Poll Classic Konami talk. What's your favorite Konami franchise or game? (33 votes)
I'm sure many of you have probably heard one way or another about all of the ruckus going down over at Konami. With all of the crazy things flying about and Konami now making it obvious they have a mindset focused on other markets there's all sorts of ire and gloom in the air as to how Konami's future may go without many of their star developers and teams.
However, let's push that mess aside for a moment. Instead of fixating on whatever will happen to Konami going forward, how about we glance back at the prime console years of the giant? Was there a special franchise in Konami's 30+ year gaming roster that you've grown up with or adored?
For me Konami was a chunk of my early gaming childhood with titles such as Super C, Contra III, Gradius III, TMNT II & IV, and Castlevania IV. From the deep psychological horrors of Silent Hill to the cursed halls of Dracula's various Castlevania domains it's been a fun ride up to this point and even if they were to just randomly vanish with that recent announcement, there's no doubting they will have left a lasting impression on many longtime gamers. With all of that said, let's discuss our some of our favorite titles from the vast gaming archives of Konami and remember one important thing:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.
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