Please don't get into that 2k thing again. There are numerous threads about that already. And yes I did prefer 2k games over Madden but WHATEVER.
Anywho. I think the demo was hit and miss. The tackling and presentation is great. But the new engine had me laughing at some weird somersaults and weird motions. One time, a player did a front flip while picking up a fumble and immediately running for the defensive touchdown, all in one swift motion, but he was ruled down by contact. Just little things here and there.
I need to get used to running up the middle, because all the time I ran into or tripped over one of my linemen and was immediated dropped.
But it does feel good when the animations are going right.
I agree with you on all fronts (especially the one in bold, c'mon guys, it's getting old, we know, we know, 2k5 FTW, but right now, nothing doing with that so please try to stick to the topic at hand or just don't comment). I have also seen some interesting things happen, but for the most part, it's few and far between in comparison. If you remember, FIFA 12 had a new collision engine and it did well, but also had some VERY funny things happen. It still made the game much better overall though and FIFA 13 is already fixing most (if not all) of the issues it was having due to that. So hopefully the mess ups are minimal and then next year they can be ironed out even more if not completely.
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