Kuja casts Flare Star on Team Floral Gale (Oct. 11) X500 per
Aeris 7999HP
Mjrn 7999HP
Lightning 7999HP
Aeris 7499HP
Mjrn 7499HP
Lightning 7499HP
October 11
As a Black wind blows across the field of the Battle Arena. A shadowy figure appears as the dust agitated by the wind subsides. Among the whispers of the spectators can be heard a single name, Kazé.
Standing on the opposing side of the field is Team Runic Warriors. Celes speaks:
Celes- "You can't possibly hope to stand against us. Our power grows with every blessing bestowed upon us by the Battle Arena"
Kazé- "No matter who I'm up against Odin's mighty charge shall halt their advance.
Soil is my power...
The soil charge triad to use against you has been decided!
-The light that dictates the time of eternity,
Luminous Silver! (Kazé loads the Luminous Silver soil bullet into the first of the Magun's 3 chambers)
-The darkness that dictates the time of destruction,
Demolition Black! (Kazé loads the Demolition Black soil bullet into the second of the Magun's 3 chambers)
-The moment that dictates the time of extinction,
Steel Gray! (Kazé loads the Steel Gray soil bullet into the third of the Magun's 3 chambers)"
Kazé aims his Magun towards the heavens and yells:
"Penetrate, I summon you, Odin!
The magun fires and the three soil charges combine in mid-air giving form to Odin. Odin charges atop his steed and topples the members of Team Runic Warriors
Odin *Haste* (Hurt Team Runic Warriors x 1000)
Team Runic Warriors- In possession of Fire stone 700HP damage & Potion 700HP healing
Celes 7374HP
Locke 7374HP
Larxene 7374HP *Haste*
October 11th 10:44 pm EST
Yazoo: I licks my fingers after eating such good Orange Chicken. "Thanks, Sephiroth!" I then look at Kadaj and say, "Hey brother toss me the key." Kadaj removes the key from around his neck and tosses it to me. I unlock and open the box, looking at all the materia it holds. Picking up the materia, I say, "Yes this will do nicely":) as I relock the box and toss the key back to Kadaj. I insert the materia into my arm. I throw my head back, "It feels sooooo gooood". I now have HASTE on. I go to my cot to get some sleep. The battle continues tomorrow.:twisted:
Team Jenova's Witnesses current standings
Kadaj - 9,499 *haste*
Sephiroth - 9,499
Yazoo - 9,499 *haste*
Sitting by the bright glowing Trees among his two other brothers (Big Brother Watching over all of us :P)
Kadaj gets a mighty itch to be "friendly"
He calls over team Gunblade to have some friendly Tea
The gathering attracts several spectators watching our camp.........why i have no idea.......
So we all sit down discussing silly things and gossip like how celes seems to get all the drops that seem to defy the conservation of energy.... what ever......
we laugh and joke............ Kadaj gets up from the table to go get more drinks.......
He goes out into the lake to fill the cups and accidentally falls in O___O
The water Turns black and murky..................... Kadaj however doesn't notice and instead gets out quickly to not look foolish in-front of his guests.............
He fills the glasses and gives them to his gunblade friends........................................
Team gunblade begins to stiffen and eyes turn into a dull cat like eyes.
Kadaj immediately Understanding what went wrong decides to hide his mistake by telling everyone that the tea ceremony was over and that everyone should head back home......
Since team gunblade was now under direct control of Kadaj.... they listened.... On their way home however.........They hit numerous obstacles. Such as rocks, trees, zantetsuken's what have you................ due to the mistake Kadaj made and the semi poisonous effect of black water Team Gunblade suffers 1000 points of damage ....
Attack Team Gunbladefor 1000 pts
Seifer 8499hp
Vincent 8499hp
Quistis 8499hp
Team Jenova's Witnesses current standings
Kadaj - 9,499
Sephiroth - 9,499
Yazoo - 9,499 *haste*
Team Runic Warriors!: 7374
Effects: Haste on Larxene
Firestone in possession (700HP) & Potion (+700HP)
crono casts protect
TeamZantetsuken *protect*
Odin 9749HP *Haste*
Magus 9749HP Casting Haste (Haste takes effect October 12)
Crono 9749HP
Larxene Heals for +1000 for team Runic Heroes!!
Team Runic: 8,374
No effects valid-HoldingGurdy's item
Please post your OWN team's stats when posting so it keeps things accurate! Thank you!
