I've seen some people say it's when you root for your hometown team. Do you agree?I'm a New York guy, but New York teams (aside from Mets/Yankees) are secondary teams for me. I only root for them when they're in the playoffs or something, other than that I really don't care.For basketball, I am a 76ers fan. It was the first team I saw play, it was the year they made it to the Finals against the Lakers. I was never really into watching basketball, but when I first watched them that season, I became a fan. Everyone said it was only because Iverson was there, he got traded, i'm still a Sixers fan. For football, I am a Eagle fan. They were also the first team I saw play in 2001. (The year I really started watching sports, I played them, just found the games boring) and even to this day I root for them. So, am I true fan, or because I don't root for my hometown team, am I not?
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