Poll Should Hollywood celebrities wealth be redistributed and given to refugees? (20 votes)
Yes 40%
No you imbecile 60%
The hollywood elite are always virtue signaling but never doing anything to help the poor refugees so i think that taking away their dirty (((hollywood))) cash and giving it to people seeking asylum would be a great idea!
Yeah these cocaÃne and booze addicts are pretty jarring, sitting on their high horses and lecturing us about charities, meanwhile walling themselves from the outside world in their luxurious mansions.
Oh and their charities are just for tax deductions.
Wouldn't you rather start with someone who actually have money? like the Clintons or George Soros? or the Koch brothers.
Or even better Gates and Warren Buffett
I'd rather start with the Subterranean Lizard People, they're the ones that really control the wealth.
Since you brought it up:
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has an endowment of $40+ billion; of that, $28 billion came from Bill Gates personal wealth.
Warren Buffett has pledged to give 99% of his wealth away (assuming on his death) to charity. Buffett also gives literal billions to each his children's (emphasis on plural) charities (I guess that is what rich people's kids do) on top of that. He is worth $50+ billion, and since he is giving his wealth out in stock, it will continue to build wealth of sorts.
Bill, Hilary, and Chelsea Clinton's foundation has come under recent scrutiny,but by objective standards it does really well. The main issue is that, unlike other charities, it's actually a fundraising platform and not something that actually collects, then spends, money. With that said, it is incredibly effective, earning $100 for every $2 spent. These are then spent on various initiatives, mostly for public health (AIDs, poverty, women's health, etc). They have raised hundreds of millions of dollars, which is not too bad for people that make six figures.
George Soros has partnered up with a few other people to establish the Open Society Foundation, which tackles things that are a bit more political, but still tied to socio-economic issues (poverty, wealth, health, etc). You can see what they've spent their $11+ billion on here
But what about the super duper liberal hollywood elite, you know, the people we love to hate?
You mean....The Film Actors Guild?
Matt Damon helped create water.org, Sean Penn supports 17 different charities (seems to take after Trump, who gave like 10 dollars to 400 charities)...
Let's not leave Republicans (true Republicans, I mean...) out of it, though: Arnold used his tank to crush shit for charity, then he blew shit up for charity (he also donates a lot to various charities, and is politically active in a good way, promoting bi-partisan dialogue, talking shit out, etc), there's also Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, John Elway....all generous givers.
Interestingly enough, the only relevant anomaly here is Trump:
Trump is not only rich, but also a celebrity. He has many powerful connections, both nationally and internationally, and claims to be respected and a professional deal maker. If anyone should be a master distributor of wealth, wouldn't it be him?
But apparently, the paper trail is pretty vague since, surprise surprise, his donation habits are as shady as his spending, buying, and business habits. Truth is, you can only trace his donations to the Donald J Trump foundation, and that was only filled with other people's money, and even then there was only about $10.9 million given out (prior to his presidency), and of that barely over $2 million was from Trump himself. As far as his election- and post-election promises, well, so far he has failed to deliver on all those promises of divesting himself of his wealth, of giving all that revenue from his galas, his celebrations, etc to charity.
Gotta stop hating, guys! I mean, there's really only one guy were should be hating on. He's orange. He has horrible hair. He is annoying.
Trump's given away millions and millions to charity I hear (at least over a hundred). If anything, I'm sure you've given you what, 1/10000th of that, if I'm being generous?
Could argue you have 1/10000th the benevolence of Donald Trump (or that you're 1/10000th the man).
Trump's given away millions and millions to charity I hear (at least over a hundred). If anything, I'm sure you've given you what, 1/10000th of that, if I'm being generous?
Could argue you have 1/10000th the benevolence of Donald Trump (or that you're 1/10000th the man).
He ran for office and won. That's more than can be said for many of the hollywood elite spewing their beliefs as gospel.
Your misdirection does nothing to take away from the obvious hypocrisy exhibited by these people when it comes to social issues and important matters. Somehow those who play make-believe as a living or sing childish "music" are the absolute and final word on anything. They were as sure as shit Trump wouldn't win the election. People's obsession with "celebs" enables them to continue with their bully pulpit.
Yeah I guess so, if everyone else has to chip in than they should totally need to. They shouldn't be treated as better than everyone just because they are entertaining.
He ran for office and won. That's more than can be said for many of the hollywood elite spewing their beliefs as gospel.