Also: I noticed your HP jumped by 1,000 points Team Zantizuken. Please tell me Crono you've made a typo! :) Or show me how you've gained 1,000.
Its not a type-look at everything on Page 10 through now-the number is correct and btw.
Quistis shakes off the effects of the black water and curses under her breath,"KADAJ! How utterly low and sneaky, to lure us in with a traditional tea ceremony - that is blasphemy!!!" So she decides to give them a taste of their own medicine, calls up the local flower shop and orders a delightful bouquet. Hiding around the corner, she sees Kadaj accept the package with glee, and as he is reading the card, a Black Mamba springs out of the bouquet, bites him in the eyeball, then proceeds to take a chomp out of Yazoo's leg, and nest in Sephiroth's hair. Chuckling, Quistis sneaks back to camp.
Attack Team Jenova's Witnesses for 1000 HP (Haste cast yesterday)
Kadaj - 8,499
Sephiroth - 8,499
Yazoo - 8,499
Team Gunblade's current standings:
Seifer 8499hp
Vincent 8499hp
Quistis 8499hpSymonDezyn
Hey it was an accident ............................... :P
what you did was purposeful !!!!!!! :D
October 12th 12:55 pm EST
Mercenary Nel supports team Jenova's Witnesses.:P
While Nel had the black box, before turning it over to Floral Gale, she had filled a small vial with Jenova cells.:evil: After the tea party at Forgotten City and while team Gunblade slept off the effects of the black water, Nel entered their camp.8) Taking the vial from her pocket she sprinkled some Jenova cells on each team member. Nel stops at the cot of where Vincent is sleeping and thinks to herself, "Man, he's got such attractive eyes. Nel suddenly:shock: realizes that he is watching her which makes Nel jump, and she spilled the remainer of the Jenova cells down her leg. She runs for her life and gets away.:roll: Nel looks at her leg, "Damn, now I have geostymia too":cry:
Hurt Team Gunblades with Geostymia -500ph
Seifer - 7999
Vincent - 7999
Quistis - 7999
[QUOTE="SymonDezyn"]Quistis shakes off the effects of the black water and curses under her breath,"KADAJ! How utterly low and sneaky, to lure us in with a traditional tea ceremony - that is blasphemy!!!" So she decides to give them a taste of their own medicine, calls up the local flower shop and orders a delightful bouquet. Hiding around the corner, she sees Kadaj accept the package with glee, and as he is reading the card, a Black Mamba springs out of the bouquet, bites him in the eyeball, then proceeds to take a chomp out of Yazoo's leg, and nest in Sephiroth's hair. Chuckling, Quistis sneaks back to camp.
Attack Team Jenova's Witnesses for 1000 HP (Haste cast yesterday)
Kadaj - 8,499
Sephiroth - 8,499
Yazoo - 8,499
Team Gunblade's current standings:
Seifer 8499hp
Vincent 8499hp
Quistis 8499hpstarnerd67
Hey it was an accident ............................... :P
what you did was purposeful !!!!!!! :D
Team Gunblade
Seifer - 8499
Vincent - 8499
Quistis - 8499
Celes is bored and decides to practice some magic.
"It's been a quiet day all day today. Let's keep it that way." (Rhyming....not intended).
She raises her arms and casts Haste.
Celes: 8374 *HASTE*
Locke: 8374
Larxene: 8374
~~In possession of the Fire Stone (700) and a Potion (700). ~~
October 12th.
Jake is suffering from a severe case of writer's block, so Ark just attacks Team Paladin again for the sake of it. :P
Team Paladin takes 500HP of damage.
Team Paladin:
Cecil: 7149HP
Shadow: 7149HP, Haste cast on the12th,thereforex2 Attack/Heal on the13th.
Kuja: 7149HP
Team Runic Warriors!: 7374
Effects: Haste on Larxene
Firestone in possession (700HP) & Potion (+700HP)
crono casts protect
TeamZantetsuken *protect*
Odin 9749HP *Haste*
Magus 9749HP Casting Haste (Haste takes effect October 12)
Crono 9749HPLarxene Heals for +1000 for team Runic Heroes!!
Team Runic: 8,374
No effects valid-HoldingGurdy's item
Please post your OWN team's stats when posting so it keeps things accurate! Thank you!
