These are our infamous teams, ready to battle:
Yeah, first post! :D
"Early bird gets the worm". Hahahaha, finally staying up late has paid off! :P
Anyways, my post:
Celes asks Bahamut for his services and he accepts! Bahamut will now attack a very unlucky team for Team Runic on my next turn....
Team Runic Warriors Standing:
Celes - 9999 HP
Locke - 9999 HP
Larxene - 9999 HP
Sensing the uprising tension yet hesitant to spill first mornings blood
Kadaj sits in Seiza and *casts Haste* upon himself to better prepare for battle.
(Cast Haste on Kadaj)
Kadaj - 9999
Sephiroth - 9999
Yazoo - 9999
Edit: to clear up one issue: when youcast either regen or poison, you are responsible for documenting the effects for the following 7 days. On the first day you will obviously be posting the 100HP worth of damage/ healing.. but please do so on your following posts. Example: if I were to cast regen on a team, I would document on the second day that the spell is effective for, my normal 500HP worth or attack or healing, plus I would document the additional 100HP that my team would be healed for (Regen heals the team by 100HP, there are 5 days remaining on this spell). If you cast poison, you are the one responsible for documenting its affects, not the team who is affected by it. Thanks.
These are the only allowable status effect spells. Thank-you. Please PM me with any questions.
Ark decides that Team Zantetsuken are far too organised and that he should even up the odds. He then unleashes his sliding attack on Crono, who takes 375 points of damage (reduced from 500 because of his protect status).
Odin 9624
Magus 9624
Crono 9624
[Ark - you must attack an entire team, and specify which team you were "hired by". I have edited your post to contain the correct HPs of Team Zantetsuken, but please keep this in mind for your next post. ~Yuna]
Yuna, I think GS messed up Shadow's post(which he casted haste), so I'm going to repost it in this one. is that ok?
Shadow casts Haste on himself
Team Paladin
Cecil- 9999 *haste*
Shadow- 9999*Haste*
Kuja- 9999
Edward Elric
Team: Mercenary
Action: Attack Team Paladin via "Super Special Awesome Alchemy Explosion" :P
Resulting Damage: -500
Team Paladin
Cecil - 9499
Kuja - 9499
Shadow - 9499
Edit: Despite my recent absnece, it seems this ne glitch of GS's is still relevant. I had made a post and it didn't show until I posted this, so sorry for double posting... GS loves to jerk me around!
I shall bide my time, for now.......
*Casts Haste*
Team Jenova's Witnesses
Celes: 9,999
Larxene: 9,999
Locke: 9,999
Shadow: 8,999
Kuja: 8,999
Cecil: 8,999
{Saix steps in to sabatage the opposition! Nothing like kidnapping the opposition's loved ones? Saix commence's his assault of Team Paladin for 500 points!}
Quistis here - unleashing a barrage of missile fire on Team Jenova's Witnesses
Mwahahahaha! I love the smell of exploding opponents in the morning :)
{"Gahhh....." he says As kadaj stumbles back from the barrage of missiles........... He looks down at the black box and notices a scar............................................................................................................................................
Kadaj Falls in pain and anger at the foul treatment towards his mother.}
Kadaj Screams in Terror and Anger, Such Battle cry as the world has never seen. And with Haste Cast on his previous calm...... The reverberations of sound cut deeper than usual.
1000 pt of damage to Team Gunblade
Seifer - 8999HP
Vincent - 8999HP
Quistis - 8999HP
Team Jenova's Witnesses
(kadaj settles himself back into Seiza, anticipating the moves of his opponents)
Mercenary Nel:
Nel has received orders from Clair with a picnic basket. Nel folder up the piece of paper and says, "Damn, I'm a warrior, not Little Red Riding Hood." She picks up the basket. Scowls at the basket. Then say, "Okay, let's get this over with." Nel skips:oops: into the camp of the PALADIN team and hands out blueberry pies to Cecil, Shadow, and Kuja. Then runs away fast before being teased.
Cecil 9,499
Shadow 9,499
Kuja 9,499
Edit: Oops!:oops: Should have put HEAL 500hp!
Team Runic Warriors gets slashed by Cecil's sword
Team Runic Warriors
Celes- 8249
Larxene- 8249
Locke- 8249
Team Paladin should have 8499 HP instead of 9499.
