[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]So how does DI compare to the GOW 3? And how is ODST?(We can continue through PM if you don't want the thread to be derailed :P )IronBassGoW III and DI are coming 2010, so it's pretty much on topic! :o I can't really make a good judgement. I played DI around 3 minutes, while GoWIII around 15 (maybe more). Sony's booth was huge, and they let you play until you were done with the demo. EA's DI booth was smaller and shared with The Saboteur and Brutal Legend :^/ Still, DI felt great while it lasted. The whole The Divine Comedy theme makes it feel fresh, and looks great. But it's really an almost-shameless GoW clone gameplay-wise, at least what I played.
Hmm, thats kinda good and bad. I'm liking the theme/setting of DI but it's launching near GOW 3 and has near identical gameplay. Quite the predicament :x Kudos for the info, IB *salutes*
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