Also: I noticed your HP jumped by 1,000 points Team Zantizuken. Please tell me Crono you've made a typo! :) Or show me how you've gained 1,000.
October 12
Sorry to yell, but I wanted to be sure to get your attention. Let's have a friendly chat. I really don't like being called a cheater, and yes calling my team-mate a cheater is by extension calling me a cheater. I am sure about our stats. Calling our posts into question places the burden of proof on you. Show me at what point Team Zantetsuken had 8,749 HP and I'll show you where you're wrong. Otherwise, please make sure your figures are correct before calling my teams integrity into question. Thank you!
Odin Casts Haste
Your friendly neighborhood Odinunlimited
Team Zantetsuken
Odin 9749 Casting Haste (Haste will take effect October 13)
Magus 9749
Crono 9749
No need to yell or bold. I will eventually get to your message. I had seen in a previus post that it seemed to jump by 1000 points, this was an observation. I wasn't calling you a cheater, I'd appreciate it if you don't jump the gun or insert words. That's why I asked it be clarified, there's nothing wrong with that. If you have further problems you be sure to PM me I will happily fix it. Mistakes happen, it's human to do so. Lose the attitude though, it's not appealing, nor appreciated. I asked in a polite and calm manner to avoid argument or insunuation. I have every right to challenge a mistake if I believe there was one, and there is nothing wrong in doing so. I was simply asking because I had seen a jump in HP, and I believed someone made a typo whether your team, or somewhere else and I wanted to make things, crystal, clear.
Team Runic Warriors: 8,374HP
Valid Effects: Haste-Larxene/Celes
I casted haste.
9:46PM OCT 12
October 12
Kadaj is so tired from battling and work that he decided to go to his local Final Fantasy 7 11 store to by some red bull
Kadaj now has wings and had haste casted on him...............
Yah i know ill be more creative after i get more than 4 hours of sleep
Team Jenova's Witnesses
Kadaj - 8,499 (haste)
Sephiroth - 8,499
Yazoo - 8,499
Edward Elric
Team: Mercenary
Date: October 13th, '07
Action: Attack Team Paladin via "Being Squashed by a Piano"
Resulting Damage: -500
Team Paladin
Cecil - 7649
Kuja - 7649
Shadow - 7649
October 13 - 1:53 pm EST
Yazoo (having haste on)cast curaga on his teammates.
Team Jenova's Witnesses Heal +1000
Kadaj - 9499 (haste)
Sephiroth - 9499
Yazoo - 9499
October 14 - 4:49AM
Seifer calls for fast pace! *cast Haste
Current Stats:
Seifer -- 8499HP *haste
Vincent -- 8499HP
Quistis -- 8499HP
'We will not be taken lightly!'
Quistis, glances at Seifer, and seeing him cast Haste, feels it prudent to do so as well, so he won't feel left out. Feeling feisty today, she also gives him a *wink*
Quistis casts Haste, taking effect October 14th
Team Gunblade
Quistis: 8499 HP (Haste)
Vincent: 8499 HP
celes, too flippin' tired (and kind of upset) to move a finger just glances at team paladin.
is hasted
team paladin
cecil - 7649
kuja - 7649
shadow - 7649
celes - 8374
larxene - 8374
locke - 8374
holding items
October 13th.
Ark rushes up to Team Gunblade; Time appears to stand still as he disappears into Pandora's Box and then re-emerges clutching a jewel box. He pulls out a Fire Ring and puts it on his finger, which he then points at Team Gunblade. Suddenly flames leap forth from his outstretched hand and streak through the entire team! The flames continually rush toward them: as they all try to maneuver themselves out of harms way, Ark simply follow their movements with his hand so that the incineration may continue.
Job done: It's amazing what one can do with five gold coins and a piece of Magirock. ;)
Team Gunblade takes 500HP of damage.
Team Gunblade:
Quistis: 7999 HPHaste cast on the 13th, x2Attack/Heal on the 14th
Vincent: 7999HP
A Special THANKS goes to Yuna for making this for me.:D
EDIT by Nel: To anyone new reading this for the first time. Rules #2 and #7 have changed. A note is posted further into the game, but thought I should also include the change here as well.
#2 - Any team member can PM me for a job.
#7 - I will now do hired jobs on odd numbered days. Leaving even numbered days for myself.
I still will operate on the FIFO method.
