Fav Football Movie: Rudy, because it all comes together to give the underdogs in life hope that if you want it bad enough and sacrafice enough you can live your dream. Good acting, and who can forget the musical score during the tryouts.
Fav Basketball Movie: He Got Game, because this movie helps point out the insanity of up and coming stars that are constantly under pressure to do what is right, and try to avoid the pitfalls. Everyone wants a piece of you, and at 18 your supposed to handle everything at once. Great acting from Denzel and Ray Allen did alright. Lincoln, Linc-Linc-Linc, Licoln Roll Call !!!
Fav Baseball Movie: 61, because it really showed us what it was like to go through the life of Roger Maris and how he dealt with so much stress and undeserved hate for just trying to do his best. He did something great, without performance enhancing drugs, and all while being hated by his own New York fans. Solid performances by Barry Pepper and Thomas Jane. His was a real accomplishment that I will respect more than most player's questionable feats today.
Fav Hockey Movie: Miracle, because it is one of the greatest upsets of all-time. A bunch of college kids went through hell to become national heroes by upsetting the big, dominant Russians who hadn't lost in years. Very inspirational and made me really enjoy watching hockey even though I am not a big fan.
Honorable mentions: A league of Their Own (Tom Hanks was genius), Friday Night Lights (Talk about pressure), Field of Dreams (Makes most people think of the good times they have had in life), White Men Can't Jump (Billy Hoyle and Sidney taking sucker's money), Ali (Will Smith does his character justice with a great performance), Cinderella Man (its not about being the best ever its about keeping your family alive by any means necessary)
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