I'm not sure if any of you remember this, But it got a pretty big ovation last time we held a tournament. But after the original creator left it just fell apart. But the leader and I have talked it over and we decided to start it anew.There are a few rules to signing up. So I'll just get into them.RULES#1: The Name of your charatcer Must be withing the rules of the site, Nothing sexual, or offensive.#2:There will be no profanity/censor bypassing alowed.#3: Your character must be within the set boundries, Which means his/her HP/MP/STR/DEF can be no higher then the highest allowed limit in FF1-9.#4: You must state which class your character is in. Mage,warrior, summoner, ect.#5: Any creations that are found offensive, will be terminated from the compitition.Now I dont want to have very many rules because it would take away from the overall game. Now this is how I want you to create your characterBIOGRAPHY (Example)NAME: CrimCLASS: SwordsmanWEAPON: Eastern Sword called MurisameAGE: 23ABILLITIESCross Slash: Cuts enemy twice across the middle.Grim Slash: Uses Death strikes in an attempt for a one hit kill.Invest: Cuts his defeanse in half to increase his streanght.LIMITS#1: Deliverance (Then discription of attack)Ok thats basically all you need, you are allowed 3 special Abilities, and two Limits. CLASSESWARRIORok Warriors, will obviosly have the highest attack power, But they will be unable to use any magic.*NO MORE SWORDSMEN*SWORDSMAN Swordsman will have a significant attack power and can use weaker magic such as Fire/Blizard/Thunder/Cure.*NO MORE SWORDSMEN*ASSASINAssasins will be an strong attack power. And can use darkness attacks.WHITE MAGEWhite mages are cursed with a very low attack power, but can use All White Magic, and can Summon.BLACK MAGEA black mage also has weak attack power, but can cast all Black magic.Now to sume this up. I'l make a chart of all magic abilities, And of who can use them.Fire/Blizard/Thunder: Black Mage, Swordsman.Fira/Blizarra/Thundara: Black MageFiraga/Blizaga/Thundaga: Black MageFlare/ Ultima/Meteor: White MageCure:White Mage, Assasin, SwordsmanCura: White Mage, AssasinCuraga: White MageHoly: White MageProtect/Shell: White MageSummon: White MageNow I am going to try to make this a team tournament, But it depends on how many people sign up, So just creat you character for a part of a team. And remember to be creative.I will give you a list of attacks, and of the damage they do in the first post of the tournament.
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