@horgen said:
@theone86 said:
Yeah. It's got some heavy blue, mostly urban centers, and a lot of red, rural areas. It went for Trump, but both he and other Republicans in the state are polling poorly.
That seem to be rather typical. Cities tends to be blue(er) and the rural areas red. Or am I wrong?
There are exceptions, but that's the general trend. I know Anaheim, which is a city in a liberal state, is pretty deeply red and Texas' cities, except for Austin, used to be red but are now trending blue. You get a really weird mix of political views from people in America, honestly. I knew someone in college, for instance (went to a college in a rural area) who accused cities of stealing money from rural areas (even though the reverse was true) and supported direct government investment in struggling communities (hardly a Republican cornerstone). You get big city conservatives who will accuse liberals of hating country folk despite never spending any time around country folk themselves (my governor likes to wear a Carhartt jacket to show that he's in touch with "common folk," even though he made a fortune through equity trading, was born and raised in a super swanky suburb of a large city, and went exclusively to Ivy League schools). There's usually a divide between rural and urban voters in all states, but it's not going to be the same in every state. Wisconsin voters, for example, seem pretty concerned about teacher salaries and child separation, whereas voters in Pennsylvania seem more concerned with immigration. Then you've got vague notions of what constitutes rural and urban. I have a family member, for instance, who technically lives in a rural area of Wisconsin, but it's basically just one giant vacation community populated by a bunch of really rich people who wanted to "escape" the city. When most people think rural they tend to think poor people on farms, but that's really not the case.
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