Many people have been complaining due to the lack of great JRPGs this gen, sure, we've been having great games and some of them have already earned the title of clasics (Valkyria Chronicles), however, 2012 is looking like probably the best year for JRPGs in a long, long time (at least in North America).
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Whether you like it or not, FFXIII met a huge success both with critics and gamers alike, this sequel seems to be addressing most of the complaints in the original as well as improving the formula and it's looking good so far.
Tales of Grace F
The Lack of Tales Games this gen in EU and NA have been heart breaking for a lot of fans, however, this will change when Tales of Grace F finally gets localized next year.
Ni no Kuni: White Witch
FinalStar already has a thread about this game, only thing i can add is that it looks beautiful.
Paper Mario 3DS
One of the most beloved Nintendo franchises is back, Paper Mario 3DS seems to have a similar gameplay as the first 2 games and hopefuly it will have the same charm and amazing writing the series is loved for.
Kingdom Hearts 3DS
Yet another KH spinoff...sorry, not my cup of tea but good news for the fans.
Fire Emblem 3DS
One of Nintendo's best franchises, Fire Emblem will be back next year.
Xenoblade Chronicles
Considered by many the best JRPG in years and one of the best games this gen, Xenoblade is finally coming to NA next year, already available in Europe.
Dragon Quest X
One of the most important franchises in Japan, Dragon Quest X will be Wii's last hurra as well as WiiU first major 3rd party title.
Tales of Xillia
Already released in Japan and with no plans to being localized yet...however we can only hope since is considered to be one of the best Tales game since Symphonia.
Final Fantasy XIII Versus
Could this finally be the year???
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