Warning: This Forum contains Kotor 1 and 2 Spoilers.
I am A huge Star Wars Fan, But despite this I didn't enjoy Star Wars Kotor 1 that much(Because I knew the Plot Twist and it made me feel that i am playing as a Brainwashed Raven than playing as myself in a RPG game)
So I decided to Play Kotor 2 with TSLRCM mod(Which fixes more than 500 bugs I Think) and This was the Best Western RPG game that I've ever Played.(Much Better than Kotor 1 and Dragon Age Origins)
This game doesn't have that Stupid Twist And Allows you to actually feel that you are playing as Yourself in Star Wars Universe .
Party members are more interesting in this game. They have their own role to play in this game(For Example B3 was a Boring utility Droid in Kotor 1 but in 2 he saves you lots of times) and have interaction with each other unlike Kotor 1.The world is more alive due to this fact that you have more cutscenes where Others are talking with each other.
Finally the Choices you make will effect the whole Story and you can See the Outcome of the Choices You have made in the end of the game.
The Story is also much better in 2 and it has been considered as the one of the darkest Star Wars Stories that has ever been made.
the Pazzak and swoop race are better than they were in Kotor 1.
You have no Level Cap in Kotor 2 unlike 1.
You can Gain/Lose influence within Party members and even have this chance to train some of them the ways of the force/dark side.
You play with other characters in some parts than just playing as yourself.
You can Also Break items make New items in Kotor 2.
Kotor 2 has improved the Gameplay of Kotor 1 and has a much better Storyline compare to it. It was More enjoyable compare to Kotor 1(and I Couldn't Stop Playing this game until Finishing it)
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