What was too easy? That was nothing but an incessant ramble, not an argument. You didn't counter any points, you brought up a bunch of irrelevant nonsense that had nothing to do with what I was talking about. You shouldn't be patting yourself on the back for that.
I won't counter every point you made as a lot of what you said is completely irrelevant, but I'll counter a couple of things that caught my eye. First, you claim I'm putting one game ahead of all his other games. When did I say that? Putting words in my mouth doesn't make your argument stronger. For the record, I think Jay Cutler isn't good in general. He's wildly inconsistent and doesn't play well in tough, clutch games. Even when he was in Denver. Who could forget the meltdown he had during his so-called best season during the last 3 games of the year? I never thought he was a franchise QB, and everything he's doing now just confirms that to me.
Bringing up a game in which he threw 4 interceptions to one player strengthen your argument how? Because he was confident about throwing to him afterwards? I have a newsflash for you, Cutler as ALWAYS been that way. In fact, it's more a show of arrogance than it is of confidence.
And I just want to reiterate how that has absolutely zero, absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying.
As for your point about Lovie Smith's decision not to put him in, QBs hear that all the time. Just to bring back that Stafford example, the medical staff wanted him to get off the field. The coach wanted him to get off the field. But he didn't. That's how much he wanted it. So I couldn't care less about what garbage they're reporting to defend Cutler.
Next, you and many other people claim that getting sacked is a sign of toughness. In what world is that true? Getting sacked is an indication of a poor offense line and/or holding the ball too long. Nothing more and nothing less. David Carr got sacked 158 times over 3 seasons, 68 in 2005. That doesn't mean he's tough, that means his offensive line was terrible for 3 years. Don't shove sack numbers in my face and expect me to think Cutler is tough because he takes hits. Everyone takes hits and people have gotten hit a lot more than Cutler has before. You know part of the reason Carr lost his job is because he got sacked too much. That's not a statistic that you bring up to DEFEND a player :roll:
Now, your point about the players is ridiculous because those guys are the ones who are getting hurt every year and they know best about sports injuries. Making the conference championships is completely irrelevant in that situation. What does that have to do with anything? Football is a TEAM sport. Your team makes the championship game, not ONE person. And furthermore, if you think that Cutler and the 30th ranked offense in the NFL is the reason that the Bears made the NFC Championship game, you are sadly mistaken. I just wanted to see more from a guy who is supposed to be a franchise QB.
I hate Matt Stafford. I didn't bring him up because I like him. I hate him, I think he's grossly overrated and that Josh Freeman is clearly the best QB in that draft. But I won't question his drive to win because of how he played through the shoulder separation.
Last thing I want to say is that you're claiming that I'm putting too high of expectations of Cutler. And I think you're right. Cutler doesn't have the heart of a champion and I expected a guy like him to give it everything he had and leave it all on the field. Cutler isn't a guy who will put up great numbers. So we can't say he'll ever be as efficient as Brady or Manning. But he wants to be known as that guy who'll give it his all to win the game like Roethlisberger or Rivers. And no, you won't always win but that's what a champion does.
So from now on, I won't put any expectations on Cutler. He is not an elite QB and he never will be. That's the mentality I have to have in order to not be critical of Cutler. So that's what I'll do and I advise everyone else to do the same. What you saw was just another average QB who proved he doesn't have what it takes to win the big ones. Besides, Hanie actually gave the Bears a chance. Yeah he threw a couple of picks but he got them within striking distance and actually scored some points. I mean, they almost tied it up, yeesh.
You have no idea how easy that was and this is gonna be even easier. There is a difference between argument and incessant ramble. But there is a difference between 'listening' and 'understanding'. I made arguments that were backed up with understandable reasoning to which you took as incessant ramble do to the fact you were 'listening'...not understanding. With me so far? If you cant comprehend then this is pointless. But Im still gonna have fun with this. Nonsense info I was giving you say? Ok...I got you!
1)"First, you claim I'm putting one game ahead of all his other games. When did I say that? Putting words in my mouth doesn't make your argument stronger." Thats what you wrote above but you also said"The most important game of Cutler's career"...you said that...sooooooooooo what are you trying to get at? On Earth, in a language we call English...thats what known as a contradiction. The most important game of Culter's career would mean that yesterday's game is being put ahead of all his other games. Yes he does make bad decisions....the world knows that. NEXT!!!
2)"Bringing up a game in which he threw 4 interceptions to one player strengthen your argument how? Because he was confident about throwing to him afterwards? I have a newsflash for you, Cutler as ALWAYS been that way. In fact, it's more a show of arrogance than it is of confidence."
This one is easy. It shows that he is not afraid to continue to try again and again. It shows that yes he did fail but failure will not stop him until he succeeds. But you most likely wont look at it that way so you are on your own with that one. NEXT!!!
