- I'm not sure if any of you remember this, But it got a pretty big ovation last time we held a tournament. But after the original creator left it just fell apart. But the leader and I have talked it over and we decided to start it anew.
There are a few rules to signing up. So I'll just get into them.
- #1: The Name of your charatcer Must be withing the rules of the site, Nothing sexual, or offensive.
- #2:There will be no profanity/censor bypassing alowed.
- #3: Your character must be within the set boundries, Which means his/her HP/MP/STR/DEF can be no higher then the highest allowed limit in FF1-9.
- #4: You must state which class your character is in. Mage,warrior, summoner, ect.
- #5: Any creations that are found offensive, will be terminated from the compitition.
Now I dont want to have very many rules because it would take away from the overall game. Now this is how I want you to create your character
- BIOGRAPHY (Example)
- NAME: Crim
- CLASS: Swordsman
- WEAPON: Eastern Sword called Murisame
- AGE: 23
- Cross Slash: Cuts enemy twice across the middle.
- Grim Slash: Uses Death strikes in an attempt for a one hit kill.
- Invest: Cuts his defeanse in half to increase his streanght.
- #1: Deliverance (Then discription of attack)
Ok thats basically all you need, you are allowed 3 special Abilities, and two Limits.
- ok Warriors, will obviosly have the highest attack power, But they will be unable to use any magic.
- Swordsman will have a significant attack power and can use weaker magic such as Fire/Blizard/Thunder/Cure.
- Assasins will be an strong attack power. And can use darkness attacks.
- White mages are cursed with a very low attack power, but can use All White Magic, and can Summon.
- A black mage also has weak attack power, but can cast all Black magic.
Now to sume this up. I'l make a chart of all magic abilities, And of who can use them.
- Fire/Blizard/Thunder: Black Mage, Swordsman.
- Fira/Blizarra/Thundara: Black Mage
- Firaga/Blizaga/Thundaga: Black Mage
- Flare/ Ultima/Meteor: White Mage
- Cure:White Mage, Assasin, Swordsman
- Cura: White Mage, Assasin
- Curaga: White Mage
- Holy: White Mage
- Protect/Shell: White Mage
- Summon: White Mage
Now I am going to try to make this a team tournament, But it depends on how many people sign up, So just creat you character for a part of a team. And remember to be creative.
I will give you a list of attacks, and of the damage they do in the first post of the tournament.
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