Wait... are you actually saying you don’t believe trump is a racist? Good lord son take your blinders off.
@zaryia: I don’t care who said it. I have eyes and a brain. I’ll ask you again. Cite some recent events.
Which agrees with the FBI and GAO. You're toast on this topic.
@zaryia: I ask you a third time (in this thread). Cite some recent incidents. Because every one of the recent riots have been from the far left with the left defending them and even bailing them out.
I’m not sure why you linked an article from the NYT when you know I think they’re fake news and won’t click it.
@zaryia: I ask you a third time (in this thread). Cite some recent incidents. Because every one of the recent riots have been from the far left with the left defending them and even bailing them out.
I’m not sure why you linked an article from the NYT when you know I think they’re fake news and won’t click it.
You are aware that they have found some individuals inciting the riots from right wing groups........or are you ignoring that to push your narrative. Also the FBI statistics are true and it's asinine to pretend they aren't.
@zaryia: I ask you a third time (in this thread). Cite some recent incidents.
Right Wings are the major source of domestic terror. This is according to every group who has done a study including 3 groups from Trump's government.
Here are some recent incidents over the last few years to make this over 90% of domestic terror being right wing:
In September 2017, for example, Kenneth James Gleason, a white supremacist, was charged with shooting and killing Donald Smart, an African-American, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A few attacks were more lethal. In June 2015, Dylann Roof opened fire with a Glock .45 caliber pistol on parishioners at Emanuel Africa Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine people. His motivations were racist, and he expressed his extremist beliefs on such websites as lastrhodesian.com.
The other deaths include two law enforcement officers shot dead by an anti-government “boogaloo” extremist in California; the son of a New Jersey judge shot to death by an anti-feminist terrorist; and a Black Lives Matter protester shot dead during a protest in Austin, Texas.
The perpetrators of the October 2018 attacks were motivated by racist and anti-Semitic views. Cesar Sayoc allegedly mailed 13 packages containing improvised explosive devices (consisting of a PVC pipe, small clock, battery, wiring, and explosive material) to prominent Democrats.14 “He was very angry and angry at the world,” one of his former bosses remarked, “at blacks, Jews, gays. He always talked about ‘if I had complete autonomy none of these gays or these blacks would survive.’”15 Robert Bowers, who killed 11 people at the Tree of Life Jewish Synagogue in Pittsburgh, also was motivated by extreme right-wing views.16 He espoused anti-immigrant and anti-Jewish views on Gab, a social media network that has been embraced by white nationalists. Just before the shooting, Bowers posted a comment on his Gab account referencing the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS): “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics. I’m going in.” 17
Many of these right-wing extremists are trying to be less visible and less conspicuous. The goal is to avoid the classic skinhead appearance of shaved heads, steel-toe combat boots, and other apparel that might be obvious to law enforcement. 18 Islamic extremists have developed similar tactics, trimming their beards and wearing Western-style clothes to avoid detection from law enforcement and intelligence agencies as they plot terrorist attacks. 19 White supremacist Ben Daley instructed his supporters to wear clothing like polo-style shirts and khakis, as well as to get clean-cut military haircuts.
As Daley wrote in one private Facebook message intercepted by the FBI, “If you are still in LA area it’ll probably be me meeting up with you. We go for the implicit look so you’ll have to change your [style] up a bit when your with us.”
His associate responded, “Yea that’s fine [I] can grow my hair out if need be, drop the boots and braces look etc.”
Daley replied using a symbol for “okay” and then remarked, “Trust I did it for a long time too but ultimately the 80s in that style of nationalism proved to be ineffective … [I] think its time to reimagine the nationalist look and playbook, we have become predictable that needs to change.”20
In another Facebook post, Daley noted, “I would be mindful of saying anything that could be misconstrued as a call to violence. I know people who literally have feds show up at there door over posts. [J]ust food for thought. Trust I’m not speaking in terms of morality rather practicality.” 21
But long before that young man drove to El Paso, Texas, on Aug. 3 and allegedly murdered at least 22 people at a Walmart crammed with back-to-school shoppers, it was clear that white nationalists have become the face of terrorism in America. Since 9/11, white supremacists and other far-right extremists have been responsible for almost three times as many attacks on U.S. soil as Islamic terrorists, the government reported. From 2009 through 2018, the far right has been responsible for 73% of domestic extremist-related fatalities, according to a 2019 study by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). And the toll is growing. More people–49–were murdered by far-right extremists in the U.S. last year than in any other year since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress in July that a majority of the bureau’s domestic-terrorism investigations since October were linked to white supremacy.
The mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh comes amid a wave of rightwing violence across the US fuelled by conspiracy theories. It is also part of a long history of white supremacist terror aimed at American Jewish communities.
Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: suspect Robert Bowers charged with 11 counts of murderRead more
The murder of 11 people and wounding of six, allegedly by Robert Bowers, 46, came a day after the arrest of Cesar Sayoc, 56, for a mail bombing campaign that targeted liberals including George Soros. A prominent Jewish billionaire, Soros has in recent weeks been the target of heightened conspiracy-minded rhetoric from prominent Republicans including Donald Trump.
A social media post that appeared to be Bowers’ last before the attack was an attack on HIAS, a Jewish-run refugee charity, which he accused of working to “bring invaders in that kill our people”.
This belief is in keeping with white supremacist “white genocide” narratives, which hold in part that Jews are orchestrating the “demographic replacement” of white people by means of immigration.
Speaking of lies, Trump claims doctors get paid a commission for reporting deaths as Covid-19. Yep, that's what we're dealing with.
@zaryia: So no recent or significant incidents regarding the supposed far right boogeyman - got it.
I not only gave you examples, a fact sheet showing they had the most kills this year and last few years, but I gave multiple large reports from the government.....
You're delusional.
@zaryia: So no recent or significant incidents regarding the supposed far right boogeyman - got it.
I not only gave you examples, a fact sheet showing they had the most kills this year and last few years, but I gave multiple large reports from the government.....
You're delusional.
That question when asked right after a left wing thing naturally begs for the answer to be left wing. If 9/10 other cases are right wing, but the last one is left wing, the answer is left wing.
Just like confirming a new SC judge while there is an election isn't the same as denying during an election year.
@Sevenizz What is recent?
@netracing: That's hilarious. That shit was circling among far right groups months ago. Good to see the potus showing respect for the health professionals during a sanitary crisis.
Biden referred to blacks as predators. Said he didn't support busing because he didn't want his children to go to school in a "racial jungle?. Has said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." And also that you're not black if you do not vote for him. All extremely racist comments. And the lefts response? Nuh uh!, Trump's the real racist because *insert edited CNN/NBC footage here*. Thank god the vast majority of Americans aren't dumb enough to buy that bullshit, and it's why Trump has huge amounts of support from the black and hispanic communities.
Instead of calling them inferior, telling them the world is out to get them, and only voting democrat will save them from being thrown back into chains, Trump has actually helped them. They know damn well Joe wrote laws that put a lot of them in prison, and they also know he had ample opportunity to fix it, and couldn't lift a finger to help anyone but himself.
These are reasons why Biden will lose. Not because of Russians or racists or some kind of cheating, but because yet again the DNC decided to force a massive heaping pile of trash onto the American voter as the other choice.
Biden referred to blacks as predators. Said he didn't support busing because he didn't want his children to go to school in a "racial jungle?. Has said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." And also that you're not black if you do not vote for him. All extremely racist comments. And the lefts response? Nuh uh!, Trump's the real racist because *insert edited CNN/NBC footage here*. Thank god the vast majority of Americans aren't dumb enough to buy that bullshit, and it's why Trump has huge amounts of support from the black and hispanic communities.
Instead of calling them inferior, telling them the world is out to get them, and only voting democrat will save them from being thrown back into chains, Trump has actually helped them. They know damn well Joe wrote laws that put a lot of them in prison, and they also know he had ample opportunity to fix it, and couldn't lift a finger to help anyone but himself.
These are reasons why Biden will lose. Not because of Russians or racists or some kind of cheating, but because yet again the DNC decided to force a massive heaping pile of trash onto the American voter as the other choice.
Wow, you really are all in on this one. It is like you are trying to promote the fact checker profession.
Wait... are you actually saying you don’t believe trump is a racist? Good lord son take your blinders off.
He has been a business man for his entire life. He was given awards for helping minority communities and praised by Jessie Jackson. Hollywood and CNN loved him and he was given cameos in TV shows and movies. When you're in business you care primarily about running your company efficiently and don't see people as voting groups to be exploited like Democrat politicians. If someone can do the job well you work with them regardless of color. It's only when he ran for president and Media Matters put out something to attack him for being racist that this slander started.
If anyone running it racist it's Biden. His mentor was a former Klansman and spent a lot of time working with and befriending segregationist. Look at the things he's said over the years and his actions. If you want I can get the exact quotes for all of them, but I'm sure you've heard them. I posted a bunch of them before. Here's a sample
Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.
