[QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"]So I'm guessing this is supposed to be an "of all time" kinda thing seeing how Sonic 06 was on the previous list on GT. It kills me how this game has lived on after like 4 years. When are people gonna let this one die? In a way, it kinda proves that this is the only truly bad game you could use to bash Sonic. Notice how the Rush, Advance, and even recent 3d Sonic games are never mentioned in these list. As if to say Sonic 06 was enough to ruin the franchise. It was one game for god's sake. Anyway, I'm just surprised they bothered to re-list it. They got the point across before. We don't need these constant reminders of one of Sega's biggest failures.kbaily
Look at Superman 64 which was back in the SNES days or hell look at ET for the Atari 2600 which was out before most of you were BORN. Hell, it's held solely responsible for the video game crash of 84. If those were horrid games, that are still talked about to this day, do you really think Sonic craptastic game is going to get off that easy? Also some of the other games on that list were on the previous list as well. Devil May Cry 2 and Perfect Dark Zero were bashed on the previous list, so it's not like Sonic was alone. Don't give me this "whaaa, they're picking on Sonic" crap.
Um Rush and Advance were good games to most people, why would they be bashed?
It's not simply that Sonic Next Gen was bad, it was how much it was hyped. There are tons of terrible games out there, but hype has a major factor in this and I remember, Sonic Next Gen was a big deal. First off since Nintendo didn't go the HD route, it was cool seeing an old school legacy character in glorious HD. Secondly Sonic hadn't been in a "decline" in the post Dreamcast era but there was some lack of flash in the series. Most at the time were bashing Shadow the Hedgehog for appealing to the lowest common denominator and saw THAT as the series low point and figured "well they can't do worse than that." Plus during 06's development, Sega said that in the post Dreamcast years to make back the money they owed, they did milk Sonic to kids for easy money but that this game was supposed to make him mainstream again.
It's not just Next Gen was bad. It was flat out broken. I said before even if you like having a ton of playable furies and liked the beastiality love story, the tedious adventure quests, it's full of so many problems on a basic techinical level that's flat out inexcusable. Hell the developers flat out said Sega knew the game was unfinished, the testers told them it was broken, but Sega fired the testers and had them shove out the game anyway. Why? They wanted it out for Christmas and the PS3 launch. That goes beyond a game being bad. That should be insulting to Sonic fans everywhere, that Sega was more interested in turning a profit than making a good game.
On a side note, timeline or not they put the Goldenaxe name on Beastrider, so people will associate it with their beloved Genesis/arcade game. But I said before, seriously Sega, how do you #$%@ up Goldenaxe. Given all the God of War knockoffs overflowing, making a 3D Goldenaxe follow up should've been cake for them but they didn't even bother with co-op.
Those along with lackluster follow ups to Nights and Samba D'Amigo should make Sega fans ponder if they really want to see follow ups to beloved games. I'll ask again ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY SURE YOU WANT SHENMUE 3 OR JET GRIND RADIO 2?
Look at Superman 64 which was back in the SNES days or hell look at ET for the Atari 2600 which was out before most of you were BORN. Hell, it's held solely responsible for the video game crash of 84. If those were horrid games, that are still talked about to this day, do you really think Sonic craptastic game is going to get off that easy? Also some of the other games on that list were on the previous list as well. Devil May Cry 2 and Perfect Dark Zero were bashed on the previous list, so it's not like Sonic was alone. Don't give me this "whaaa, they're picking on Sonic" crap.
^ Good point but, what I was basically trying to say was that people base this vendetta, so to speak, they have against Sonic mainly because of this game. I may not hate it as much as most people but, I do recongize its flaws completely. I understnad the game has deserved its hate but, I don't see why the whole series suffers because of this one game and Shadow the Hedgehog. Honestly, I always felt GT had a lot more honesty behind their reviews regarding Sonic games. They have real reasons for saying Sonic 06 is bad that are pretty much fact. They don't concentrate on making wise-cracks and bashing the game for the entertainment value (not to say I don't enjoy a good roasting. I'm just getting sick of people exaggerating how bad the whole series supposedly is.). Also, I forgot DMC2 and PD:Z were on the previous list. Sorry for the confusion on that part.
Um Rush and Advance were good games to most people, why would they be bashed?
