2010 is slowly but surely coming soon. As gamers 2009 as not been kind with us with only a exclusive here and there but 2010 seems to make amends for that because it possible the BEST YEAR OF THIS GENERATION OF GAMING. With many exclusives and Multiplats coming to EVERY platform in 2010 it seems that the need for a job cannot be any stronger. This is the...
Lets start the name game...(take in any order since some people *cough*Fanboys*cough* might get offended:roll: )
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Platforms: PC360
Why its here:Splinter Cell is one of Ubi's biggest franchises which suprisingly has fallen under their milking radar (thank god!). From the moment Splinter Cell made its day view, people knew it was going to be amazing. Splinter Cell got raving reviews from many publications/websites and earned the MetaCritic rating of : 93. Fast Forward 8 years and we're looking one of the biggest franchises in the Stealth Genere. Splinter Cell has become a household name for "stealth-fanatics" and many many gamers around the world.
Final Fantasy XIII
Platforms: 360 PS3
Why its here: You like RPGS? Yes, No? Who cares, since almost everyone has ALIVE has heard of Final Fantasy and just by its name it deserves to be on this list. That isn't enough? Well lets see. This final fantasy has been hyped for who knows how long and for the first time in gaming history we have its release date period (yeah at least its something) so who wouldn't be excited. FF XIII isn't some spin-off, its a full game just like all the others and just like all the others it is ready to prove it self and so is SE to why the FF series is AAA worthy.
Halo: Reach
Platforms: 360
Why its here: 360 fans can get their popcorn ready since they have a BIG ONE and when i say "big one" I MEAN HUGE. Lets just say Halo reach is getting a new graphical engine and many many other goodies. Halo: Reach tells of a tale, not of Master Chief, of the other people in the war, you know, the people who didn't really matter until now :P and how they fought on the planet called Reach. Reach, which is based of the novel The Fall of Reach is about John and basically, the war that takes on reach. Rumor has it that the players will acctually get to live through SPARTAN TRAINING and theere might even be squad based gameplay mechs. Lets just say, i can't reach 2010 any faster. Get it?:P
God of War III
Platforms: PS3
Why its here: PS3 fans have awaited god knows how long for their first look at the PS3 installment of the God of war franchise and thats exactly what they got this E3 with head-ripping gameplay vids, Kratos cannot get anymore brutal. This game has too much going for it that your brains might explode, lets start with Kratos and how hes got HUGE titans to ride on that will acctually become some of the levels that you play. With entrails spilling everywhere from your enemies, whats not to like when you finally finish of that ass of a father Zeus?
Mass Effect 2
Platforms: PC 360
Why its here: Lets just say that awesome gameplay mechanics, a gripping story, and some *cough**cough* can get you really far in the gaming industry. Mass Effect 2 begins where Mass Effect left off and by that I mean LITERALLY as you can take your saves from the first installment to the other with ALL of your data (possibly one of the best ideas in gaming EVER), stats and of course your own "Sheppard". Bioware is ready to prove to us that catching lightning in a bottle for the second time isn't as hard as it looks.
Alan Wake
Platforms: 360 PC(Probable)
Why its here: Microsoft is not one known for announce games early but unfortunately thats exactly what happened with Alan wake. So lets get to it, Alan wake is first and foremost an Action Adventure game with shooting mechanics and a story to rival many books since, well, maybe because the story IS told like your playing a book. With amazing graphics and what looks to be a gripping story, it seems Remedy and Microsoft have pulled out another winner.
Heavy Rain
Platforms: PS3
Why its here: No this game is JUST NOT QTE's and don't ask David Cage about it either. Heavy Rain is an M-themed game which the devs at Quantic Dream are acctually looking to use correctly since many games, well; they just spill guts everywhere and slap the M on it. Heavy Rain may not be RIGHT game for you but it will definately be the right game for many many gamers because of amazing story telling promised by the Quantic Dreams studio.
