Pretty much the only valid interpretation:
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I prefer the Playstation library, even if it's smaller. A whole lot of good exclusives on the PC this year, but lack of some games like «Asura's Wrath»; «Dragon's Dogma» and about 20 others.. I wish those big companies made those games multiplats.
Best 2012 shooter: Halo 4
Best 2012 RPG: Witcher 2, Fable Journey, Dust Elysian Tale, Skyrim 360 exclusive expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT, Ni no Kuni
Best 2012 action title: Ryse, Draco, Haunt
So, what is PC best at exactly ?
PS3 + 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC in 2012 imo
PC has some MMOs and strategy games i wont play, some 2D advnetures i will play on my non gaming PC and pretty much nothing else aside expansions to MMOs
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
Best 2012 shooter: Halo 4
Best 2012 RPG: Witcher 2, Fable Journey, Dust Elysian Tale, Skyrim 360 exclusive expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT, Ni no Kuni
Best 2012 action title: Ryse, Draco, Haunt
So, what is PC best at exactly ?
PS3 + 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC in 2012 imo
PC has some MMOs and strategy games i wont play, some 2D advnetures i will play on my non gaming PC and pretty much nothing else aside expansions to MMOs
I'll be off enjoying my 500 vs 500 vs 500 battles in Planetside 2 while you deal with 8 v 8 on a P2P connection in Halo 4. Enjoy.
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
the pc already has the witcher 2 so wtf are you doing mentioning it in a comparison against the pc? despite what your personal preferences are which are completely irrelevant, the pc has more high scoring exclusives than all three consoles combined and just because you aren't a pc gamer and don't know about them doesn't mean they don't count. it would be no different than me saying "lol. what is dark souls? never heard of it. doesn't count."
Best 2012 shooter: Halo 4
Best 2012 RPG: Witcher 2, Fable Journey, Dust Elysian Tale, Skyrim 360 exclusive expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT, Ni no Kuni
Best 2012 action title: Ryse, Draco, Haunt
So, what is PC best at exactly ?
PS3 + 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC in 2012 imo
PC has some MMOs and strategy games i wont play, some 2D advnetures i will play on my non gaming PC and pretty much nothing else aside expansions to MMOs
I used to think everyone on here gave you a hard time, but you literally are the worst fanboy I've ever seen.
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
Good stuff bro,keep the delusion coming!
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
the pc already has the witcher 2 so wtf are you doing mentioning it in a comparison against the pc? despite what your personal preferences are which are completely irrelevant, the pc has more high scoring exclusives than all three consoles combined and just because you aren't a pc gamer and don't know about them doesn't mean they don't count. it would be no different than me saying "lol. what is dark souls? never heard of it. doesn't count."
Actually his preferences are pretty relevant considering we all base what is better on our preferences. Out of those PC exclusives I'm interested in just ONE. And no, I'm not kidding.
For the PC in 2012 I'm looking forward to:
Knights of the Chalice 2
Legend of Grimrock
ArmA 3
Age of Decadence
Dead State
Iron Front: Liberation 1944
Maybe modded Far Cry 3
Dishonored (multiplat)
It's amazing how many interesting western games are on the PC when compared to the very few on consoles.
Looks like a pretty bleak year to me. I will be buying Mass Effect 3 for sure, and will be keeping my eye on a few select titles, but right now it seems that 2012 will be the year of the back burner.
Best 2012 shooter: Halo 4
Best 2012 RPG: Witcher 2, Fable Journey, Dust Elysian Tale, Skyrim 360 exclusive expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT, Ni no Kuni
Best 2012 action title: Ryse, Draco, Haunt
So, what is PC best at exactly ?
PS3 + 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC in 2012 imo
PC has some MMOs and strategy games i wont play, some 2D advnetures i will play on my non gaming PC and pretty much nothing else aside expansions to MMOs
I used to think everyone on here gave you a hard time, but you literally are the worst fanboy I've ever seen.
