosity and resentment amongst the locals towards foreigners. But I hold nothing against whites. It is history, and those who perpetrated it are no longer alive, and that's it, full stop. But man, I've never seen such a victim-hood complex in my entire life as the Left encapsulates. It's like I want to be on their side and fight for their cause, yet they view me as the enemy even in the best of intentions. To hell with them.
To be frank, I don't think it would be a terrible idea if statues of Hitler and Himmler were in Germany. Is it uncomfortable? Absolutely. But it demonstrates the history of a nation. Russia has Vladimir Lenin's body on display in Moscow. His revolution has led to the death of millions of people, along with bringing Stalin to power. The USSR has killed over 30 to 70 million Russians (depending on the historian) during this period of time. Quite possibly the greatest genocide in the history of mankind. Yet there are statues of Vladimir Lenin and Stalin (recently removed which I believe should not have) erected in the US and across the world. These statues are a demonstration of the history of a nation. As silly as it may sound, the statue won't hurt anybody lol. People need to address the uncomfortable truth in order to make amends with the past and fix it. I truly believe in the saying "History repeats itself". But that is because we as human beings are afraid of addressing the past and making changes.
Now, on to the historical context. This is where I genuinely believe the left is either ignorant of real history, or manipulating it to fit their agenda. Every nation of every race, has dominated/subjugated other people. Some examples being the British empire, the Japanese empire, the soviet union, the Bantu tribe of Africa. Egypt is notorious for slaves, and there are paintings that depict the slaves being white people. Different European nations were subjugated by the moors for over 400 years. My own people (Serbians) were run over by the ottoman empire and enslaved for over 400 years too. I'm not trying to get empathy here, but the point I'm trying to get across is that its common throughout history. Why would ALL Europeans be at blame for a few nations who's governments were thirsty for power? Its like blaming all Africans for Ethiopian crimes or blaming all Asians for Japanese crimes. It's ludicrous, and prejudice behavior too. You(not you personally) choose to blame any person who has the same skin color, even though there is distinct differences in Europeans for well over hundreds and even a thousand years. This is why I have an issue with the left in this regards. They manipulate their arguments. Their is no desire for freedom, because if there was, they'd understand that EVERYONE has participated in domination/subjugation/enslavement at one point in history, and they couldn't blame the white man for their own current problems. They actively seek to guilt trip Europeans and subjugate them instead. You can see the fault in their motives. They desire "freedom" and "equality" for all, regardless of skin color. So why are their so many affirmative action programs for all races but white people? They want freedom from the white man, but continue to request stuff from them...
Well the proof I have is on youtube, when the first rally occurred. I watched MULTIPLE viewpoints, from both the protestors and counter-protestors. I saw multiple instances of the protestors POV filming from when the initial counter protestors arrived, whereas I say many counter protestors POV when the violence has already occurred. From the videos of the protestors POV, you can see a lot of initial harassment coming from the counter protestors. You're absolutely right though, I do not know exactly what the protestors were saying. If they were calling to action against people, then they have no protection under the 1st amendment. But I can only make a judgement based on what I have seen and heard, and after doing a well amount of research, I believe the counter protestors initiated the harassment and violence.
Sure, but there's a difference between remembrance and idolatry. Statues and monuments (literally and symbolically) are meant to be looked up to. Museums are perfectly acceptable venues to remember what shouldn't be forgotten, but which also shouldn't be upheld and admired, and leave the rest to the history books. It's not so much the remembrance but the manner in which it's achieved. Those who stood on the wrong side of history and righteousness that many shed blood to defeat shouldn't be idolized in such memory.....they should be relegated the absolute minimum accordance of acknowledgement and respect only in the retention of that memory.
I agree with you about historical context. The way the Left frame it you'd think whites were the only ones committing injustice in the world. I believe they're not ignorant and realize that subjugation has happened all over the world, it just hasn't happened to THEM, so it's irrelevant. I'm a descendant of the Hawaiian Monarchy that was overthrown (though you'd never guess it from my appearance), and having lived in Hawaii for many years, believe me when I say there's still incredible animosity and resentment amongst the locals towards foreigners. But I hold nothing against whites. It is history, and those who perpetrated it are no longer alive, and that's it, full stop. But man, I've never seen such a victim-hood complex in my entire life as the Left encapsulates. It's like I want to be on their side and fight for their cause, yet they view me as the enemy even in the best of intentions. To hell with them.
That definitely makes sense but there's one fault in your method I see and this pertains to the examples of Stalin and Lenin statues; who determines what is to be remembered or Idolized? Not everybody knows of the genocides committed by the Soviet Union (holodomor) yet these statues are erected around the world. There is a Lenin Statue in Seattle. Should this be removed or left alone? The solution you provide is situational because of perception. If America was a fascist society, Hitler might have multiple statues, whereas if communist, more Lenin figures. That is why in a sense, I believe if we were to leave it as is, it would be left to the individual to make the decision on how to view it. I have no problem with seeing the Lenin statue the way it is in Seattle, but because it is there, It reminds me of his history, so I don't idolize it.
Sure, but there's a difference between remembrance and idolatry. Statues and monuments (literally and symbolically) are meant to be looked up to. Museums are perfectly acceptable venues to remember what shouldn't be forgotten, but which also shouldn't be upheld and admired, and leave the rest to the history books. It's not so much the remembrance but the manner in which it's achieved. Those who stood on the wrong side of history and righteousness that many shed blood to defeat shouldn't be idolized in such memory.....they should be relegated the absolute minimum accordance of acknowledgement and respect only in the retention of that memory.
I agree with you about historical context. The way the Left frame it you'd think whites were the only ones committing injustice in the world. I believe they're not ignorant and realize that subjugation has happened all over the world, it just hasn't happened to THEM, so it's irrelevant. I'm a descendant of the Hawaiian Monarchy that was overthrown (though you'd never guess it from my appearance), and having lived in Hawaii for many years, believe me when I say there's still incredible animosity and resentment amongst the locals towards foreigners. But I hold nothing against whites. It is history, and those who perpetrated it are no longer alive, and that's it, full stop. But man, I've never seen such a victim-hood complex in my entire life as the Left encapsulates. It's like I want to be on their side and fight for their cause, yet they view me as the enemy even in the best of intentions. To hell with them.
That definitely makes sense but there's one fault in your method I see and this pertains to the examples of Stalin and Lenin statues; who determines what is to be remembered or Idolized? Not everybody knows of the genocides committed by the Soviet Union (holodomor) yet these statues are erected around the world. There is a Lenin Statue in Seattle. Should this be removed or left alone? The solution you provide is situational because of perception. If America was a fascist society, Hitler might have multiple statues, whereas if communist, more Lenin figures. That is why in a sense, I believe if we were to leave it as is, it would be left to the individual to make the decision on how to view it. I have no problem with seeing the Lenin statue the way it is in Seattle, but because it is there, It reminds me of his history, so I don't idolize it.
I think most people can come to the conclusion that in the totality of Hitler's life and accomplishments, he's not to be idolized....even in those who live in fascist states. The morality of someone's beliefs and actions in benefit to others determine whether they should be, and I realize this is wholly dependent on whether you're a moral relativist or not. Which is another discussion entirely. That people are ignorant of genocides doesn't negate the fact they happened nor is their ignorance justification for idolization. I'll never be convinced that slaughtering people, in the tens of millions, whether it be by neglect or industrial endevour, is a matter of perception in determining whether one is to held up in higher esteem.
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