^Why not? People have already made it clear that Sonic Adventure 1 "didn't age well" and the handheld Sonic games are apparently inferior to the flawless Genesis titles. I guess what I saying is that if people are going to go out of their way to bash the Sonic series, they might as well attack every aspect of it. Hell, I've encountered people who flat out hate the Rush games and people seem to ignore the Advanced games so I guess they were bashed enough. Also, Sonic Adventure 1 now has 2d sections in it according to Athur Gies. XD
It's not simply that Sonic Next Gen was bad, it was how much it was hyped. There are tons of terrible games out there, but hype has a major factor in this and I remember, Sonic Next Gen was a big deal. First off since Nintendo didn't go the HD route, it was cool seeing an old school legacy character in glorious HD. Secondly Sonic hadn't been in a "decline" in the post Dreamcast era but there was some lack of flash in the series. Most at the time were bashing Shadow the Hedgehog for appealing to the lowest common denominator and saw THAT as the series low point and figured "well they can't do worse than that." Plus during 06's development, Sega said that in the post Dreamcast years to make back the money they owed, they did milk Sonic to kids for easy money but that this game was supposed to make him mainstream again.
^I pretty much agree with this. The whole "Sonic is back" advertisements just ensured people would hate it even more when they popped the disc in and find a crappy Sonic Adventure 3 wanna-be. I'm not too surprised by them milking Sonic to kids especially since kids were always the main audience for Sonic. Same goes for Mario who has spin-offs oozing out of his ass. XD
It's not just Next Gen was bad. It was flat out broken. I said before even if you like having a ton of playable furies and liked the beastiality love story, the tedious adventure quests, it's full of so many problems on a basic techinical level that's flat out inexcusable. Hell the developers flat out said Sega knew the game was unfinished, the testers told them it was broken, but Sega fired the testers and had them shove out the game anyway. Why? They wanted it out for Christmas and the PS3 launch. That goes beyond a game being bad. That should be insulting to Sonic fans everywhere, that Sega was more interested in turning a profit than making a good game.
^Well those quests did suck monkeyballs but, the characters only sucked cause the game sucked. The only ones I truly hated were Amy and Knuckles. The rest were "ok" but, I prefer to play the game as Sonic and, to some extent, Shadow. Anyway, yeah the game is riddled with technical issues which is the real problem. That and the level design because that was screwed too. The game was obviously unfinished. As for Sega firing testers....look, all I know is that we're talking about a company that thinks it's ok to release a console with literally no games on it. Remember when the Saturn first launched? And what about 32X? I think the problem has less to do with Sonic Team and more to do with Sega. They're proving themselves to pretty crappy publishers if you ask me. They should of done the right thing and delayed Sonic 06 so the game might of had a chance at actually being good. Too many times I said "that would of been good if" when I was playing Sonic 06. There's a good game in there. The developers just didn't have time to bring it out which is truly disappointing. :(
On a side note, timeline or not they put the Goldenaxe name on Beastrider, so people will associate it with their beloved Genesis/arcade game. But I said before, seriously Sega, how do you #$%@ up Goldenaxe. Given all the God of War knockoffs overflowing, making a 3D Goldenaxe follow up should've been cake for them but they didn't even bother with co-op.
^This is Sega we're talking about remember? The fact that they considered Sonic 06 good enough to be published says a lot about the company's standards. Not every game they make is crap. Hell, some of actually pretty good but, they obviously don't know or maybe just don't care about reviving old franchise to their former glory. Remember Altered Beast for PS2? They didn't even bother releasing it in the states. -_-
Those along with lackluster follow ups to Nights and Samba D'Amigo should make Sega fans ponder if they really want to see follow ups to beloved games. I'll ask again ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY SURE YOU WANT SHENMUE 3 OR JET GRIND RADIO 2?
^I thought Samba D'Amigo didn't have a sequel? Just a Wii-make like they did with Sega Bass Fishing. My only problems with Nights was the ridiculously short length and lack of any real challenge. It wasn't really a bad game though. I personally thought Shenmue was boring and that Jet Grind Radio had controls 10x worst than Sonic 06 so I'm glad they haven't announced any sequels to those games. I would like maybe a Burning Rangers reboot assuming they do it right.
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