Your misdirection does nothing to take away from the obvious hypocrisy exhibited by these people when it comes to social issues and important matters. Somehow those who play make-believe as a living or sing childish "music" are the absolute and final word on anything. They were as sure as shit Trump wouldn't win the election. People's obsession with "celebs" enables them to continue with their bully pulpit.
@mrbojangles25 said:
@Jacanuk said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
First start with Donald....then we'll talk.
Wouldn't you rather start with someone who actually have money? like the Clintons or George Soros? or the Koch brothers.
Or even better Gates and Warren Buffett
I'd rather start with the Subterranean Lizard People, they're the ones that really control the wealth.
Since you brought it up:
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has an endowment of $40+ billion; of that, $28 billion came from Bill Gates personal wealth.
Warren Buffett has pledged to give 99% of his wealth away (assuming on his death) to charity. Buffett also gives literal billions to each his children's (emphasis on plural) charities (I guess that is what rich people's kids do) on top of that. He is worth $50+ billion, and since he is giving his wealth out in stock, it will continue to build wealth of sorts.
Bill, Hilary, and Chelsea Clinton's foundation has come under recent scrutiny,but by objective standards it does really well. The main issue is that, unlike other charities, it's actually a fundraising platform and not something that actually collects, then spends, money. With that said, it is incredibly effective, earning $100 for every $2 spent. These are then spent on various initiatives, mostly for public health (AIDs, poverty, women's health, etc). They have raised hundreds of millions of dollars, which is not too bad for people that make six figures.
George Soros has partnered up with a few other people to establish the Open Society Foundation, which tackles things that are a bit more political, but still tied to socio-economic issues (poverty, wealth, health, etc). You can see what they've spent their $11+ billion on here
But what about the super duper liberal hollywood elite, you know, the people we love to hate?
You mean....The Film Actors Guild?
Matt Damon helped create water.org, Sean Penn supports 17 different charities (seems to take after Trump, who gave like 10 dollars to 400 charities)...
Let's not leave Republicans (true Republicans, I mean...) out of it, though: Arnold used his tank to crush shit for charity, then he blew shit up for charity (he also donates a lot to various charities, and is politically active in a good way, promoting bi-partisan dialogue, talking shit out, etc), there's also Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, John Elway....all generous givers.
Interestingly enough, the only relevant anomaly here is Trump:
Trump is not only rich, but also a celebrity. He has many powerful connections, both nationally and internationally, and claims to be respected and a professional deal maker. If anyone should be a master distributor of wealth, wouldn't it be him?
But apparently, the paper trail is pretty vague since, surprise surprise, his donation habits are as shady as his spending, buying, and business habits. Truth is, you can only trace his donations to the Donald J Trump foundation, and that was only filled with other people's money, and even then there was only about $10.9 million given out (prior to his presidency), and of that barely over $2 million was from Trump himself. As far as his election- and post-election promises, well, so far he has failed to deliver on all those promises of divesting himself of his wealth, of giving all that revenue from his galas, his celebrations, etc to charity.
Gotta stop hating, guys! I mean, there's really only one guy were should be hating on. He's orange. He has horrible hair. He is annoying.
Carrot Top.
Quoting bojangles here too just because his post directly takes on what you're saying, Solaryellow. Quit talking out of your ass and read the thread.
lol it only got there from all the talking you've been doing, spewing it all around and such.
Not at all obsessed with the holywood elite though. I see you are, with your main man Trump :)
Your knees must be dirty.
The Hollywood elite loves to tells others how to live, how to think, etc.., but they tend to follow the "do as I say, not as I do" concept. Unless you were born yesterday, you'd recognize and acknowledge the typical hypocrisy to which these people subscribe.
lol it only got there from all the talking you've been doing, spewing it all around and such.
Not at all obsessed with the holywood elite though. I see you are, with your main man Trump :)
Your knees must be dirty.
The Hollywood elite loves to tells others how to live, how to think, etc.., but they tend to follow the "do as I say, not as I do" concept. Unless you were born yesterday, you'd recognize and acknowledge the typical hypocrisy to which these people subscribe.
I can't take someone seriously that really thinks the "hollywood elites" are a problem. Its laughable at best
If the consumers didn't throw money at Hollywood they wouldn't be in that position.
Perhaps, things could probably be a bit better if we started donating some money to truly altruistic causes instead of throwing it at Hollywood every time they release a pointless blockbuster flick plagued with CGI and starred by almighty tom cruise, sam jackson, tatum channing, vin diesel, etc....
