I think it is, lets just take a look at the lineup.
Xbox 360 - Ninja Gaiden 2, Gears of War 2, Banjo Threeie, Fable 2, Too Human, Lost Odyssey
PS3 - MGS4, Tekken 6, Little Big Planet (not a fan, but thought Id mention it anyway), Resistance 2
Wii - Super Smash Brothers Brawl, No More Heroes, and im not sure whats in store for Holiday 2008, Pikmin? Zelda Wii? Square Enix titles?
PC - Starcraft 2 (if it actually comes this year), Spore, Dragonage
Multiplat - GTAIV, Fallout 3, Splinter Cell Conviction, Soul Caliber 4, Last Remnant
PSP - Chains of Olympus, Crisis Core, Elder Scrolls, Patapon
DS - Dragon Quest 9, Ninja Gaiden DS
and Im sure I missed alot, but this is my list for the year.
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