there are so many underrated gems on the PS3
yakuza 4 has one of the best stories of any game this gen and has solid gameplay too. yakuza 4 > GTA4
motorstorm apocolyse is the best arcade racing game out there (my personal favorite racing game this gen). the negative reviews are full of such tripe. the reason it got bashed is because its not a simulator and it is actually challenging.
infamous 2. one of the best open world non-RPG games. it improves the first game in every single way.
resistance 3. it has the best gunplay of any arcadey FPS, period. its campaign is one of the most unique and fresh I have played in a long time. and I dont care what anyone says. its multiplayer is a vast improvement over the last 2 games.
disgaea 4. one of the last really good JRPGs around. you want to talk about a game with replay value? you can invest hundreds of hours into this game
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