[QUOTE="No_worrys_mate"]I dont care if their playing it, Its only being played by the minority anyways, Its not even a fair comparisoin, ohhh lets take a game that has at least 4 games that have came after excluding the spin offs and other ones to a game that is the last game in its series,Your argument dosnet work because as i said a small minority plays the game and with each release of a game if its considerd better it will be played more so no one would be playing Fallout 2 if Fallout 3 to the same vein.
I dont get it, Do you really want the same game for the next twenty years, I mean heck wouldnt it be nice to actually be one of the villigers and soldiers in Age of empires and and make it in to an action adventure, I do get where your comming from but its what you WANT but perhaps alot of people want to check out Fallout 3 diffrently and this way its probaly the acceable, I mean if they release is an Action adventure i hope they release the game you want AS WELL just for you.
What possibly makes you think i i care about the sales or the fact its being played by 4 million instead of 3 million? I dont. It doesnt affect me at all. All i want from a game is a good, fun solid game.
If the devleopers are making a sequel to the game, the idea is to take the best aspects of the original, expand on it, make it better, or provide more of it. Any combinations of those is fine. Its not about taking a franchise thats popular and known and creating a turd in order to make money out of it (for example, 95% of all movie licensed games).
Your age of empire example is exactly what people dont want. People didnt buy AGe of Empires because they were hoping for an Action RPG. They bought it because it was a good RTS. Hey, if Ensemble wants to make Age of Empires: Be the Villager Dude, go ahead. But dont call it Age of Empires 4 because thats not what it is.
Hmmmm, You say two or three million, How about they sell more than a million and make a profit before you spout those numbers out, You also forgeting its ONLY YOU and a FEW others that want that kind of game perhaps it could be solid and good but what about the other million people who could play it if it was more accecable, You say if the developers made a sequel and blah blah, Well obviously it dosent work like that, i mean this is the new genaration and perhaps they have diffrent idears, It actually makes me think you would want everyone to be playing the same game for the next twenty years with updated graphics, Its people like you that will hinder the gaming community, I mean fair enough you want Fallout 3 as the originals but maybe they can do what they want first and bring some new idears to the table and make Fallout 4 as you want a year or two later.
Aoe ws purley an example and i knew you would react like that, Ill give you an example, We wouldnt have Wow if Blizzard didnt change what they had with Wc3 and this is the point im getting out, Let it be released first, I mean if its scored excellent across the board and everybody is happy with it then whats the problem, Oh i forgot theirs always someone to complain which is usually in the MINORITY and someone clinging on to the past.
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