3)"As for your point about Lovie Smith's decision not to put him in, QBs hear that all the time. Just to bring back that Stafford example, the medical staff wanted him to get off the field. The coach wanted him to get off the field. But he didn't. That's how much he wanted it. So I couldn't care less about what garbage they're reporting to defend Cutler."
If you were understanding the points that I made in my previous post, you wouldnt have wrote what you just wrote. Ill ask you, who has the better health? Understand WHY to which QB has the better health. A QB who is hurt a lot doesnt give me a lot to work with. Yes Stafford has a lot of balls but doesnt mean anything to me if he is hurt...NEXT!!!!
4) Interesting that you brought up Carr and even more eye opening is to what you wrote about him losing his job because of sacks. You are wrong. Check back to why he lost his job...it has more to do with his individual play. Your making it seem that getting sacked by a 280lb linemen is like a walk in the park. Why? That takes a toll on the body. That aint easy to get smashed to the ground and get back up and play with full intensity. Not easy dude...not easy at all. Also theres the fact that its in the back of the QB's mind that he might get hit again. That plays a factor. Its called mind games.
5)"Now, your point about the players is ridiculous because those guys are the ones who are getting hurt every year and they know best about sports injuries. Making the conference championships is completely irrelevant in that situation. What does that have to do with anything? Football is a TEAM sport. Your team makes the championship game, not ONE person. And furthermore, if you think that Cutler and the 30th ranked offense in the NFL is the reason that the Bears made the NFC Championship game, you are sadly mistaken. I just wanted to see more from a guy who is supposed to be a franchise QB."
This makes me wanna cuss in the forums but I cant. Unreal dude. How do you see its ok to have players who are not in the playoffs talk smack about those who are in it? Everyone handles adversity differently. Maybe you will cry like a lil girl if your gf broke up with you but maybe I wont. But who am I to judge you? My point is...everyone is different. So understand that. Comprehend that. Face facts that its easy to judge others when we are on the outside looking in. Did it every occur to you that yesterday was Cutler's first knee injury and that he was nervous about it? Cut the guy some slack dude...the guy aint perfect. Yes you are right, a champ never quits but not everyone is a champ dude. Not everyone has the desire like MJ to be #1 all the time. Your seeing it in a tunnel vision. I am voicing out loud that you dont and just see it for what it is...and not what you want it to be. I wanted the Bears to win it...but it didnt work out. And yes Cutler did play a role with the Bears going to the NFC title game but most of the credit does go to the D and special teams. Cutler is better than what a lot of people say about him. He just hasnt shown it yet...
Ok, again, that was absolute nonsense. I'm not even sure what you're arguing about to be honest.
Firstly, yes, I said it the most important game of Cutler's career and I stand by the statement. What you said implies that I'm basing his performance purely on one game, which is not the case. This is a matter of you misinterpreting information and is much more an indication of poor reading comprehension than me contradicting myself. As I asserted repeatedly, this was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. I never liked Cutler and I've been watching him stink it up for his entire career. This game just confirms to me that he's not elite.
Second...yeah, that's hilarious, his "confidence" sure does help him win games, doesn't it? :roll:
Third. I don't know what the nonsensical assertion here is. That Cutler has better health than Stafford? What does that have to do with anything? I'm not questioning Jay Cutler's health, I'm questioning his drive and his passion. Again, a result of poor reading comprehension that lead to a nonsensical assertion.
Fourth. You don't know anything about why David Carr was thrown out. Their front office blantantly stated that one of the major reasons why he was gone was because he held the ball too long and got sacked too often. That is a part of his performance too, believe it or not.
The other thing about that is you're arguing about how much of a beating Jay Cutler took, something I never argued against. You're not countering a point I made, you're going off on a tangent about something else. Besides that, once again, it doesn't matter to me how many times you've gotten sacked in a season. That's not an indication of toughness.
And more importantly, and this is the most important part, whether Cutler is tough or not is completely irrelevant. I countered that point because you decided to bring that argument into the discussion off one of your tangent arguments. I am questioning his drive, his passion and his will. The intangibles that make the elite QBs in the NFL. Those are two completely different things.
Lastly, everyone IS different. This is exactly my point. Everyone handles adversity differently. EXACTLY. Cutler doesn't handle it like an elite QB does. Phillip Rivers actually defended Cutler, but didn't stop short of saying that he would have to be carted off the field for him not to finish the game. That's what a champion does. I can't reiterate that enough.
The problem here is you're looking at him like he's a regular guy and I'm looking at him like he's a franchise QB. If you want me to stop looking at him like a franchise QB, so be it. But I never want to hear him say he belongs up there in the discussion with guys like Rivers, Roethlisberger, Brees, Brady or Manning. He's said it before and that's why my expectations are high. If he were someone like Chad Henne and he did the same thing, I probably wouldn't say anything because that's what I expect from a run of the mill QB.
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