[QUOTE="N8A"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="SymonDezyn"] [QUOTE="N8A"]although I would be upset if my colsoe lost and I was no longer able to get good games or exclusives.kryu88
I don't know but I don't think one will "win" or "lose" over the other....at least it seems that although there are always going to be exclusives for one or the other, there will be many more games that will be multi-platform. Either way, I plan on eventually having all the consoles so I don't have to miss out :) Just in case, you know?
Same with me, but the PS3 will be my last console to get.
I still haven't settled into a next gen console. I need to get a high def tv first, then finish up some of my backlogged games, then the next gen system can happen. who knows though because by the time i catch up it could be ps4 and xbox 1080I'm one of those few people that seems to care less about HD gaming....I mean..the resolution is slightly better....woot....doesn't add or take away from my gaming experience..my PS3 games look just fine on my SDTV :lol:
Great minds think alike:)
I completely agree! Ok, a game has high resolution graphics. Ok the characters are detailed, but what about the story or gameplay? If those are ignored, I don't buy the game.
I'm wondering when gaming became all about graphics:|
Some people now would choose Crisis Core(no offense FF7 fans) over Chrono Trigger, because of the graphics, which is really sad, since both games are pretty good(but CT is a lot better:P ).
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