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Platforms: Wii
Why its here: It seems Nintendo is finally trying to get back their core fanbase with 2010's installment of their best Wii title. SMG has an outstanding 97 rating on metacritic and all I can say is "The Wii has something else than showelware?" , I kid I kid. SMG has earned many GOTY awards and Miyamoto promises more of the same and that my friends is a good thing, a really good thing. Oh and almost forgot about riding Yoshi, who could forget that?:P
Star-Craft 2
Platforms: PC
Why its here: It has the name STAR CRAFT THATS WHY ITS HERE. Starcraft is THE biggest RTS in gaming industry! It has no competetion. Proof? Thousands still play it after 10 years of its release. Now that is what you call a game with legs. Secondly, does Blizzard EVER dissappoint? No i didn't thing so. Who said PC gaming is dying? Some one whos been living under a rock thats who!:x
BioShock 2
Platforms: PC PS3360
Why its here: Bioshock was one of the best games in the year 2007; with its amazing story and fun while still having a deep gameplay experience and Bioshock 2 seems to be aiming for that same target once again this 2010. Bioshock 2 you get to play as a big daddy, not any big daddy though, the first one. You know what that means? It means you got an awesome drill AS A HAND! Count me in!
Dante's Inferno
Platforms: 360PS3
Why its here: This game screams awesome and while its screaming, its coughs out blood. Wait let me rephrase that, IT GUSHES OUT BLOOD. This bloody and gruesome game is based upon the 7 levels of hell and well, lets just say this game is bloody enough to give even Kratos a run for his money.
Metroid: Other M
Platforms: Wii
Why its here: Okay its metroid, and its bieng made by Team Ninja. You're probably going like "Thats not a good thing". Well thats what i was like until i saw the trailer and was blown away. It seems as Team Ninja are bringing their knowledge from their past games; Ninja Gaiden and applying it perfectly to Metroid: Other M. All that is left to say is that Metroid + Team Ninja = Match made in Heaven.
The Last Guardian
Platforms: PS3
Why its here: Team ICO.,..that isn't enough for you? Team ICO is probably one of the best game devs in the world and I am NOT exaggerating. Shadow of the Collosus was a masterpiece and the same could be and still is said about ICO. Obviously there isn't much info about this game other than the fact that you play as a little boy who has some sort of bird creature as his friend, who occasionally likes to kick some soldiers. Take your bets now folks, the boy or the bird; who'll die?:P
Crackdown 2
Platforms: 360
Why its here: The first one is known to be the game with the Halo 3 beta but no one could have guessed that the game would be so much fun. Although many reviews did give it mediocre reviews, there were many that praised it too. Well we know who was right this time since it has influenced the likes of Infamous and Prototype which both turned out to be amazing games.
Mafia 2
Platforms: PC 360 PS3
Why its here: First of all, you should know that Mafia 1 was one of THE BEST games on the PC i have ever played. It will seriously make you think that GTA really isn't all that special that if taken seriously, GTA could be much better. As open world/sandbox game, Mafia 2 looks to take the crown from the severly hyped GTA 4 and ladies, thats exactly what it will do. Mafia 1 was not focusing on rapid fast cars but on how life would REALLY be like if you joined the Mafiya. Mafiya offers that and more with an increase in the story department, which was already great and a graphical overhaul makes this game a serious contender for GOTY.
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Platforms: PC 360PS3
This game's prequel had an unmatched level of destructibilty for a first person shooter, this sequel looks to follow that trend with even more destructiblity. So yeah you could say that about SP for many games BUT THAT ALSO APPLIES to the MP which is not only another bonus but another game mechanic of its own. Trust me when I say, we have had alot of "Epic" shooters, its time to open the doors and let in the fresh air that is Bad Company 2.
No More Heroes 2
Platforms: Wii
Although by many Wii might be the kiddy version of the PS3/360 consoles, it has its own share of bad-ass games and I don't mean the ones that suck (looks at Conduit). This game has its own, lets see; shtyle which was vacant in many Wii titles. This time it looks as the devs took a page of out Cliffy Bs book and made it more bad-assier than it already was. So trust me Wii fans when I say this is gonna be $%$#%$ AMAZING!
Crysis 2
Platforms: PC 360PS3
Why its here: Crysis 2 is the defining benchmark for PC games now a days and everywhere you go to look at Graphic Card reviews or other tech reviews you will ALWAYS find that Crysis is included in the benchmarks. Why? Because of its amazingly realistic graphics which have not been matched 2 years later. Although the common belief is that graphics does not equal gameplay, Crysis breaks that myth and then goes to "strength mode and kicks its ass". Crysis has an amazing story and Crysis 2 looks to expand on that same rule of "do the mission which way you want". Although your PC may die running this amazing game, you'll always know it died a heroic death or you could be a **** and get it on the consoles.:P
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Well thats all for NOW folks, remember this is a work in progress so don't hate. I will be adding games to this list soon.
PLEASE tell me any others to add and I WILL ADD THEM.
P.S. Clicking on the pics links you to their trailers!!!
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