Team Runic Warriors should have 8499 HP instead of 9499. (Sorry team but cheating is not right :P)
EDIT : Cecil is on Haste so he should have did 1000 damage. But with the protect casted if I followed correctly, it should do 1/4 damge of less (well, that's what I saw in one of Kuja's post I think) so he does 750 damage.
So Team Paladin 8499HP.
Team Runic Warriors 8249HP.
Edit: Sorry Locke, Paladin is actually at 9499 at this point in the fight.
Don't mess with Team Runic.....
Team Paladin! You attacked us one too many times! :P
Bahamut unleashes Mega Flare upon Team Paladin!
Team Paladin Stands:
Cecil - 7899 HP
Shadow - 7899 HP
Kuja - 7899 HP
Team Runic stands:
Celes - 8249 HP
Locke - 8249 HP
Larxene - 8249 HP
-- EDIT -- Actually Locke - Team Paladin had 9499HP before my attack. So I'll edit the posts ;) --
Whoa. Try to be a little bit more careful when you are calculating the HP scores at the end of your posts please. Also, make sure to comment on how much damage you're dealing (aka whether you were hasted before, or whether you have a special item). I have edited everyone's posts so that they should now be correct.
This means:
Team Floral Gale: 9999HP
Team Runic Warriors: 8249HP
Team Gunblade: 8999HP
Team Paladin: 8399HP
Team Jenova's Witnesses: 9999HP
Team Zantetsuken: 9249HP
Edward Elric
Team: Mercenary
Action: Attack Team Paladin via "An Izumi Curtis Wack to the Head" :P
Resulting Damage: -500
Team Paladin
Cecil - 7899
Kuja - 7899
Shadow - 7899
Edward Elric
Team: Mercenary
Action: Attack Team Paladin via "An Izumi Curtis Wack to the Head" :P
Resulting Damage: -500Team Paladin
Cecil - 7899
Kuja - 7899
Shadow - 7899
Do you have something against us or something?!
Dark Clouds rush in over the skyline
All is in Darkness
Violent thunderclaps & Vicious lightning envelope the Battle Arena
In an instant all is silent
The ensuing stillness is shattered as the clouds part to reveal the silhouette of a mounted warrior
An ominous voice proclaims"NOW YOU FACE THE MIGHT OF O-DIN!"
The shadowy figure raises a mighty spear
The word Gungnir forms and disipates in a cloud passing before the mighty Eidolon
The lance is tossed and upon hitting the ground impales all members of team Jenova's witnesses
Sleipnir lets out a snort a white smoke issues from his nostrils
He rises to his hind legs with a loud neigh
Odin rides off into the darkness
As Odin Disappears into the night
The following words appear in the sky
"Thou who hath witnessed mine power
Tremble and Revere"
Odin *Haste* (Hurt Team Jenova's Witnesses x 1000)
Team Jenova's Witnesses
Kadaj: 8999
Sephiroth: 8999
Yazoo: 8999
Dark Matter to *------* Jenova's Witnesses
Team Jenova's WitnessesKadaj:8499
EDIT - (please respect the team and the team name choice. Thank you)
I was just being silly.......:( I thought it was funny since all of those characters are always going crazy and calling Jenova "mother"
After Odin's exceptional attack "congrats!" Mercenary Nel get new orders!
All is ready, and Nel smiles :twisted: Warrior work at last!
Under the cover of darkness, Nel sneaks into the camp of team Jenova's Witnesses. While they are sleeping and healing, she steal the black box. Now in position, she calls, "Mother is here!" Kadaj awakens sees that mother is gone and screams. Team mates awaken. All three rush out and follow the voice.
The black box is suspended high above their heads.
Too late, a net springs upwards and catapults the team across the arena. They land with a bone crushing smack. Nel then enters the camp of team Floral Gale and gives Aeris the black box. Nel fades into the shadows to await new orders.:lol:
Support goes to Team Floral Gale
Hurt Team Jenova's Witnesses 500hp
Kadaj - 8499
Sephiroth - 8499
Squall - 8499
Team Runic Warriors: 8249HP
Team Paladin
Cecil - 7399
Kuja - 7399
Shadow - 7399
(Should be correct, as I did not see any protect. Please be sure to include this in your posts as well to keep things accurate! Also it's a few before midnight so I'll have another post soon as I wake up tomorrow!)
{Trance! Vivi has entered the corridor of power known as Trance! Double Black magic Flare and Doomsday is cast! All of Team Paladin is dumbfounded and blown away in the torrent of high tier magicks!}
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