OMG!!! sixringz1 and it-is-i, is it really you!?? Wow, Thought you guys would totally give it up after that whoppin' I put on you months ago : ), hey, I'm just kidding......come on fellas! Bet you guys are havin' some fun now though, huh, considering the Lakers loss?
Too bad you're looking at it all wrong, once again!!!! But ya know, since I'm a nice guy I'm going to let you all have your fun, especially since I wasn't one of those who said Kobe was better. I said the comparison is not ridiculous and that Kobe is just as skilled as MJ.
By the way , it-is-i, it really is youwho can't stay away from this subject, huh? :shock:
Wow this topic got brought back a week later. I had ended this a while ago. But since i am getting called out i feel i need to respond. First off i don't recall the whoopin you put on me, in fact i'm not really familiar with you, but hey i'm game. I asked a simple question with no critisizism towards kobe and if you read through this post you will see a lot of angry and defensive responses from the "Kobe is god" fan club. The bottom line is that you can never say a person who is halfway done their career is better than, what the majority feels, is the best player to ever play the sport. This isn't a game of projections. "Kobe is only 30, wait 6-7 years and he'll have all the accomplishments Jordan did". How do you know that? That turned out well for Griffey didn't. As stated above, at this point why is this a discussion. What has Kobe done better than Jordan. Fewer rings, Fewer MVP's, Fewer finals MVP's, fewer points per game, rbs, assists, defensive first teams, Defensive player of the year, etc., etc., etc. If this comparison wants to be brought up the day Kobe announces his retirement than that would be fair, but until then you are just embarassing Kobe because he is falling short in every meaninful category.
Oh yea as for that comment of people having fun now because Kobe and Lakers lost, yeah you're right i do kind of get a kick out of that because that was something Jordan never experienced. Jordan wouldn't allow his team to lose a 24 point lead at home. 6-6 in the finals with 6 MVP's. Guess you can add another check to Jordan :)
All i say is be careful what you wish for. He wanted Shaq gone. He wanted to be "the man". And the sad truth is that in the most important 2 weeks of his professional career, your boy laid an egg and point blank choked - PERIOD. Don't tell me about the defense either. Kobe has been in this league for over a decade, don't tell me he's never seen a double or triple team, a halfcourt trap, or an extra defender spying him wherever he goes. He had no problem being a great player through his career fighting through all those defenses, but when it counted in the finals he didn't. He had his chance and he blew it, deal with it.
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