Let me tell you all wat i think I think that Barry bonds is an outstanding talent, i tihnk that barry bonds is one or if not the best player in the history of baseball.Now all you hyprocrites that talk crap that he is a cheater and that he does not deserve everithing he is got and all of his achievements , I think you are all full of **** ,i think you all have to recognize that barry bonds is a great baseball player.if you think he did it by cheating than thats you,just look at all the players that have taken steroids , not one of them will ever get 756 homeruns because they are not as good as barry bonds is .all this hypocrite fans that sit there with a god damn asteric but then boo the pitcher when he walks bonds and then cheer for barry when he hits a homerun,get over itBarry Lamar Bonds Is The Homerun kinggggggggggggg
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