Could you imagine if Trump said that?
“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Like most racist Democrats he changes his accent depending on who he's talking to and thinks blacks belong to them and can't think for themselves.
About Obama: “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Assumes all black kids are poor
“We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
Famous 7-11 comment
“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,”
Says Americans can't tell the difference “between a South Korean and someone from Beijing
Wait... are you actually saying you don’t believe trump is a racist? Good lord son take your blinders off.
He has been a business man for his entire life. He was given awards for helping minority communities and praised by Jessie Jackson. Hollywood and CNN loved him and he was given cameos in TV shows and movies. When you're in business you care primarily about running your company efficiently and don't see people as voting groups to be exploited like Democrat politicians. If someone can do the job well you work with them regardless of color. It's only when he ran for president and Media Matters put out something to attack him for being racist that this slander started.
If anyone running it racist it's Biden. His mentor was a former Klansman and spent a lot of time working with and befriending segregationist. Look at the things he's said over the years and his actions. If you want I can get the exact quotes for all of them, but I'm sure you've heard them. I posted a bunch of them before. Here's a sample
Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.
Could you imagine if Trump said that?
“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Like most racist Democrats he changes his accent depending on who he's talking to and thinks blacks belong to them and can't think for themselves.
About Obama: “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Assumes all black kids are poor
“We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
Famous 7-11 comment
“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,”
Says Americans can't tell the difference “between a South Korean and someone from Beijing
So your whole argument is fox news style 'whataboutism'?
I mean if Max really cared about racism I doubt he would be voting for the same party the KKK and Neo Nazis currently vote for....
Oh and racial gerrymandering is worse than any verbal gaff from either of these 2 candidates. Guess which party does that.
A Trump supporter crying about lies.
Oh boy.
OoOOH Boy.
Who is crying? I'm asking if you're proud of Biden announcing he is running for president based on a proven lie and that he continues to lie about Trump by painting him as a racist to get people to hate him.
The idea that Trump called the racist "very fine people" is a flat at lie as I posted and that's his basis for running. Independent of Trump are you proud of what Mr. scared of his kids growing up in a racial jungle is doing with lie and stoking racial division?
Yeah, I just have to laugh.
What makes Trump supporters think they have any right to talk about lies and character after the past four years? **** right off. I'll respond to you in your accusations towards Biden the exact same way you did to Trump: FAKE NEWS. PROVE IT. Laughing in mockery. 😂🤣😂
You have absolutely no grounds to stand on. Hypocrites.
I posted quotes from Trump and Biden lying and mischaracterizing what Trump said. What other proof do you want?
What’s worse, WAY WORSE, is Democrats promoting terrorism by empowering their violent allies with more violence if Trump wins.
Let’s look at the definition of terrorism...
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
"the fight against terrorism"
I’ve seen numerous posters here use this tactic, countless mainstream media pundits, and Kamala Harris do the same. They help fuel the fires...literally.
Almost all Domestic Terror is from the right...
Those were right wing people burning down cities and destroying people's lives in Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, etc?
These people are on the right?
Those BLM and Atifa people going after people threatening and attacking them if they don't bow to them and repent for the evil color of their skin?
Why aren't any democrats actually answering my question? Seems like everyone just says I should be silenced for pointing out Biden running around lying to gin up racial division and the press looking the other way.
What’s worse, WAY WORSE, is Democrats promoting terrorism by empowering their violent allies with more violence if Trump wins.
Let’s look at the definition of terrorism...
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
"the fight against terrorism"
I’ve seen numerous posters here use this tactic, countless mainstream media pundits, and Kamala Harris do the same. They help fuel the fires...literally.
Almost all Domestic Terror is from the right...
Those were right wing people burning down cities and destroying people's lives in Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, etc?
These people are on the right?
Those BLM and Atifa people going after people threatening and attacking them if they don't bow to them and repent for the evil color of their skin?
Youtube links and 'bow to them'? you seem to be very angry right now.
Why aren't any democrats actually answering my question? Seems like everyone just says I should be silenced for pointing out Biden running around lying to gin up racial division and the press looking the other way.
That's hysterical coming from a trump supporter. Denial is not becoming.
What’s worse, WAY WORSE, is Democrats promoting terrorism by empowering their violent allies with more violence if Trump wins.
Let’s look at the definition of terrorism...
