Now, before you guys start flinging crap at me, I'm not going so far as to say that it will be "the best year of gaming ever" as so many have said in previous years, but merely that it's looking impressive.
First off we have all of the 2016 games that got pushed back such as Horizon and Mass Effect Andromeda among others. For Honor had a really fun Alpha demo and releases early next year. Sonic is making a classic comeback. Then Nintendo's new Switch system actually has potential this time around with the release of the new Zelda on both platforms.
Later in the year we have Red Dead Redemption 2 and possibly Shenmue 3 hitting though odds of both of those getting pushed to 2018 are pretty high. Then of course, everything between.
Next year marks Final Fantasy 7's 20th anniversary so having Remake land sometime next year is plausible. We may also see the likes of Ace Combat 7, God of War reboot, and Detroit BH.
It's shaping up to be a great looking year. We'll wait and see how the games turn out and what's going to be delayed but the potential is pretty high.
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