You missed the days of -Renegade.
For the PC in 2012 I'm looking forward to:
Knights of the Chalice 2
Legend of Grimrock
ArmA 3
Age of Decadence
Dead State
Iron Front: Liberation 1944
Maybe modded Far Cry 3
Dishonored (multiplat)
It's amazing how many interesting western games are on the PC when compared to the very few on consoles.
Planetside 2, Fire Fall, End of Nations, Guild Wars 2... how could you forget all of those?
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
Can't tell if serious...
For the PC in 2012 I'm looking forward to:
Knights of the Chalice 2
Legend of Grimrock
ArmA 3
Age of Decadence
Dead State
Iron Front: Liberation 1944
Maybe modded Far Cry 3
Dishonored (multiplat)
It's amazing how many interesting western games are on the PC when compared to the very few on consoles.
Planetside 2, Fire Fall, End of Nations, Guild Wars 2... how could you forget all of those?
Haha I haven't looked into Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2 looks interesting but I would want a friend to tag along with me, haven't looked into Fire Fall, and I haven't looked into End of Nations.
I'm getting a gaming PC in a few months for the first time, gotta be easy on me bro.
Best 2012 shooter: Halo 4
Best 2012 RPG: Witcher 2, Fable Journey, Dust Elysian Tale, Skyrim 360 exclusive expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT, Ni no Kuni
Best 2012 action title: Ryse, Draco, Haunt
So, what is PC best at exactly ?
PS3 + 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC in 2012 imo
PC has some MMOs and strategy games i wont play, some 2D advnetures i will play on my non gaming PC and pretty much nothing else aside expansions to MMOs
What have you done with loosingENDS??
I forgot about Shootmania
I'm incredibly curious as to how it turns out. If it turns out to be as addicting as the Trackmania games it could be a major title for me.
I'm not one for MMO's but Firefall and Planetside 2 look interesting.
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
the pc already has the witcher 2 so wtf are you doing mentioning it in a comparison against the pc? despite what your personal preferences are which are completely irrelevant, the pc has more high scoring exclusives than all three consoles combined and just because you aren't a pc gamer and don't know about them doesn't mean they don't count. it would be no different than me saying "lol. what is dark souls? never heard of it. doesn't count."
He does have a point. Sure Dark Souls sucks but Demo'n's Souls smashes most PC games to pieces. Most[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
the pc already has the witcher 2 so wtf are you doing mentioning it in a comparison against the pc? despite what your personal preferences are which are completely irrelevant, the pc has more high scoring exclusives than all three consoles combined and just because you aren't a pc gamer and don't know about them doesn't mean they don't count. it would be no different than me saying "lol. what is dark souls? never heard of it. doesn't count."
But i mainly play single player RPGs, so 360 has both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, PC does not have Dark Souls
Dark Souls is one of the best games i have ever played too and still play it and probably will be playing it for some more years
Why would i ever prefer PC in this case ? To cut back my gaming in half or worst ?
Give me a single reason i should prefer PC over 360 this generation for next gen single player RPG, which is what i mainly play
PS3 + 360 is like a million times better choice
For the PC in 2012 I'm looking forward to:
Knights of the Chalice 2
Legend of Grimrock
ArmA 3
Age of Decadence
Dead State
Iron Front: Liberation 1944
Maybe modded Far Cry 3
Dishonored (multiplat)
It's amazing how many interesting western games are on the PC when compared to the very few on consoles.
Planetside 2, Fire Fall, End of Nations, Guild Wars 2... how could you forget all of those?
Haha I haven't looked into Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2 looks interesting but I would want a friend to tag along with me, haven't looked into Fire Fall, and I haven't looked into End of Nations.
I'm getting a gaming PC in a few months for the first time, gotta be easy on me bro.
Well look into all of them. They are going to be very revolutionary F2P MMOs. None of that pay to win Korean grindfest crap. Good games that we can play for free.