Sephiroth doesn't feel like fighting, so he castes *Haste* and pulls a hidden mini T.V. from under his shoulder pad.
Oct 13, 6:00 PM
Team Jenova's Witnesses
Yazoo: 9499
October 14 2:16am EST
Nel received new orders.
Torches flare to life, trumpets sound as a large sum of people make their way to the center of the arena. Team players are awakened by the noise. All watch from their camps wondering what is going on. Table are being setup with chairs all around. Music and song fill the air. A box is placed in the center of the arena. A small but cute girl jumps up on the box and yells,
"The Rossetti's have arrived."
"Hi, I'm Peppita Rossetti and we are here to entertain you while you eat, drink and dance."
Teams exit their camps and enter the arena under a flag of truce. Everyone starts eating and drinking. Soon everyone is having a great time, and they remember they are all SEE friends, like a family. Larxene is dancing with Odin, "Stop stepping on my toes", cries Larxene:cry:. Odin:roll: just grunts back her. Cecil:P is well into his cup and bellows, "More Wine." Shadow and Quistis:lol: laughs at intercepter as he is runs round stealing food from the tables. Crono and Magus:) starts a dice game with Yazoo and Sephiroth:). Aeris:oops: asks Vincent:shock: to dance. Myrn and Lightning;) are flirting with Kuja and Seifer:). Celes and Locke:) are putting on a puppet show for the kids that have come with the Rossetti's. Kadaj8) is talking to mother, "The reunion will be soon", as he watches the Rossetti jugglers. Yuna:lol: is dancing on the table to the hoots and hollers from some of the Rossetti men. All is having a good time. They realize the battle tourney is just a game, and sometimes a good laugh helps!:lol:
While everyone is having such a great time Nel slips away. She enters team Zantetsuken camp. Her orders are to steal Odin's spear. Looking around the tent, she finally spots the weapon. Why on Earth, the Queen of Aquios wants that thing she'll never know. Nel then goes to pick it up, "Good God, there's no way I can carry that thing." Nel looks around and spots a whole bunch of Odin spears which are a lot smaller. She wonders what they are for as they are too small to be use as a weapon. Nel then remembers seeing kids and some adults in the spectator's stands carrying them. They must be souviners. Nel rounds her eyes, "The vanity of Men!" Then Nel says, "Okay, that will have to do." and she grabs one. She head back to her own camp. Peppita and the others know the way. Nel awaits new orders.;)
Nel Steals from Team Zantetsuken -375hp due to Protect.
Odin - 9374 haste
Magus - 9374 haste
Crono - 9374
Edit: To make the pic of Peppita slightly smaller.
Locke casts Haste on himself.
Team Runic Warriors
Celes - 9374HP
Locke - 9374HP *Haste*
Larxene - 9374HP
*Firestone and potion in possession*
October 14.
Ark uses Pyro Ring on Team Jenova's Witnesses!
Incredibly, this devastating magic attack only deals 500 HP of damage. ;)
Team Jenova's Witnesses:
Sephiroth: 8999Haste in effect: x2 Attack/Heal now available.
Kadaj: 8999Haste in effect: x2 Attack/Heal now available.
Yazoo: 8999
*picks up Chimera* Awesome, even though they were made with one of the most evil uses of alchemy in mind. I didn't make it so I'm taking it. :lol:
Edward Elric
Team: Mercenary
Date: October 14th, '07
Action: Attack Team Paladin via "The Furocious Attack of Nina" - Use of Chimera
Resulting Damage: -700
Team Paladin
Cecil - 6949
Kuja - 6949
Shadow - 6949
Notes: Yes I named my Chimera Nina. :P
As Celes is walking around the arena a massive blue light appears directly in front of her.
"Let me help you." Says the blue light.
Once the light fades away a beautiful figure stands in front of Celes.
"It's Shiva! The Ice Summon!"
"I am here for only a short time," she says. "You must use me right away, as my powers granted for you last no longer than that."
"I will use full advantage!!"
Ready to attack! Casting and connecting with Shiva... "Go Shiva!"
"Eek!" "It's cold!" "Interceptor...where are you?"
Celes attacks through Shiva, the renown Ice Summon, dealing 800 damage.
Cecil: 6149
Shadow: 6149 *Casting Haste*
Kuja: 6149
Celes: 9374
Locke: 9374 *Casting Haste*
Larxene: 9374
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