I am an older gamer that started with an Atari games like Pitfall and Combat, and moved slowly up through all the consoles until my Xbox 360 which I haven't played in years. I have all my old consoles still in working condition, except our PS2(which is my wife's). We are expecting a child in January, for which we are SO excited, we have been trying for a while. But the reason for this post is that I have not played a game since booting up Castlevania SoTN on Xbox Arcade around two years ago, and I was wanting to try and play a few old games before our youngen comes around so I can show him/her some good games. We both like NES, SNES, and N64 RPGs and Platformers, PS1 SRPGs, RPGs, Horror, and Platformers, and Wii and Xbox 360 RPGs and Horror games. They don't have to be super kid friendly as we expect they will grow up with our love for games and learn to play them later. We just can't think of all our old favorite games. Her favorite games are Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider, and mine are also FF, Castlevaina, Metroid, Mario, Zelda, and Metal Gear. Any ideals on games we should catch back up on? Thanks for all your guys help.
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