Well, which are those amazing exclusive RPG's that are coming to PS3 ?
I can name 15+ asmazing exclusive to PC/360RPG's that are coming to 360 though, plus 4-5 exclusives
Cross Edge and Disgaea are better then ANY 360 RPG this year. Fact.Cross Edge got the lowest score possible even in Japan, 6/10 !!!!!!
But i guess on PS3 even 1/10 games are not 10/10, right ? I mean 400$ for a system should add some points to those crappy titles
Disgaea 3 is that game that looks like a PS1 game (well some PS1 games actually look 10000x better) ?
Also i like freedom and choice in my games, so i like WRPGs far mroe than any JRPG, meaning that even with Fable 2 alone, 360 would have a better lineup of RPG's than anything PS3 could ever come up with
Don't you always talk about how you play games with lower scores and how it doesn't matter about the scores. And 6/10 Lowest score????? And fable two really wasnt that good of a game. Stop making it out to be better then anything ever released.
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