This implies that tax revenue can increase when tax rates drop depending on the circumstances. It also implies that tax revenue can decrease when tax rates drop depending on the circumstances.
This is absolutely key. The modern circumstances allow people to move money across the world more easier than ever. An income tax rate of 91% may work when Europe and Japan are in ruins and 1/4 of the world is either under communist rule or in the midst of communist revolution. It's not going to work with the scourge of communism now dead, the wider world embracing markets and free trade, estate freezing, tax havens, equity swaps, shell companies, incorporating personal brands, deferred compensation plans, buying a yacht, or donating to charity.
The more money you have, the more of these options are available to you, but rich people know better than anyone there are no free lunches. There are trade offs to not paying your taxes. They would rather just pay their taxes, and they will if rates are low enough
Even based on the GOP's original rationale for claiming that tax cuts would increase revenue, what you've warped it into is nonsense and has zero theoretical or empirical backing.
Part of empiricism is applying knowledge to the real world. Instead of spouting myopic garbage like this..
shape and magnitude of the graph is going to vary heavily based on complex variables not accounted for such as what is taxed, the method of taxation, the taxation distribution, and public sentiment/culture.
Try actually applying some of those variables, and the argument is not in your favor.
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