1. As true as that is, in Japan it's not uncommon for them to carry more than one mobile devices, or even have more than ONE cell phone. Different cultures, as for us. Handhelds can still be entertaining if the right software is on it. Nintendo has proven this already, which is how they attracted the casual market everyone is after.
2. ^^ Read above applies to both.
3. That didn't stop games like Cut the Rope, Angry Birds, and more to sell over 1 million in sales. If the games are smart, they can make a good interface without relying on buttons.
4. Android is just an OS, it won't make the service any better. As an OS it's fine, but it doesn't mean squat for the PSP phones store which will likely connect to PSN which if the PSP Go is any indication, won't matter cause prices aren't going down for older games.
5. Making payments, and being continually charged for your phone can be a great way to start off, but it's never free. What do you do when your contract ends or you want a new phone? How will the PSP phone matter then? What about your games when you swap to a PSPhone 2?
6. I still play my handhelds, granted I play them outside on one of two occassions, either if I'm going on a long road trip and I don't want to kill my phone or if I'm playing with friends at school Handhelds are still great devices that fill certain peoples needs. Also I play them at home too I admit, but why wait to go somewhere to play a great game? I'd rather not kill my phone and most phone devices die within a few hours of play.
7. The touch pad can be useful, but it's about the same thing as playing with your laptop. If you're talking about using the screen itself, how is that any different than using the iPhone or other devices? IF you've ever played the DS, performing both touichscreen actions and buttons on different planes isn't too fun.
8. Doesn't stop them from selling. Apple products are the status quo right now. That's why they have 51 BILLION dollars to spend.
9. True, sony has this. This is their strongest point. How well they do it has yet to be seen as the PSP Go is evidence that it wasn't so great.
10. They could, problem is will they? Will companies want to pay royalties to make the phone with PSP buttons and pay royalties when people buy access games from their markets or whatever else Sony puts up? I'd like to see Samsung use it though, as Ericssons have terrible quality.
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