@dexda said:
@metawiz: Name one thing in any game that you can do at 60fps that is impossible at 30.
Quake 3 - however that's not what's on the table. I could say the same about 20 fps, Dark Souls is still playable at 20 fps, I bet skilled players could do fairly well at that frame rate. However higher skilled moves, like parry/repose or dodging on sl1 playthrough are much more responsive and accurate at 60 than 30, that's an objective fact not a matter of preference. The difference is night and day.
Even 10 fps is still technically playable. I used play goldeneye and perfect dark 4 player split screen all the time back in the day, those games LITERALLY ran at 8-12 fps, and it was playable. I did quite well. The kind of play that frame rate required is night and day different from what it could have been given a high frame rate.
Watch this and tell me you don't notice a radical difference during camera pans - https://youtu.be/NE9nONBpdc0
60 fps doesn't just look smoother, it feels smoother, it allows for more responsive controls. Yes 30 is playable, but so it 15 - both look terrible and fail to achieve a responsive game feel. There have been academic studies on this (- https://web.cs.wpi.edu/~claypool/papers/fr/fulltext.pdf ) lower frame rates artificially raise the skill floor while lowering the skill ceiling.
Games that require accurate controls absolutely should be at 60 - in this day and age we have so much power even in the modern consoles, its all marketing that is holding us back. You can market fancy shadows, but most people don't understand frame rate. 60 fps will always feel significantly better than 30, and will allow for much higher levels of play than 30, because of the increased responsiveness - at least in any game that requires input accuracy and if you think that Dark Souls doesn't I question if you've actually played the game.
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