He ran for office and won. That's more than can be said for many of the hollywood elite spewing their beliefs as gospel.
Your misdirection does nothing to take away from the obvious hypocrisy exhibited by these people when it comes to social issues and important matters. Somehow those who play make-believe as a living or sing childish "music" are the absolute and final word on anything. They were as sure as shit Trump wouldn't win the election. People's obsession with "celebs" enables them to continue with their bully pulpit.
He ran for office and won. That's more than can be said for many of the hollywood elite spewing their beliefs as gospel.
Your misdirection does nothing to take away from the obvious hypocrisy exhibited by these people when it comes to social issues and important matters. Somehow those who play make-believe as a living or sing childish "music" are the absolute and final word on anything. They were as sure as shit Trump wouldn't win the election. People's obsession with "celebs" enables them to continue with their bully pulpit.
No all that says is voters are stupid.
They didn't listen to the hollywood elite who told them how to vote. That says a lot.
He ran for office and won. That's more than can be said for many of the hollywood elite spewing their beliefs as gospel.
Your misdirection does nothing to take away from the obvious hypocrisy exhibited by these people when it comes to social issues and important matters. Somehow those who play make-believe as a living or sing childish "music" are the absolute and final word on anything. They were as sure as shit Trump wouldn't win the election. People's obsession with "celebs" enables them to continue with their bully pulpit.
No all that says is voters are stupid.
They didn't listen to the hollywood elite who told them how to vote. That says a lot.
Yeah totally dude! IDGAF what those hollywood elite fascists say! I only care what those big banker CEO elites say because they say they can cut my taxes and I can be rich!
And that's totally what my hero Ronald Reagan said and he was no Hollywood elite!
Yeah totally dude! IDGAF what those hollywood elite fascists say! I only care what those big banker CEO elites say because they say they can cut my taxes and I can be rich!
And that's totally what my hero Ronald Reagan said and he was no Hollywood elite!
Stop being a drama queen with the fascist nonsense. The hollywood elite thinks their place in life makes them the end all, be all and it's almost taken as an insult when people aren't buying their poppycock. "Singing", "acting" and performing does not make them an expert. The last presidential race showed how much stock people put in their words.
Liberal or Conservative, celebs are not an omnipotent.
Trump's given away millions and millions to charity I hear (at least over a hundred). If anything, I'm sure you've given you what, 1/10000th of that, if I'm being generous?
Could argue you have 1/10000th the benevolence of Donald Trump (or that you're 1/10000th the man).
Try back this up with some sources. As another user has stated (with one source, though behind a pay wall)
Trump is not only rich, but also a celebrity. He has many powerful connections, both nationally and internationally, and claims to be respected and a professional deal maker. If anyone should be a master distributor of wealth, wouldn't it be him?
But apparently, the paper trail is pretty vague since, surprise surprise, his donation habits are as shady as his spending, buying, and business habits. Truth is, you can only trace his donations to the Donald J Trump foundation, and that was only filled with other people's money, and even thenthere was only about $10.9 million given out (prior to his presidency), and of that barely over $2 million was from Trump himself. As far as his election- and post-election promises, well, so far he has failed to deliver on all those promises of divesting himself of his wealth, of giving all that revenue from his galas, his celebrations, etc to charity.
Trump's given away millions and millions to charity I hear (at least over a hundred). If anything, I'm sure you've given you what, 1/10000th of that, if I'm being generous?
Could argue you have 1/10000th the benevolence of Donald Trump (or that you're 1/10000th the man).
Yeah totally dude! IDGAF what those hollywood elite fascists say! I only care what those big banker CEO elites say because they say they can cut my taxes and I can be rich!
And that's totally what my hero Ronald Reagan said and he was no Hollywood elite!
Stop being a drama queen with the fascist nonsense. The hollywood elite thinks their place in life makes them the end all, be all and it's almost taken as an insult when people aren't buying their poppycock. "Singing", "acting" and performing does not make them an expert. The last presidential race showed how much stock people put in their words.
Liberal or Conservative, celebs are not an omnipotent.
Excuse me you commie liberal, I already know that! As I stated before, I don't listen to Sean Penn and Leonardo Decrapio, I only listen to Donald Trump and Alex Jones, men who have the real and necessary experience to understand our complex world. I mean, obviously Donald Trump knows how to beat ISIS because he has the necessary experience to fight them head on, amirite?
I'm so glad I voted for a NON-CELEBRITY unlike you, you liberal snowflake hippie!!
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