A peasant named Billy, who believes the world is flat, goes on a quest to find the edge. Along the way, heĀ meets two owls, who constantly peck at his head along the way. While going through a desert, Billy gets very thirsty and begins to become grouchy and depressed. While he is sleeping, a portal opens and transports him to the edge of the world. He then jumps off due to his depression, and lands on a bed of sharp, pointy objects.
We then find out that Billy was just in a dream, and that the player's constant anger and frustration to find out what happens at the end was for nothing. The end credits are filled with annoying music and flashing black and white screens that will give anyone a seizure immediately.
Then the player throws the game onto the road, runs it over many times, and gets in a fatal car accident due to seizures.
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