I agree with his first point, and his second is sort of a non issue for either (since the dialogue in both games is bad). However, I would strongly disagree with his third point about exploration being rewarded.
When I rented the game, I often found that my early attempts to go off the beaten path were met with swift death due to my underleveled party. Even just following mission markers was often a lottery, since some of the missions dolled out earlier on are all but impossible to complete without grinding levels.
This wouldn't be an issue if the quests were graded based on difficulty, or if there was a fast travel system implemented at the beginning. However, when I played the game (about a month or two ago) neither of these systems existed. Therefore I would often trek for 15-45 minutes toward a quest, only to be mercilessly slaughtered and sent all the way back to an auto save in the city I initially left.
Even saving on the road makes little difference, since you still have to track back if you are hitting a difficulty wall, and try and find a quest that is actually on par with your level. I really tried to enjoy the game, and look past its shortcomings, but after about 10 hours or so I just got fed up of all the time I was wasting attempting quests only to die or retreat, backtrack and then try another.
I am aware that later on you can buy objects that allow you to fast travel, but they should just allow it throughout the entire game. They should also grade the quests, since then you know what you're getting into, and your first time through the game you can easily follow the path the developers laid out for you.
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