Best. Storyline. Period.
1. Killzone invented grainy picture in gaming FPS (you saw this kind of picture in the movie 300)
2. Motion Blurr (Used when you sprint...when combined with great graphics and grainy picture makes you drool)
3. 20 Milllion Dollar Budget (Largest for any game ever made)
4. 120 People working on it (Record Breaker and Sony hired some new guns to work on the sequel)
5. Storyline - Nazi's in space? I'm sorry how does that ever go wrong? George Lucas could write the dialogue and add a love story with gungans and ppl would praise it.
6. Weapons - Some of the best weapon designs ever put in a game. They have a very real feeling to there repective sides.
7. Dialogue - No Black Sarge here yelling damn....just a whole lotta gritty F bombs left and right with an almost tarantino wittiness to them. EX. 'Rico' "What F**Ks a shakespear?"(real line in Killzone 1)
8. 50 GiG potential
9. More Physics, More Enemies, More Explosions, More Everything.....
10. I said so! MOOOOOO!!!
All very good and valid points that almost GUARANTEE that this game will be superb, and VASTLY superior to to the first. Considering this is such a large scale project, with such a hefty budget, and massive team working on it....they simply cannot afford to fail on this game. It is virtually a money in the bank guaranteed hit.
Anyone with an open, UNBIASED mind should be able to use deductive logic based on what we know about the game's massive scale of production, and come to the conclusion that it will at the least be a great game. There is just no way that such a large scale team effort, with a budget so large can screw this game way. And I do not think it will see the light of day until it is perfect either, simply because so much is riding on it.
As far as the first Killzone goes, I thought people were WAY overly critical, and way too nit-picky towards it. Yes, it had some frame rate problems of being overly choppy at times, which could be annoying, but the game itself I thought was great. The Helghast are an extremely cool concept for an enemy, the story was great, and the weapons kicked ass. Especially that orange night vision scoped sniper rifle, which even today is STILL my favorite sniper rifle that I have ever used in any shooter.
All the people hating on this giant project just because the first one got a bad rap are going to find out that they have been sorely mistaken after it is released. There is just too much money at stake, and too much in general riding on this game for it to end up a flop. Cannot wait myself.
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