[QUOTE="justdog11"]I'm almost 19 years of age and I've never judged a piece of software based on how "kiddy" it may appear. I bought Zack and Wiki despite it's supposed "kiddy" presentation, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Likewise, I ended up trading in GTA:SA because I felt the themes were just obnoxiously ghetto for a video game.
The only gamers that worry about about whether something is kiddy is kiddies themselves. You have your 12-17 year olds running around trying to avoid a younger image...
Truthfully there are games that I label for kids. and those games are conveniently packaged with "Early Childhood" printed on the box.
E for Everyone is a game aimed towards your 11 year old brother, you, your dad, and your grandmother. You could be missing out on some quality software by labeling any game E+ as "too kiddy".
So no, seeing how 2008 isn't hyping up a bunch of Early Childhood games, but is instead hyping up more games that everyone can play, it's not "revenge of teh kiddy" in any way shape or form. Sometimes I feel like I'm too old for system wars.
Man did this go over your head.
I'm mocking everyone that calls games "teh kidday," not actually calling these games kiddy.
calm down !!!!
you attacking everyone here just course they have an other opinion ?? what about report you for that ?
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