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
"the fight against terrorism"
I’ve seen numerous posters here use this tactic, countless mainstream media pundits, and Kamala Harris do the same. They help fuel the fires...literally.
Almost all Domestic Terror is from the right...
Those were right wing people burning down cities and destroying people's lives in Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, etc?
These people are on the right?
Those BLM and Atifa people going after people threatening and attacking them if they don't bow to them and repent for the evil color of their skin?
Your youtube video doesn't refute the fact I wrote, which is directly supported by the FBI, DHS, GAO, and multiple other groups.
Nice try though! You're bad at this.
Biden referred to blacks as predators. Said he didn't support busing because he didn't want his children to go to school in a "racial jungle?. Has said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." And also that you're not black if you do not vote for him. All extremely racist comments. And the lefts response? Nuh uh!, Trump's the real racist because *insert edited CNN/NBC footage here*. Thank god the vast majority of Americans aren't dumb enough to buy that bullshit, and it's why Trump has huge amounts of support from the black and hispanic communities.
Trump was taken to court (more than once) for racially discrimination by the DOJ. He told three American born congresswomen to go back and fix "the totally broken and crime infested places" from which they came before accusing ours (what was he predicating claiming where they came from as totally broken and crime infested when they were Americans? They only thing he could.....the color of their skin). He retweeted incorrect black crime statistics that he just shrugged off as "oh well, shit happens" when O'Reilly (of all people) called him out on it, he was the main frontman for birtherism without any foundation and was proven completely wrong, he took out ads against the Central Park Five and continued to pursue the narrative they were guilty even after they were exonerated, he had black dealers removed from the floors of his casinos for particular clients.
And the Right's response? Nuh uh! Biden's the real racist because *insert Fox News/Infowars/Breitbart here*. Thank God the majority of Americans aren't dumb enough the buy that bullshit.....but apparently you are.
@Maxpowers_32: I posted quotes from Trump and Biden lying and mischaracterizing what Trump said. What other proof do you want?
I want you to stop being a hypocrite. You want me to buy your narrative Biden is a racist? Then address the above. In that addressment, which you'll typically just brush aside, you'll find my answer in kind. You Trump supporters won't settle for anything less than an explicit admission of racism by Trump, so I'll stay with the same standard for Biden.
I love this narrative of Biden and the democrats being the racist ones. It relies on the assumption that minorities, which vote for the democratic party in much greater numbers, have been brainwashed and duped.
This very assertion is itself kind of racist too.
"THANK GOD we have our saviors on the internet showing the true nature of the democratic party, which all these minorities were too dumb to figure out on their own!"
Biden referred to blacks as predators. Said he didn't support busing because he didn't want his children to go to school in a "racial jungle?. Has said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." And also that you're not black if you do not vote for him. All extremely racist comments. And the lefts response? Nuh uh!, Trump's the real racist because *insert edited CNN/NBC footage here*. Thank god the vast majority of Americans aren't dumb enough to buy that bullshit, and it's why Trump has huge amounts of support from the black and hispanic communities.
Trump was taken to court (more than once) for racially discrimination by the DOJ. He told three American born congresswomen to go back and fix "the totally broken and crime infested places" from which they came before accusing ours (what was he predicating claiming where they came from as totally broken and crime infested when they were Americans? They only thing he could.....the color of their skin). He retweeted incorrect black crime statistics that he just shrugged off as "oh well, shit happens" when O'Reilly (of all people) called him out on it, he was the main frontman for birtherism without any foundation and was proven completely wrong, he took out ads against the Central Park Five and continued to pursue the narrative they were guilty even after they were exonerated, he had black dealers removed from the floors of his casinos for particular clients.
And the Right's response? Nuh uh! Biden's the real racist because *insert Fox News/Infowars/Breitbart here*. Thank God the majority of Americans aren't dumb enough the buy that bullshit.....but apparently you are.
@Maxpowers_32: I posted quotes from Trump and Biden lying and mischaracterizing what Trump said. What other proof do you want?
I want you to stop being a hypocrite. You want me to buy your narrative Biden is a racist? Then address the above. In that addressment, which you'll typically just brush aside, you'll find my answer in kind. You Trump supporters won't settle for anything less than an explicit admission of racism by Trump, so I'll stay with the same standard for Biden.
I Trump has done or said racist thing why doesn't Biden or other Democrats every talk about them? If anything you said was true or racist wouldn't you think the Democrats party/media/Biden would be talking about them instead of repeating easily proven lies?
