@n64dd said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@n64dd said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
Yes I do. And he wins as the worst. Congrats. He stands alone.
Over presidents that let their personal friends use the Treasury as a personal bank or presidents that pushed to spread slavery more?
LOL and you call me the troll.
Get #rekt kid.
It pains me, but I have to agree; Trump is too inept to be the worst. Nixon and Reagan were far worse, Bush Jr. for sure, hell you could even argue Bill Clinton has done more damage (though good luck with that). And, historically, we have had far far far crappier presidents than any of those guys.
To be the worst, would actually have to be capable of something. Like a financial crisis, a fake war (or two), bailing out huge companies, excessive abuses of power, etc..
It's still early, though, give the man some time! Thus far Trump is going to go down as the, I don't know...most pointless president? Worst picked? Winner of the "What were we thinking?" award?
What didn't you like about Reagan?
A lot, but you sort of missed the point; I listed many presidents, some good, some bad, some mediocre. My intention was to illustrate that Trump is a do-nothing president, and that to say he is "the worst" is a misnomer simply because he is a do-nothing president. Anyway, forget I mentioned Reagan; I know he is essentially a demi-god to conservatives, and I'd rather this not devolve into a debate like that. Just throw in, I don't know...Ford? Carter?
I mean, let's take that missile strike on Syria for example; any other president would have followed that up with weeks of talks, or an invasion, or tried to get the UN to go in, or hassled Russia some more, or any number or things but all Trump did was "Hey, what's this button do?" and then just kind of walked away. I mean, only he can really do that lol. The guy launched more ordnance in a few seconds than most countries do in a year and nothing has come of it. The point is, any other president and we'd still be talking about Syria and the missiles and the poor refugees but no now we are focusing on Pelosi and a hypothetical presidential race in three years, a stupid squabble between him and the "fake" press, and so forth.
Bullshit and nonsense, and do-nothing non-do-goodery. I think in 20 years it's going to be like these years never existed, like nothing really got done. "Hey, what happened between 2016 and 20__?" someone will ask "Not much, son. Not much. The rest of the world caught up to the United States, but that's about it."
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