Tribes Ascend is also a fantastic free to play title that's in beta and Super Monday Night Combat is in beta which is also a great free to play title.
Planetside 2, Fire Fall, End of Nations, Guild Wars 2... how could you forget all of those?
Haha I haven't looked into Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2 looks interesting but I would want a friend to tag along with me, haven't looked into Fire Fall, and I haven't looked into End of Nations.
I'm getting a gaming PC in a few months for the first time, gotta be easy on me bro.
Well look into all of them. They are going to be very revolutionary F2P MMOs. None of that pay to win Korean grindfest crap. Good games that we can play for free.
Tribes Ascend is also a fantastic free to play title that's in beta and Super Monday Night Combat is in beta which is also a great free to play title.
Planetside 2 will be F2P?
Haha I haven't looked into Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2 looks interesting but I would want a friend to tag along with me, haven't looked into Fire Fall, and I haven't looked into End of Nations.
I'm getting a gaming PC in a few months for the first time, gotta be easy on me bro.
Well look into all of them. They are going to be very revolutionary F2P MMOs. None of that pay to win Korean grindfest crap. Good games that we can play for free.
Tribes Ascend is also a fantastic free to play title that's in beta and Super Monday Night Combat is in beta which is also a great free to play title.
Planetside 2 will be F2P?
Yes, but it will be just like Team Fortress 2 where the only things that you can buy are cosmetic upgrades, which are massively profitable market for MMOs. The game is 100% free to play and is larger and far more in-depth than the last without being cumbersome like Planetside was.
It's the real deal.
Tribes Ascend is also a fantastic free to play title that's in beta and Super Monday Night Combat is in beta which is also a great free to play title.
Don't you find the persistent upgrades problematic? the way it works right now, you get upgrades for your character that objectively improve their stats (like health and energy upgrades). I've noticed the winning team is almost always composed of more highly ranked players who have had the chance to purchase these upgrades. When playing for free, it takes a very long time to earn EXP. to unlock this stuff, while paying lets you gain access to it much faster.
sounds a lot like pay 2 win.
still, its better than a lot of F2P games.
PC games I am looking forward to playing this year
Guild Wars 2
ArcheAge (doubt this will get a western release this year though)
The Secret World
Diablo 3
TorchLight 2
StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm
Console games I am looking forward to playing this year
The Last Guardian
The Last Story
Games I am keeping an eye on, but highly pessimistic about
PlanetSide 2 (AKA PlanetCoD 2)
Tribes Ascend is also a fantastic free to play title that's in beta and Super Monday Night Combat is in beta which is also a great free to play title.
Don't you find the persistent upgrades problematic? the way it works right now, you get upgrades for your character that objectively improve their stats (like health and energy upgrades). I've noticed the winning team is almost always composed of more highly ranked players who have had the chance to purchase these upgrades. When playing for free, it takes a very long time to earn EXP. to unlock this stuff, while paying lets you gain access to it much faster.
sounds a lot like pay 2 win.
still, its better than a lot of F2P games.
There's still a lot of work to be done unfortunately, I'm hanging out for bigger maps and customisable loadouts (why they just didn't go with items instead of classes baffles me).[QUOTE="Maroxad"]Whyso? It looks like SOE know what they're doing, it all seems very promising.Games I am keeping an eye on, but highly pessimistic about
PlanetSide 2 (AKA PlanetCoD 2)
They all could turn out well, but at the moment, I am not too pleased of what I hear regarding PS2. Beta is when I will make my final judgement.
Bolded the ones that have made some players brand it as PlanetCoD.
[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="Maroxad"]Whyso? It looks like SOE know what they're doing, it all seems very promising. killcam and killstreaksSigh, Killstreaks, really? Killcam is stupid, that's true, it just ruins intel completely. But killstreaks, that's beyond stupid.Games I am keeping an eye on, but highly pessimistic about
PlanetSide 2 (AKA PlanetCoD 2)
Only looking forward to a few of those(( k maybe more :P ),
Halo 4, Tribes, Firefall, CSGO, Mass Effect 3, Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai, Guild Wars 2, and Shootmania will probably be insane.
