So many great games announced for all platforms.2011 promises to be one of the greatest gaming years of all time. Granted some might get pushed back to 2012 but so far the lineup is incredible. Here are the line ups tell me if im missing any other great games. i didnt even list any of the great 3ds games announced.
number are for my predictions of gamespot scores.
infamous 2 (9.0) infamous 2 will be a groundbreaking game similar to uncharted2. not only having good gameplay and graphics will have a big leap.
killzone 3 (9.5) killzone 3 will be the defacto fps to play next year. no game can rival the graphics and gameplay utilized in this sequel.
resistance 3 (8.5) resistance 3 will be a solid game but will not deliver due to insomniacs tendness to work on too many games at once.
littlebigplanet 2 (9.5) lbp 2 will revolutionalize the way players play platformers.
ico/shadow of the colossus HD (9.5) what can i say two classics on one disc=9.0
The last Guardian(10) greatest game of this generation. not opinion fact.
Dc Universe Online (8.0) will be a solid game for people who enjoy mmos
Ratchet and Clank All 4 one (7.5) this will be the worst ratchet and clank game ever made.
motorstorm apocalypse (8.5) motorstorm during an apocalypse? sounds good to me.
socom 4 (8.5)
yakuza 4 (8.0) yakuza a classic series always delivers.
Twisted Metal (9.5) david jaffe will make his return with one hella of a good game.
Agent(9.0) if its anything like red dead ill be happy.
The Agency
No more Heroes: paradise (7.5)no more heroes hd, cant go wrong with that.
ffv13 (6.0) what can i say squarenix is in a slump.
xbox 360:
gears of war 3 (8.0) not a fan of characters saying Ohhhhh yeaah in every cutscene.
Forza 4 (8.5) forza a good racing series will once again deliver the goods for you car maniacs.
zelda skyward sword (8.5) someones gonna cry themselves to sleep every night if this happens again.
mario sports mix (6.5)meeeeeeehhhhh
conduit 2 (8.0) mooooooooooooo
Pikmin 3 (8.0) baaaahhhhhh
batman Arkham city 8.5
marvel vs capcom 3 9.0
mortal kombat 7.5
dragon age 2 9.0
portal 2 9.5
deadspace 2 9.0
crysis 2 8.5
bulletstorm 8.0
rage 7.5
la noire 8.0
de blob 2 7.5
new call of duty (mw3?)
duke nukem forever 3.0
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