Versus XIII is not confirmed to be 2012 is it? Yet you dont have XIII-2 up there it seems. Also, Tales of the Abyss 3DS. Hopefully Bravely Default makes its way to NA.
It is kind of the first game on the list :P
AAAAAAHHHHH! I see now, you just failed to post a pic for it :P.
XIII-2? Maybe day one (I will get back to you when I play my copy of XIII)
Graces F? Day one
Ni no Kuni? Bargain bin (so far, but who knows)
Paper Mario? Day one (Hope its like the first two)
Kingdom Hearts? Never played one (IDK about this one)
Fire Emblem? Never played one (they look too strategy based)
Xenoblade? Day one!
Dragon Quest X? Bargain Bin (Never played one, we will see...oh wait this an MMO piece of junk right?)
Xillia? Day one (if it comes to NA)
Versus XIII? 2012? 
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