Wow, you look for every little thing to knock off the Patriots. So talking smack makes you classless? There's nothing wrong with a little smack talk. So the hell what! Bottom line is that Brady's play did all the talking and beat the #1 defense in the NFL, embarrassing that idiot Anthony Smith in the process. Oh and the Detroit Lions didn't have the 21 decal on their helmets either so what's your point? You still got Mos Def on your sig after that foolish post of how Brady isn't accurate and all passes are jump balls should always be intecepted? :lol:
Wow, so the Patriots stoop down to Smith's level and Brady and Harrison talk trash to him, I expect Rodney Harrison to be classless as always, but Brady? Isn't he the top of the class in the NFL? I mean weren't they trying to push that they're going to let their play do the talking? (No this is not an attack on Brady, I'm being completely serious. I would never expect Brady to do that type of thing)
Can anyone tell me why they aren't respecting Sean Taylor and putting 21 on their helemts like every other team in the league.
And I really don't know how no one has beat them yet, they're the most one dimensional team in the NFL on offense, have a horrible run defence and an average pass defense. Just a few random thoughts on this game...
(waits to be flamed by a Patriots fan because I said the truth about their team)
mrvic, ignore him. I tried over the past 4 months to put some common sense into him, but NOTHING works. Everything he says are biased and not true. Even his talks of Pats defense was abysmal flop, and they are not disrepecting Taylor. A player who was close part of the organization died and they are obviously going to honor their teammate over someone they hardly knew.
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