Poll What is your opinion of the proposed Green New Deal from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? (39 votes)
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently proposed the US version of the Green New Deal, in an attempt to battle issues such as climate change as well as to help people in the country that are less fortunate with such proposals as guaranteed jobs.
Critics are mostly from the GOP, but even on the Democratic side there is some criticism and current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called it the "green dream" while brushing it off during a Politico interview. On the other hand, she has the support of Senators Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Cory Booker, all three of whom are running for the 2020 Democratic nomination to face President Donald Trump in the general election.
A huge criticism from the GOP is how much it may cost; it is estimated to cost as much as 13.4 trillion dollars by Forbes.
One of the more ridiculed portions of the bill is that it allegedly wanted to reduce emissions due to "farting cows" as part of the deal. The language was later changed from farting cows to emissions from cows before being deleted altogether from the bill's FAQ page. While the language was heavily ridiculed, there is a story from Germany five years ago about a deadly buildup of methane gas causing a barn to explode.
Looking at the bill, it has some good ideas, but there are other things that don't seem reasonable to try and achieve right now. What do you think?
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