Best 2012 shooter: Halo 4
Best 2012 RPG: Witcher 2, Fable Journey, Dust Elysian Tale, Skyrim 360 exclusive expansions, Mass Effect 3 KINECT, Ni no Kuni
Best 2012 action title: Ryse, Draco, Haunt
So, what is PC best at exactly ?
PS3 + 360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC in 2012 imo
PC has some MMOs and strategy games i wont play, some 2D advnetures i will play on my non gaming PC and pretty much nothing else aside expansions to MMOs
LOL atMass Effect 3 KINECT, wtf is that?!
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
What if I don't play RPGs?
[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="skrat_01"] Whyso? It looks like SOE know what they're doing, it all seems very promising.skrat_01killcam and killstreaksSigh, Killstreaks, really? Killcam is stupid, that's true, it just ruins intel completely. But killstreaks, that's beyond stupid.
No, there are no killstreaks and the killcam is very experimental and could just be toss out of the game if they can't find a way to make it work right in the beta.
Yes, PC is indeed superior this year... wait what am I saying? It's superior every year! :lol:
Not for shooters or single player RPGs though
Dark Souls is better for me than all PC exluisves combined
360 gets both Witcher 2 and Dark SOuls, so that is the best system by miles
PC has the best version of BF3, all other games can disappear from the face of the planet as far as I'm concerned, so that is the best system by miles.
See, I can play that game too!
Whyso? It looks like SOE know what they're doing, it all seems very promising.[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="Maroxad"]
Games I am keeping an eye on, but highly pessimistic about
PlanetSide 2 (AKA PlanetCoD 2)
They all could turn out well, but at the moment, I am not too pleased of what I hear regarding PS2. Beta is when I will make my final judgement.
Bolded the ones that have made some players brand it as PlanetCoD.
You obviously haven't read anything in depth about the game if that's what you think the game has turned into.
Educate yourself
They also are implementing iron sites in a way that the community wants them implemented. Their interaction with the community has been nothing short of amazing.
Sigh, Killstreaks, really? Killcam is stupid, that's true, it just ruins intel completely. But killstreaks, that's beyond stupid.[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="lawlessx"] killcam and killstreaksWasdie
No, there are no killstreaks and the killcam is very experimental and could just be toss out of the game if they can't find a way to make it work right in the beta.
Check this video
He mentions Killstreaks around the 2:45-3:00 mark. Furthermore, it was mentioned again when they stated that killstreaks would not be as redicilous at those in CoD. So yes, I am pretty darn certain they are in.
[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Sigh, Killstreaks, really? Killcam is stupid, that's true, it just ruins intel completely. But killstreaks, that's beyond stupid.Maroxad
No, there are no killstreaks and the killcam is very experimental and could just be toss out of the game if they can't find a way to make it work right in the beta.
Check this video
He mentions Killstreaks around the 2:45-3:00 mark. Furthermore, it was mentioned again when they stated that killstreaks would not be as redicilous at those in CoD. So yes, I am pretty darn certain they are in.
Read those links I posted above. They aren't what you think they are. Killstreaks would just be some sort of "yay you got 10 kills" on your screen and wouldn't give you any bonuses at all.
No, there are no killstreaks and the killcam is very experimental and could just be toss out of the game if they can't find a way to make it work right in the beta.
Check this video
He mentions Killstreaks around the 2:45-3:00 mark. Furthermore, it was mentioned again when they stated that killstreaks would not be as redicilous at those in CoD. So yes, I am pretty darn certain they are in.
Read those links I posted above. They aren't what you think they are. Killstreaks would just be some sort of "yay you got 10 kills" on your screen and wouldn't give you any bonuses at all.
Ahh good to hear. Looks like some people spread me misinformation then. Thanks for correcting.
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