I like the 3DS, but he's somewhat right. We are still yet to see a really advanced game, graphically, on the 3DS. When smartPHONES are competing with a dedicated gaming machine graphically, that can be a problem to some. It's fair for someone to think that as well. Personally I'm fine with the graphics of the 3DS, but it is a fact that people like to see a marked improvement. Sure, the 3ds is a big step up from the DS, but the ds is such an old system that the 3ds should almost be compared to smartphones--as it is a rather new platform for games that arrived after the ds.
The positive side of this "lack of graphics" on the 3ds is that it leads me to believe nintendo still knows how to win in the portable market, which is ultimately the games. I expect some real killer apps that put the smartphone market to shame. Nintendo does have the best game designers in the world, afterall. People can throw $1 this and $5 that, but the fact of the matter is most of those games are utter garbage. And if they weren't those people would be working at companies like Nintendo, selling their work for more money.
As far as NGP goes, I'm starting to dig the machine. It reminds me of a cross between a tablet and a game machine. I do think sony made a big mistake in the size of the system, though. With a screen of 5inches, its a little too big. At that point they should have made it 7inches so that tablet browsing would be more efficient.
He's talking about the DS, so I fail to see how he is right at all. And I'm looking forward to the NGP too... but what I don't like is how people are just brushing the 3DS aside. As for a really graphically advanced game on the 3DS? Resident Evil: Mercenaries? Resident Evil: Revelations? Metal Gear Solid 3D? Beyond the Labyrinthe? Nano Assault? Kid Icarus Uprising?Sorry, I missed the DS part:).
I own a 3DS, but I can understand the frustration people are having with the system. Most of the initial games shown, those that people got excited about A YEAR AGO at E3, are still not available, the eSHOP is still a no show, and all the games you mentioned are not in the hands of the consumer to judge. I'm on your side as far as having faith in nintendo with the 3ds, but I can also relate to peoples frustration with the 3ds as well. I'm actually a little worried that Nintendo rushed the system out, realized they made some launch mistakes, and then will proceed to rush out games that otherwise wouldn't be pushed to shelves.
Oh yes, the system was rushed to launch. A poor launch lineup, key features not ready at launch, an empty launch slate until two MONTHS AFTER the launch... they really should have launched this in August-September.Thankfully, things seem to be looking up. The eShop+Browser go online in five days, games have already started to trikle in (with more lined up for release this year), and on the whole, the outlook is good.
People need to remember that this is how it was with the DS too... it had no games for the first year and a half, it was consistently being outsold by the PSP, it's library was barren... and look how that turned out. In fact, even the PS3 went through something similar for its first two years on the market. Today, the PS3 is awesome.
All I'm saying is, at least give the system some time before you rush out and proclaim it a failure. But then, for some reason, critics have always been more tha eager to pounce on Nintendo's hardware and pronounce it a failure.
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