You never answered my original question. How do you feel that Biden launched his campaign and continues to lie about Trump to portray him as racist? You're ok with his very touching campaign launch video that's a complete lie? Please answer this question.
Every Republican candidate for president in my lifetime has been called racist. As far as you're concerned Biden can lie and say as many racist things has he wants because as long as he doesn't have an "R" next to his name he can't possibly be racist.
To follow up. Look at this hate filled new Biden ad. Comparing Trump to Hitler and showing these racist groups and making it sound like Trump was saying they were fine people.
I haven't seen one person condemn this kind of propaganda. Instead they say that "Trump lies more" or that "you shouldn't be allowed to call Biden on his lies and hate and should be banned". Maybe they think I should be sent to one of the reeducation camps like Stalin had?
Even if you support Biden for his clear policy on banning and supporting fossil fuels or whatever can't you admit that it is wrong for him to run ads like this based on something completely taken out of context? If you think it's wrong to accurately quote what Biden said about running a voter fraud organization because it doesn't include the full context how can you be ok with Biden running ads that go completely against what Trump was talking about in Charlottesville?
To follow up. Look at this hate filled new Biden ad. Comparing Trump to Hitler and showing these racist groups and making it sound like Trump was saying they were fine people.
I haven't seen one person condemn this kind of propaganda. Instead they say that "Trump lies more" or that "you shouldn't be allowed to call Biden on his lies and hate and should be banned". Maybe they think I should be sent to one of the reeducation camps like Stalin had?
Even if you support Biden for his clear policy on banning and supporting fossil fuels or whatever can't you admit that it is wrong for him to run ads like this based on something completely taken out of context? If you think it's wrong to accurately quote what Biden said about running a voter fraud organization because it doesn't include the full context how can you be ok with Biden running ads that go completely against what Trump was talking about in Charlottesville?
Trump did call white supremacists fine people. Own it.
To follow up. Look at this hate filled new Biden ad. Comparing Trump to Hitler and showing these racist groups and making it sound like Trump was saying they were fine people.
I haven't seen one person condemn this kind of propaganda. Instead they say that "Trump lies more" or that "you shouldn't be allowed to call Biden on his lies and hate and should be banned". Maybe they think I should be sent to one of the reeducation camps like Stalin had?
Even if you support Biden for his clear policy on banning and supporting fossil fuels or whatever can't you admit that it is wrong for him to run ads like this based on something completely taken out of context? If you think it's wrong to accurately quote what Biden said about running a voter fraud organization because it doesn't include the full context how can you be ok with Biden running ads that go completely against what Trump was talking about in Charlottesville?
Trump did call white supremacists fine people. Own it.
No he did not. That is a flat out lie. Look at the OP.
In addition. Here's an article from factcheck that says Biden lied by saying Trump didn't condemn white supremacy when he in fact condemned it twice.
So, contrary to Biden’s claim that Trump has “yet once to condemn white supremacy, the neo-Nazis,” in the course of two days, Trump did it twice.
What Trump actually said:
“You had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. OK? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
“Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group.”
Earlier he also said:
“We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!”
“We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST.”
“Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
“Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee.”
To follow up. Look at this hate filled new Biden ad. Comparing Trump to Hitler and showing these racist groups and making it sound like Trump was saying they were fine people.
Awesome ad. Now I'm voting for Biden even harder and making sure several more do as well!
I believe the lies about Trump being racist is what started the #walkaway movement the founder goes into detail on a video on YouTube. Very interesting watch.
My take is that his inability to articulate correctly in his speeches is what hurts him honestly. The proud boys was an embarrassment only because he denounced a mix racial group that has nothing to do with white supremacy but couldn’t tell the American people just that.
I believe the lies about Trump being racist is what started the #walkaway movement the founder goes into detail on a video on YouTube. Very interesting watch.
My take is that his inability to articulate correctly in his speeches is what hurts him honestly. The proud boys was an embarrassment only because he denounced a mix racial group that has nothing to do with white supremacy but couldn’t tell the American people just that.
The proud boys are alt right neo fascists at best. So not exactly something to be 'proud' of.
I believe the lies about Trump being racist is what started the #walkaway movement the founder goes into detail on a video on YouTube. Very interesting watch.
My take is that his inability to articulate correctly in his speeches is what hurts him honestly. The proud boys was an embarrassment only because he denounced a mix racial group that has nothing to do with white supremacy but couldn’t tell the American people just that.
Lies? The government sued him for discrimination more than once. Why do trumpettes believe his lies over objective truth?
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